Chapter 7 - The Vow has Been Spoken

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With the last tap of the eyeshadow, you open your eyes and stare your reflection in the mirror. Your hair is neatly hidden inside a stiff wig for a bride, and your face is in full makeup. You stand up before a few women dress you into your wedding kimono--a very heavy set of cloth you ever wear, then, the last thing they put on is the headdress (wataboshi).

After you are dressed up, they leave you alone in the room. You get back to sit in the chair in front of the vanity mirror, sighing for the hundred times. The more time pass, the more anxious you get. You thought you will not care when this time arrives and you assure yourself that at least they finally will shut up about the betrothed thing because you finally marrying the intended boy. But when you are being left alone like this, looking at your reflection in a grand, white, kimono, you can't help but wonder, is this it? Are you just going to give up and let a boy you barely know own you?

Suddenly, knocks sounds on the door.

"(F/n)?" A boy's voice can be heard over the door.

You abruptly stand up as you recognize the voice, "Tetsurou..."

You walk to the door and open it, "I can't do this!" You whisper-shout.

"O-oi! You shouldn't open the--" Kuroo fluster, "whoa... you-" his eyes scanning you up and down, "you look beautiful..." his eyes soften.

"I can't do this..." you grab Kuroo's hands, can't really give a thought about what he just said, "let's just leave... the two of us..."

Kuroo gently pushes you back to the room as he steps in as well. He closes the door behind him without looking away from you, "I can't do that..." he says with a sad smile.

Your eyes welling with tears and there's a moment of silence.

"Well, can you help me get away from here?" You pleaded.

"I can't do that either... I can't take you away from your family. That's just... wrong" he says then whisper, "no matter how bad I want to..."

You blink, making your tear roll down your cheek.

Kuroo sigh and wipe your tear carefully so he will not mess your make up, "come on, it can't be that bad. Even if it turns out bad, there is always a way to start over... and... I'll be there to help you to get through it--if you want me to..."

"You will?" You look him in the eyes.

"yeah..." Kuroo nods.

The door then opens again, Your mother comes. She's taken aback when he sees Kuroo inside.

"Tetsurou? What are you doing here?" She raises her eyebrows.

"I was just... heh" Kuroo scratches his head, "I'll leave..."

"you should, because the ceremony will start soon," says your mother.

You exchange a look with Kuroo before he leaves the room. Your mother turns to look at you again. She studying your face and dress, to check if there's something missing. she paused for a moment, you notice her eyes start to shimmer with tears but she didn't say anything.

"what?" you ask, barely audible.

"nothing" your mother shakes her head, "Shall we?" She says as she wipes a tear in the corner of her eyes. Your mother takes your hand and begins to walk with you. The wedding is being held in a Shinto shrine near The Terushimas's mansion--an old Japanese house, up in the mountain. The shrine is tucked away deep in a mountain with a spacious garden and is, peaceful and private. Only close family members attend the wedding ceremony. 

Outside, Terushima has stood under a parasol which is held by some guy wearing dark-green and white kimono. Terushima wearing a montsuki haori hakama,  a traditional wedding attire for the groom. You step quietly beside Terushima and notice his ear piercing has been taken off, his hair being neatly slick back.

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