Chapter 39 - End of Amusement

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"You think I didn't notice you've been acting out lately, did you?" Terushima's chest vibrates as he speaks low and dangerous.

"I don't-"


You freeze, a little hurt that he cuts you off, "I said sorry," you grumble as you push hard on his chest to move aside so you could leave. He moves but not like what you wanted. He only moves so his hand could grab your hands and pin them down.

"What are you doing?"

Terushima's lips only twitch upward as though he was enjoying this situation. You wiggle your hands quite hard and even though it comes to a point where it hurt your wrist, Terushima still not letting go.

"Yuuji--" you grit your teeth and squirm, trying to pull free your hands.

"Calling my name whenever you like," he murmurs, sounding like he's talking to himself.

"--Let me go"

He shakes his head, "You've been asking me to do this and that, and get what you want. You think you can do that without any consequences?". Your heartbeat starts to pick up a rhythm, his word and tone are intimidated you a little. 

"It's time for me to put you in place. You should learn what you get when you became such a spoiled wife." as soon as his word left his mouth, his lips attacked your neck. You jolt and yelp at the sudden stinging feeling in your neck before it felt like something soft and warm with a trace of something small and hard grazing your skin. You assume it's his tongue and piercing. 

"wait, wait, wait" your breathing becomes harsh, but your pleading only makes Terushima move to attack another spot. You moan and squirm under his arousal. You can't do much because he still pins your hands and straddles your waist.

Terushima pulls away, "You are free to make any sounds, but no talking"

"but-" you can't finish your opinion as he sucks and bites your neck again. You gasp loud but manage to remember his word, you immediately press your lips together.

"Obey me" he whispers in your ear, "or I won't go easy on you", he pulls back to look at your face, "nod if you understand"

You nod silently, feeling scared for the first time of what he's gonna do if you don't do as he says.

"Good girl" he smirks triumphantly before capturing your lips in a kiss. You follow his lead and lost in his kiss. After a long kiss, he commands you again, "open your mouth" You just parted your lips in the slightest before he dive in to let his tongue play inside. He's taking his time to his heart's content to taste you. When he breaks the kiss, He looks at you in full satisfaction. Then, he whispers in your ear again, "Now... I will let go of your hands, but any attempt to run will get you more punishment, so don't. even. try"

He let go of your hand and straight up. His hands then move toward the back of your torso trying to undo the zipper of your dress. Your breath hitch as you hurriedly grab his hands, trying to stop him all while your face turns into a deeper shade of red. "Obey" is the only word that living his mouth while his hands pull down the zipper and remove your dress. Your hands shoot upward and cover your face when you lie only with your underwear.

You heard Terushima let out a short snort of laughter and you let go of your face, trying to find out why he sounded amused. His eyes were locked on your underwear. You look down as well and in an instant, your embarrassment multiplies. You wear your matching panty and bra, it's pink with doddles of cute cats' heads printed all over the fabric. Your hands move in a dash to cover your face again. Meanwhile, Terushima can't hold back his laughter anymore. His body falls over yours and he buries his face on the crook of your neck. The heat in your body feels like it's about to explode any seconds now, "shut up!" you shriek.

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