Chapter 6 - Mortal Enemy

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After you found out that Terushima Yuuji is the boy that intended for you, on that day at the principal office, a day after you transferred to Johzenji, your relationship with him are getting worse.

The two of you officially became a mortal enemy, there was no break at harassing each other. Sometimes he purposely kissed his new girlfriend (he changes a lot) in your field of vision. Sometimes you ignore it, sometimes it's hard to do so. So, If you hold something in your hand (something harmless), you would throw it at him and act as if he's a trash can. Or if you hold a bottle of water, you would squirt the water at him and pretend that you are just a clumsy person. When you both pass in the hall, the two of you would harshly, brushing each other shoulders, and throw a cynical comment.

What the worst is when you were on your cleaning duty and you have to water the flowers. Just your luck the flowerbed in school was placed exactly under Terushima's class. He would throw anything at you, aiming so it will barely miss your body just to scare the hell out of you. Of course, you not just stay still, you would aim the hose at him on the second floor and spurt the water while yelling; "Oh no! there's a huge piece of shit on the window, yikes"

Days morph into weeks, weeks into months, months into the year. And without you realize, you begin your third year in Johzenji. You were so focused on hating Terushima, you forget about your hassle toward your family. Your father once calls you, he said he was proud that you stay in Johzenji without causing trouble and that was really awkward for you.

You still hate all the betrothed thing, but right now, making Terushima's life miserable is just way more fun. You will not let any chance slip, today, for example, today after the school's over you hear that the boys' volleyball team lost in the qualifiers of Inter-high Tournament. Even though right now you were walking on the second-floor corridor with your friends but when you see Terushima about to walk to the gym with his team in the yard--still in Johzenji volleyball uniform, you spare a time to shout to him.

"Yo! Trash'shima..."

Terushima look up and his face already telling you to fuck off,

You continue, "heard the volleyball team lose again, is it because you confuse about how to play it? 'Since there is no place to put your dick in?"

"Don't you have a job waiting for you in the toilet? You know those dicks won't blow themselves up" Terushima scoffs.

"Excuse me, do I look like your ex-girlfriends?" you laugh hard since recently he just broke up with his girlfriend because she got caught red-handed with a baseball player in the toilet, doing a 'favor' for the boy. His words just backfired on him, and there's nothing funnier than that for you.

"Tch..." Terushima threw his gaze away from you and continue to walk toward the gym.

You laugh more while clutching your stomach.

"the two of you just can't stay away from each other too long, can you," says Kana with a smirk.

"what?" your laugh comes to a halt, "ew, don't say it like that..."

You descend the stairs and walk to the school's gate. All the small talking with your friends stop when you see your butler waiting for you by the gate.

"uh... I'll see you guys tomorrow..." you wave your friends and hurry to Watanabe.

"what's going on?" you ask him,

"Ojou-sama... your grandfather's condition is not good again, he got hospitalized last night. your father has asked you to come home immediately..." Watanabe informs you as he shows you the way to a taxi. He has already packed your thing in a small suitcase. The taxi then pulls off and drive you to the airport. The family chauffeur picks you up once you arrive in Tokyo, and drop you right away at the hospital.

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