Chapter 30 - Lunch Break

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"Going somewhere?" Terushima shows his wide grin as you stop and look back.

"I- I was just," you stammer

"Why are you spying on me?" Terushima leans down so his face is just inches away from you.

You lean back awkwardly, "I didn't-

"So suspicious." He pulls you and traps you between him and the wall.

"I'm not spying!"

"I've seen you through the mirror, you've been standing there, since I walk out of the class" Terushima presses his lips together, holding back a laugh, "You're not pulling another prank on me, are you?"

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"I've seen you through the mirror, you've been standing there, since I walk out of the class" Terushima presses his lips together, holding back a laugh, "You're not pulling another prank on me, are you?"

"What?! No!"

"is it your new hobby then, stalking me?" He seems to have too much fun in this conversation.

"I'm not... stalking" you look away as you wonder: is what I just do is consider as stalking?

"What you got there?" Terushima eyeing down at your hand that clutching the bento bag.

Now you remember what you want to do earlier, "right. You forgot your bento"

"Oh. Let's eat, then" He beams and grabs your hand.

"But I said to Kana and Mei I'll meet up with them at the cafeteria" you trying to keep up with his big strides.

"You eat with them every day for over two years, " he says dismissively, "you make bento for a break from the cafeteria's food, aren't you? Why stop there. Let's take a break from the cafeteria"

You think about it for a moment and end up agreeing with him. Terushima keeps on holding your hand as he navigates the way. Some student turns their head to both of you when you pass them. Even though it makes you uncomfortable, you try to ignore them.

"Where are we going?" You ask when he leads you out of the school building, a little bothered by the sun that shines too bright and getting hotter as the summer holiday coming closer.

"Remember about the shed behind the school?" He asks back.

The shed behind the school is sound familiar to you, but you fail to remember when did you hear it, "No"

"Well it's actually a shrine"

"A what?"

Terushima only stops after you are away pretty far from the school building, where the loud buzzing of students is no longer in earshot. Where the two of you facing a long line of hedges. Its height is at least four meters. There's a black metal gate in the middle and through the bars, you can see on the other side, the plants are overgrown. The paving path is barely visible from the thick grass and moss. There's a chain circle around the gate and locked by a padlock.

 There's a chain circle around the gate and locked by a padlock

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