Chapter 4 - The Party

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The night getting late and Loud music still blaring through the house. Yuito's house--where the party being thrown, was big. Built like a rich person house in the American movie you've watched, one of that house with a lot of wasted space, lots of room when only three people were living in it. The furniture was modern and minimalist, arranged just like those pictures in the fancy interior magazine.

Over the music, distant chatter and laughter could be heard. People start to get a little tipsy, including you. Your balance gets unsteady, make you accidentally bumping into someone, spilling your drink on them.

"I'm so sorry" you look up. You pause when you could recognize the person.

Ay... the cute guy from the cafeteria...

His face up-close was simply; 'holy shit he's hot'. His eyes were honey brown, his jawline was sharp and defined. And his smell is heaven.

"It's okay..." he mumbles as he trying to dry his shirt with his hand. when he speaks you notice there's a piercing on his tongue and you couldn't deny that you are excited to know more about him.

"Let me help you..." you snap out of your trance and snatch some tissue from a nearby high table.

"Hey--" he voices, "--you're the new girl..."

"That's me..." you hum, not surprised that he (or anyone for that matter) knew you're the new girl since Yuito announced you with a megaphone at the beginning of the party.

"Terushima Yuuji..." he offers his hand to you, "first year, my class is just next to yours"

You a little bit surprised that he knows where your class at, and apparently, he's catching your expression and understand what you would think, he adds, "I'm not stalking, I saw you walk pass my class this morning and it's kind of hard to forget your face when everyone's talking about you"

"Of course" you give your most charming laugh as You take his hand, "(L/n)¹ (F/n)², nice to meet you"

You don't really know what or how it happened after that, but you were sure it was started cutely with light conversation, like, same taste in music, jokes, giggles even laughter, more drinking, and some more drinking, intimate staring, slowly closing the space between you two. Now it ended with your body being pinned against the wall by Terushima, your lips lost in his kiss, his hand roamed to every of your curve. Your hands tracing his stomach and oh my gosh he has abs.

Terushima's left hand fumbling to open a door to a bedroom while the other pressing on your back, firmly keeping you stay close to him. Once the door opens, he wasted no time to carry you inside and lay you down on the bed. Terushima then continued to press his body against yours, using his elbows to propped half of his weight. As the kisses become harder and more urgent, Terushima began to grinded his thigh against your clothed private, giving the right pressure to arouse you more. Your heart accelerates more than it already has, flowing your blood faster, making your body a burning mess.

When one of his hand slips under your shirt and starts to travel up to cup your breast, you feel something vibrating from his pocket. The first two vibrates were ignored by him, and then after the fourth vibrations, his hand leaving you and reaching inside his pocket.

"Tch... what is--" he breaks away from the kiss to look at his phone that still vibrating, you get a glance at the phone, 'mom calling' written on the screen.

"Oh shit, it's my mom. I need to take this," Terushima abruptly get up and walk out of the room,

"Wait, seriously?" you gape, breath still ragged from his arousal.

The door closes with a soft click before you are left with complete silence. One minute, two minutes, he still not coming back. After five minutes you decided to follow him out of the room and immediately took a sharp gasp when you saw him kissing another girl in the hall outside.

"What the fuck" you curse out loud. Terushima breaks the kiss and looks at you.

"Oh... shit... I forgot about you" he runs his hand through his hair and then starts to laugh, "I'm so sorry"

"Wow... you are- You just-" you can't even get the right word what to call him right now. What he did is beyond your definition of worse.

"Should we continue? where were we?" he steps away from the girl in front of him.

"Excuse me?" the girl he left behind frown.

"Oh right" Terushima pauses to look back at her, "that was fun, you can go n-


Terushima can't finish when the girl slapped him in the face. Due to his intoxicated state, the slap made him lose balance and fall on all four. The girl just walks away without looking back.

"Yup... get that a lot..." he said as he got up on his feet again.

"Got that a lot, huh?" you smirk darkly, "what about this one?" as soon as the sentence leaves your mouth, you swing your leg toward him and kicked him hard on his crotch.

"Ugh!" Terushima groans in pain and crumbles to the floor once again while you just left him.

"Nice move new girl" some guy you passed that has been watching the scene, laugh and hanging their hand for a high five,

"Thanks" you smirk as you gave them a high five.

"Bitch!" Terushima shouts from behind you.

"Asshole!" you shout back.

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