Chapter 26 - Visitor

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"See you tomorrow," Mei waves and leave you alone.

"See ya," you wave her before you take off your Uwabaki and change to your own shoes.

Terushima's fever is gone and the two of you are back to school like usual. Because you've been away for days, the school's assignments have been piling up. You and Mei stay at school later than usual. There's a school's work that requires to be finished by a group made by three or four students. You take the three student options and group up with Mei and Kana. But Kana has sick and can't come to school. So you and Mei, have to finish it just by the two of you after the club's over.

"Been a while since we've seen each other, isn't it?"

A voice instantly giving you goosebumps and almost stops your heart--and it's not in a good way.

'This voice... Taigen' you recall in your head. Taigen is a friend of Kana's cousin. You've been to his party once, just once and it became an instant regret. If it not because of Terushima who came to your rescue in time, you would be living with a horrid trauma for the rest of your life.

"you..." you do your best to not showing any emotion, "If I remember correctly, you're not going to Johzenji, aren't you?"

You knew exactly he's not a Johzenji student! You are only trying to act like he is an insignificant thing being forgotten in the back of your head.

"No. I'm not--" his eyes scanning you up and down. You are already disgusted by the way he looks at you. His eyes feel as if it violates your body. "--I have friends here, just picking them up."

"Oh," you say with the same flat tone, even though you can hear your own heartbeat in your ears, "you should know, outsiders can't be here."

"Is Terushima not with you? Are you alone?" Taigen inquires, ignoring your statement.

'Fuck' is the only word that pops in your head. The day is getting dark and all the clubs' activity probably ended up an hour ago, you're not even sure if there's a student in this school let alone Terushima. He never comes home late recently, so he must be going home right away after his club over. You may be alone here. 

"Terushima's here. I'm about to meet him right now." You lie. It doesn't matter how it sounds but You believe, bluntly letting Taigen know you are alone in this deserted building is going to take you to your own doom. Even though you know basic self-defend, he's still bigger than you. Fight him one-on-one will be an unwise move.

"Is that so?" His face shows as though he can see through your lie.

'Just be confident. Just be confident.' You chant in your head.

"Yeah" you nod.

He doesn't say anything, only showing his smirks. Your heart is now beating uncontrollably. You can feel it on your nerves that you can't keep your cool act any longer.

"Oh, there you are (L/n)-san--" a voice breaking the silence in the hall. You follow the source of the voice, and so Taigen."--what took you so long? Terushima's been looking for you"

An extreme relief washes over you when you see a face you knew. You never talk to him but you know him. He's one of Terushima's friends that always walk side by side with Terushima. 

"Kazuma, huh?" Taigen speaks first.

Kazuma still wearing a plain black t-shirt for the volleyball club, sweating, and a bottle of water in his hand.

"Huh? Taigen? what are you doing here?" Kazuma's tone is unpleasant. 

"Oh just looking for my friends, Chikae and Tetsuo, do you know them?"

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