Chapter 29 - Attention

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After you show the pictures, Kana and Mei have no choice but to swallow down their questions as the teacher arrives, and the lesson begins. They keep squirming in their seats and repeatedly stealing a glance at you. When there's a ten-minute break after the lesson, they like a puppy that just got released from its leash. Questions running free from Kana and Mei. You tell them from the beginning—the very beginning; the story of your great grandfather in world war II. You tell them until the story that happened a few days ago, the one which causes you to go to school and home with Terushima.

"Awwh... that's really romantic" gushes Mei when you finish tell them everything.

You honestly do not know what kind of situation could be call romantic and which one is not, but you admit that; it was nice of him to be protective of you. The conversation couldn't last long though as the next teacher coming into the classroom. But apparently, Mei and Kana can't hold it like the last one, they sending questions through the group chat. The second period is history, teach by Mr. Nakamura, your former first-year homeroom teacher. For Mr. Nakamura, as long as you don't make any sound, he doesn't give a damn. He once said, 'You can eat ramen while I'm teaching and I still don't care, as long as you don't make any sound'—a student actually tried this once and succeed to finish his ramen in silence without getting into trouble.

Kana and Mei's questions are mostly about married life and how Terushima treats you at home.

'There's nothing happen! I accidentally headbutt him in the face, he got a nosebleed, and then we get a sandwich you reply when Kana asking about the wedding eve. The chat room simultaneously barrages with bubble chats of Kana and Mei for not telling them the detail.

Kana: 'Boooooo!!!'
Mei: 'BOOOOOO!!!
Mei: 'We want details!'
Kana: 'Boooooo!!!'
Kana: 'Stop keeping secrets!'
Mei: 'We demand the truth!'
Kana: 'the world is too hot!
Mei: 'skincare is too expensive!'
Kana: 'they should sell salad in our cafeteria!'
Mei: 'I want a boyfriend!'
Kana: 'One of my socks is very uncomfortable inside my shoes!'
Mei: 'Neji doesn't deserve to die!'
Kana: 'Sakura does!'

You whip around your head and throwing glares to Kana and Mei consecutively to stop them from spamming the chatroom, all while do your best to not laughing in class.

When the lunch break bell ring, you leave the class with the bento bag in your hand. You head to Terushima's classroom to give him the bento and later on will meet up with Kana and Mei in the cafeteria.

You walk down the corridor, thinking what Kana says in the chatroom. Earlier in the class, while the three of you converse through the chat, Mei was confused about how could you ask her about Terushima behavior in school whereas you are married to him and live under the same roof, she stated that you should be the one who knows him better than anyone. You reply with the truth: that you don't pay attention to him at school, at all. Mei only responded with a sticker of a girl in shock, while Kana reply that you should pay attention, he could be cheating on you at school, and then she say what you were exactly thinking before the class start this morning: maybe there's another girl that has anything to do with his good behavior lately.

While your mind is busy replaying the conversation you have with Kana and Mei, you arrive at a branching corridor. To the left is the direction to Terushima's classroom. You just barely reach the corner when You skid to a stop and quickly back away. You hide when you see Terushima just walk out of the classroom, three feet from you, and suddenly being halt by two girls. You take a peek over the corner to see what is going on, you back your head away quickly every time Terushima seems like he's about to look in your direction. You have no idea who those girls are. You try to find something as a hint of what year they are in, but it is no use either. You have no ability at all to distinguish students whether they are a first year, second, or third year. You wish you are with Mei now, she knows everyone and everything about the school.

You strain your ears to hear what are they talking about, but the corridors are already crowded with students who are eager to get lunch. You can only watch their gesture. The girls have a pampered attitude as they talk to Terushima which makes your chest growing hot. Then one of them cupping her hands together, seemingly begging Terushima. You click your tongue out loud while grumbling inwardly. This is the reason why you don't want to pay attention to your surroundings because it taking a lot of energy. It's taking a lot of energy to hold yourself to not go around and punching people in the face when you see someone do something that you don't like.

The two girls who talk to Terushima are not leaving, yet, there is another girl coming to him. But this time you feel a slight relief as you recognize the girl. She's the volleyball manager. She's been a manager since her first year. You calm yourself in your head that she probably just wants to talk to Terushima about the volleyball club. And it is correct, she handed him a paper to Terushima, he simultaneously looks at the paper and then calling Kazuma out of the class. All is normal until you pay attention to the volleyball manager, she talks to Terushima with a shy demeanor. Her eyes look straight to Terushima, as though she is enjoying watching Terushima's handsome face at such a close distance. And when Terushima talks to her—even though he doesn't show any particular expression, she slips her hair behind her ear while smiling. Seems to you it's her best attempt to look appealing.

The corridor is getting quieter and you finally can hear what are they saying.

"...See you at practice" the manager left.

"So?" Ask one of the girls who stop Terushima in his track, "will you?"

"Sorry, I really don't have time for that" answers Terushima which makes you wonder 'what that?'. "Maybe Kazuma would?" Terushima glance at Kazuma.

"Would what?" Question Kazuma

"party" Answer Terushima.

"Nah, I'm good" Kazuma shakes his head.

The girls persuade one more time but get the same answer from Terushima. After that they give up and look very disappointed, they excuse themselves and walk away. Terushima hands the paper he got from the manager to Kazuma and Kazuma strolls back to the class. You quickly hide again and lean flat against the wall, feeling relieved that you hide in time. But that feeling only lasts for a second. Your eyes bulging as you realize there's a big, long mirror along the wall in front of you. You forget that while you hiding, watching Terushima from around the corner, the room behind you is a studio that belongs to the dance club and they have a little fun with their studio's exterior by putting a big ass mirror outside, you always thought it's really stupid— especially now. You curse yourself for being so apathetic of your surrounding. From the mirror reflection, you can see the corridors in front of Terushima's class as well as a grinning Terushima who stares right at your reflection in the mirror.

You bit your lip as your face burning from embarrassment. All you can think is that you want to flee far away from here, going to Canada sounds far enough, you thought. You hastily leaving, heading back to where you came from. Only a few hurried steps you can take before your hand being yank back.

"Going somewhere?" Terushima shows his wide grin as you stop and look back.

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