Chapter 16 -The War

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Your life is officially back thrown into chaos, what caused it? your little prank yesterday triggered it. Let's just say you afraid to go home for over two months.

Day 1

Your eyes snap open and jolt upright when a loud air-horn sound blaring throughout your room,  piercing your ears.

"What!? what!?" you gasp panickily.

"Wake up hun, you don't wanna be late to school, do you?" Terushima says in between his sadistic laugh.

"Okay..." you narrow your eyes as you mentally accept the challenge.

Day 2

You turned off the water faucets to the house and hides all of the water bottles and when no one looking, you pour a large amount of chilly sauce into Terushima's chocolate milk. You tried hard to not laugh when he walked into the dining room while eyes locked at his screen phone and weren't paying attention to his milk. As you expected, after the first gulp, he starts to choke and his face turns red.

"The fuck..." he whiz as he vigorously opening the fridge, but inside was only chilly and paprikas. when he can't find any water he turns to the sink to get the tap water, but nothing comes out.

"Everything alright, babe?" you ask as he rummages the kitchen cabinets to find anything to ease the burning taste on his tongue, but there was only chilly sauce and Tobasco, lots of them. He stops and glares at you, seemingly understand the situation he got into, "you're going to pay for this"

You just raise your eyebrows, mouthing a silent 'what?'. 

"Just you wait..." he says in between his hissing sound before running out of the house to turn on the water flow.

Day 3

"Tadaima..." you say as you step into the house. After you close the door and turn on your heel, you immediately spot a gorilla running toward you.

"Arrgh!!" you shriek like a banshee as you run out of the house. The 'gorilla' rolling on the floor and laugh before it snatches off its head and revealing Terushima's face beneath--still laughing.

Day 4

Terushima opens the bathroom door and lets out a very unmanly shriek when he sees an awful, full-of-scars-Chucky doll that you put in front of the bathroom's mirror. He jolts and accidentally throws away his phone and it falls right on the toilet, 

"(L/n)!" shouts Terushima.

Day 5

"GAH!" your eyes snapped open and jolted upright when a loud air-horn sound blaring throughout your room, piercing your ears, again.

"Honey, wake up~" Terushima says in between another of his sadistic laugh.

"Asshole!" you bark as you throw a pillow at him. 

Day 8

You fuse a hot sauce using a syringe into Terushima's body spray.

Day 11

Terushima mix your lip cream with hot sauce.

Day 13

You run out of the house while screaming, again. After you walk into your room and see a (fake) body hanging from your ceiling.

Day 16

You change Terushima's shampoo into a hair dye. Terushima went to school with neon-pink hair for a week.

Day 19

Terushima put a live frog on your shoes. When you wear it you feel your shoes smaller than before and you can feel it with your toes there's something squishy and moving on the edge of the shoes. You check your shoes every time you're going to wear it ever since.


You hide a dead fish on Terushima's shoe locker. Terushima has to wash it for an hour after school to get rid of the smell

Day 23

On a routine inspection day in Johzenji:

"Bags on the table" the teacher order lazily before he goes to check every students' bag. And when it's your turn, the teacher's eyes get widen, some of the students gasp in shock while the other snickering in a hushed tone. The teacher takes ten different names of porn magazines out of your bag.  

"What the ffu- that's not mine!" you state loudly.

"This is your bag, yes?" ask the teacher.

 ".........It's my bag" you sigh as you close your eyes in defeat. 

Day 25

You cracked a rotten egg inside Terushima's helmet. The faint smell of rotten egg lasted three days even though he washes it continuously.

Day 28

Terushima sneaks into your class and switches your skirt with a shorter skirt while you on a P.E class. You don't realize Terushima has changed your skirts and accidentally flashed your panty when you bend down to pick up something. And then you got a never-ending wolf-whistle and catcalling the whole day.

Day 30

You pay someone to put a living rat inside Terushima's pillow. He traumatized and doesn't sleep using a pillow for a month.

Day 35

Terushima put your phone number on a pizza delivery flyer. After three days of receiving numerous calls for a pizza order, you change your number.

Day 37

You poured hot sauce into Terushima's body soap

Day 40

Terushima cracked rotten eggs into your shampoo. Your hair smelled like rotten eggs for two days.

Day 44

You cut a hole on Terushima's trouser while he on a P.E. class. He wears sports pants all day. He gets his butt being laughed off first before he realized there's a hole behind his trouser

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