Chapter 11 - Understanding

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*some minutes earlier*

you slip into your green parka coat and get out of your room again. As you descend the stairs you get a glimpse of Terushima in the living room, carrying his cat. you roll your eyes and continue to march out of the house, not forgetting to slam the door behind you.

"What is her problem..." Terushima mumble,

A sighing noise can be heard from behind him, "that's not good," says Watanabe, "she tends to make trouble every time she leaves the house like that"

Terushima raises his eyebrow, he thinks this might be the right time to find out more about Watanabe. "you seem to know her very well..." begin Terushima,

"I've been working for her family before she was born... " Watanabe walks to the kitchen counter and begins to unload the groceries. "I must apologize if she threatens to kill your cat, but don't worry she won't do that... she never kills a living thing all her life,"

"she also threatened to throw my cat out of the house,--" Terushima deadpan.

"that... she might do it for real..." Watanabe slightly chuckles,

"Are you really supposed to laugh on a matter like that?" Terushima pouts,

"It just reminds me of something... once on her birthday party--maybe her fourteen birthday, one of the guest give her a bird in a golden cage, she just take the cage straight out of the house and set the bird free, when the guest mad and ask why she set it free, she just ask him back: why you cage it?" Watanabe chuckles again, "she really hates the idea of... being entrapped... and she never fancies the word: pet. It drove her crazy when she sees people put a cloth on their pet and then parade them"

"I don't do that..." Terushima chimes in quietly,

"what she did is really childish, but... she just a teenager after all... a teenager that has to live far away from her family, and live only with her butler and maid, and forced to be married to someone she never knew. I know it must be not easy for you too. No teenagers should through what the two of you through"

Terushima listens to Watanabe solemnly and gives a thought about it. He never really see everything from (Y/n)'s perspective; far from home and live with the guy--plus a cat that she hates without ever given any other choice. Terushima's mind then wanders to Watanabe, he can tell that the guy doesn't just work for (F/n)' family but he cares too. Now he has more respect for Watanabe.

"I'm sure you're more than just a butler for her," says Terushima, "anyone can tell, your words can reach her and actually have an effect on her"

"You think so?" a doubt is clear in Watanabe's voice,

"I mean it..." Terushima convince him, "I've seen a teacher trying to do the same to her, but it doesn't work like what you did,"

"I'm glad to hear that then," Watanabe smiles, "she being really difficult lately, I thought she doesn't want to listen to me anymore"

"Lately?" Terushima gives him a subtle shock look "I thought, you know, she's a typical spoiled rich kid--always has everything since she was born so she does whatever she likes--cliché..."

"believe it or not, she was a kind and gentle girl as a kid... smart, diligent, obedient even... she doesn't hesitate to give help to whoever needs it"

"so when did she start to bite like that..." Terushima murmur,

Watanabe laughs softly, but it sounds sad somehow "When you have everything, being the center of attention, people around you tend to get jealous. That's what happened to her. She was seven if I remember correctly when there are a few of her classmates bullied her for... simply; being perfect... she cries to me a lot, so... I told her to be brave and I taught her how to stood up"

"so the way she fights was your doing?" Terushima smirk,

"her dad doesn't know that, so if you can keep it like that, I will be grateful..." Watanabe laughs then become serious again, "because she fights back, her parent become more strict toward her. But it just makes her more rebellious than ever... if they just give a bit of freedom she deserves, I'm sure it doesn't have turns out to be this hard... "

Terushima looks thoughtfully at Watanabe as the butler put away some good into the refrigerator. Watanabe's remark reminds him of the rebellious act he has done himself. Terushima somehow can understand your struggle. He once swore to himself that he will be the most hate-able guy on earth just to cancel the ridiculous betrothed thing.

"I'm making chicken katsu for dinner—" Watanabe takes out a chicken from the freezer, "—hope you're okay with it?" Watanabe looks at Terushima,

"as long as it food and it's good, I'll eat it" Terushima shrugs,

"(F/n) haven't eaten dinner yet" Watanabe continues to mumbling to himself, "where is she... she likes chicken katsu... I wonder she gets to eat decent food... maybe someone should look for her" Watanabe glances at Terushima,

Terushima snorts a laugh, "I'm sure I will be the last person she wants to see-" and then a chirp from his phone stopping him. Terushima takes out his phone from his pocket and opens the message notification. It's from his best friend slash the middle blocker on Johzenji's volleyball team, Kazuma.

Kazuma: Thought you might want to know.

Kazuma sent a picture

it's your picture talking with some guy, a party seemingly happen in the background. Terushima has been friends with Kazuma for the longest time, he told Kazuma about everything, including the whole betrothed and marriage things. Terushima frown as he takes a double look at the picture because he knows the guy you are talking to. Terushima tapping his finger on his phone to reply to Kazuma.

Terushima: keep an eye on her, be there in 5

Kazuma: yes sir

"I gotta go..." Says Terushima as he put down his cat.

Terushima gets his jacket in his room before opening the garage and leaves with his motorcycle.

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