Chapter 15 - The Raising Tension

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"What happened back there?" your friends coming over to you, leaving the boys from Terushima's class who still celebrating in the middle of the clearing ground. You still blank out as you walk out the arena through a wooden gate.

"why I didn't see any paint mark on you?" the other one question you.

"because... because..." you whisper,

As you trying to get back to your team's waiting-lounge, you heard a commotion from afar. Terushima has walked with his friends toward his own team's lounge. Every movement of the flag that they're waving and every laugh that burst from them making your body grow hot and boiling your blood. Then Terushima slightly turns, your eyes landed on his lips and images of that pair of lips moving against yours flooding your thought. Not only your chest feel hot, now your cheeks are also burning.

Terushima eyes flicker and found your figure who stand a few feet away from him, he grins and waving at you, "hun! thanks for the flag!"

"urgh!" you shriek and march angrily toward him, "you dirty!--" you throw you paintball gun at him.

"whoa!" the guys exclaim and back away, except Terushima. He looks like he really enjoying the moment. 

"--little!" you take off your team safety vest too and then throw at him again, "--cheater!" you swinging your hands, aiming to punch Terushima's in the face but he easily catches your hands, 

"Honey I'ts no cheating, it's called strategy"

"dirty evil strategy" 

"you starting it," he emphasizes every word, "using dirty trick on us, remember?"

"No, I didn't" you gritted your teeth as you try to pull your hand away from Terushima's hand, you silent for a moment because you mentally admit you did do something to them, "all I did just give a little poke, the rest are because of your class suck" 

"so I did, I just give a little poke... in the Lips," Terushima says, "this makes us even. now, if you'll excuse me, I have a victory to celebrate" he let go your hands and walks away. 

You whipped around and walk into your team's room. You just stepping one leg inside the room and a barrage of questions already fired at you. 

"how did we lose after we get so close?!" the class representative throwing his hands in frustration.

"I don't know, okay! they... they have prepared" you stammer.

"oh I think I know what happened," one of your classmate showing her phone screen. it's a post from  @Johzenji_MorningTea, a stupid Instagram account who upload every stupid story that happens around the school. The post is a one minute video, display in first person view that running through trees and bushes, and seemingly chasing someone. 

You suck in a really long breath as you recognize the person who got chase in the video is you. One of the guys who chased you in the paintball game has made a video while he plays. Then everything that happened is showed in there; when Terushima suddenly jumps down and 'distract you'. "damn~" you heard the guy who record it all wolf-whistling while he passed you and Terushima.

Your breath starts to ragged, your chest heaving quickly as you feel anger rising from the pit of your stomach. "arrrrrrghhhhh!!!!" you scream in a high pitch voice. Then you start to laugh, you laugh and laugh as you leaving the room. Everybody silent as they all following your figure that disappears into the hallway.

"she looks like she's about to witch hunting someone," Kana who got out earlier from the battleground after an ambush, break the silent.

The next three days you brainstorming to get back on Terushima and planning everything. Unfortunately, you can't think about something that could break him, but your twisted mind still won't give up so you come up with some prank. 

On the day you get the 'thing' to prank him, you sneak on Terushima's room when his taking a bath (after you learn how long he took time to take a bath) and slip a tiny wireless speaker on the pocket of his trouser uniform, then you clumsily sew closed the pocket.

At school after half of the first period, you excuse yourself to go to the bathroom, but when you got out from your class you turn your heels toward Terushima's class. When you took a peek through the window, the class was silent as the teacher explaining a subject in front of the class. You can see Terushima listening to the teacher with a bored expression like the rest of the class.

'perfect' you grin wickedly as you open a fart noises app in your phone which was connected to the speaker on Terushima's trouser. you click on one of the sounds on the app and it immediately plays through the speaker. the class instantly pause and turn their attention toward Terushima, some trying to hold their laugh and some shamelessly burst out a laugh. The said boy startle and looking down on his groin.

"Terushima-san if you have some urgent business to do, you are free to go..." says the teacher, with that the whole class broke into laughter once again.

Terushima's face goes crimson as he stands hastily, "I'm not, it's not me..." he reaches his pocket but unable takes the speaker since you sealed off his pocket. you play the sound once again and finally, Terushima run out of the class. Outside the class, you play the fart sound again when there are two girls passing Terushima.

"it's not me I swear, it's just there's this thing inside my pants that keep letting out fart noises" Terushima explain himself.

"eww..." the girls murmur and leave him.

"that come out wrong," Terushima sighed as he dropped his face on his palm while you cackling from afar because you know this going to be a long, embarrassing day for him.

"that come out wrong," Terushima sighed as he dropped his face on his palm while you cackling from afar because you know this going to be a long, embarrassing day for him

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After school, before dinner, when you working on your homework in your room, suddenly your door slam open and making a loud bang. Terushima still wearing the Johzenji' volleyball club jacket standing in the threshold letting out a steamy breath, his eyebrow knitted angrily.

"a knock would be nice," you say in a sarcastic way.

Terushima doesn't say anything and just stomping into your room. His hand dive into his bag in a quick second before he slams it on your desk, leaving a tiny, round metallic thing--the speaker you buy a day earlier.

"it's on" he says, voice sound craze.

"I'm lost... what is happening?" you raise an eyebrow.

"it's on," he says again as he backing away to the door, eyes still boring into yours,

"uuh... you left your--" you glance at the speaker, "--little tingy"

"it's on" all he says before he disappearing out of your room.

You only snort and laughing quietly in your room.

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