Chapter 22 - Quick Escape

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After breakfast, everyone goes with their own schedule. Only you and a couple of maids left in the house. You're walking around without purpose, checking on every room, stop at your brother's room to read his collection of manga, and then you don't know what else to do. You wish the hours could go faster so you can go out with Kuroo. You sigh when you look at the clock and the time only passes for one hour. You go to the garden again and lay down on the grass, bathing yourself in the morning light.

Suddenly, a shadow hovers above you. Again.

"Shall we?" Kuroo has arrived at your house.

"Tetsuro?!" You jolt upright. "What about your class?"

"Skip. Let's go" Kuroo walks ahead.

You grin as you jump on your feet and following him.

"You might want to wear your shoes first," Kuroo points at your feet

"Oh. Right," you run ahead to the house to get your shoes.

When you get out of your house, Kuroo already waits for you in his car with the engine humming.

"So? Where do you wanna go?" Kuroo asks after you fasten your seat belt.

"What? I thought you have planned it out"

"Me? You're the one who wanna go"

"I just... want to get out of here"

"Well... Let's get out of here then" Kuro starts to drive

"Where tho?"

"Let destiny guide us"

You chuckle, "Yeah, okay"

Kuroo asks you to choose which way to turn every time there's an intersection and He stops the car every time you wonder about a shop. You then check out the shops with him--from a clothing shop to a gift shop, vintage shop, even just a convenience store that you don't realize was there this whole time. After both of you get lots of laughing, giggling, and silly acts, you two continue your little journey. You keep choosing where to turn.

"Where to now?" Kuroo asks after he makes a quick stop to buy lots of snacks and drinks.

"Hmm..." you think as you open a bag of chips, "let's follow that car" you point at a random car.

Kuro chuckles, "yes mam"

The car moves at a stable speed. It turns left and right, keep going until twenty minutes passed. When the car slowing down it turns to a familiar building and, You and Kuroo voice at the same time.

"Roller skating, huh?"/"roller skating, huh?"

"I never come here again since-" you reminiscing

"Sixth grade? me too" Kuroo finishes

You look at Kuroo and smirk, Kuroo mirrors your expression having the same thing in mind.

Kuroo takes care of the fiddling little details. All you do is scanning the place. There are only 4 people skating lazily in the rink while chatting and laughing. Kuroo handing you the roller blade and Your heart starts to pick up a beat. You are excited, a little bit nervous, but looking forward to getting to the rink again. When you put on your rollerblade and get into the rink, You move slowly while holding on to the wall. When Kuroo steps into the rink as well he quickly loses balance and falling on his knees.

"Haha, amateurs" you laugh.

"Why don't you let go of that wall first before you talk" Kuroo clicks his tongue

"Nope" you chuckle.

Kuroo's expression turns dark as his lips curve upward in a wicked way. One look at his face, you know he's up to no good. Your lips fall flat as you picking up your pace. Kuroo stands up again and starts to chase after you. Being the genius he is, he's adapting faster than you thought and you start to panic. You let go of your grip and moving faster--almost lose your balance once but you manage to stay on your feet. Kuroo keeps moving forward toward you but you don't give him a chance for him to catching up. When Kuroo sees this, he's skating more boldly.

"Stop it! you scaring me!" You scream and laughing,

Having longer legs than you and moving hastily, it's not hard for Kuroo to catching up to you. He hugs you tightly from behind and not stopping. Your scream getting louder as Kuroo skating faster.

"Who's amateurs now?" Kuroo hollers

"Are you crazy? This is dangerous!!"

"Say you're wrong"

"There are people in front of us!" You tapping his hand frantically.

"Won't stop until I hear it"

"Okay! I was wrong!" You give up when the people who skating in front of you are getting ever closer.



Kuroo's body shaking in silent laughter.

"Say Kuroo Tetsurou is the greatest!"


Kuroo now laughing loudly but slowing down regardless, his hands still wraps around you. You let out a breath when Kuroo skate at an enjoyable pace. Your frantic heartbeat--that you ignored when Kuroo chase you--are gradually back to normal.

"Dumbass!" You elbow Kuroo in his ribs.

"Ah!" Kuroo whimpers and lets go of you. He then cathing your left hand with his right hand before picking up a pace again, leading you around the rink. You only shake your head in disbelief of his childish act, a smile embedded on your face. Even though it's been fun all day, there's still a faint of uncertainty, like yesterday when you don't know what happened to you or what is it that you feel. As Kuroo tug you around the rink, your mind wander somewhere else, 

'is Terushima okay by himself?'

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