Brownie Thief {Beerus x Stoner!Reader}

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Mixing the coco powder with all my dry ingredients I then began fixing up the wet side of the instructions. My mouth flowed like a waterfall as I continued to make homemade brownies. Satisfied with my result I added the last bit of cannabis oil to my mix and combined the wet and dry components.

The chocolatey smell was absolutely incredible and a thought crossed my mind. You know what would make these brownies better? Chocolate pieces! And even better pot infused chocolate! My excitement grew not only am I gonna have a bomb ass edible. A double chocolate brownie.

Two best things combined into one! Life is now at its peak.

As I became lost in my thoughts a loud knock jolted me to my senses. Which then ended up in me adding a little more weed into the batch than needed. My face drained of color for a split second before shrugging it off. Its not like these brownies were gonna be for others just me and me only.

There was another knock.

Placing the items off to the side I walked towards the door and opened it. There stood an annoyed Beerus and equally annoyed Whis. I could already tell I was being thrown into something I wasn't apart of.

"Afternoon (Y/n) I'll make this short, Beerus is upset and since you're his favorite person you're likely to ease him. Can't believe he threw a fit and kicked us out of a amazing dessert shop. You know I had my eyes set on that cake!"

A tick mark formed on Beerus forehead, "I didn't throw a tantrum and how dare you ou make me sound like some child!"

"You threw a tantrum!"

"The cake wasn't even that good!" Whis put a hand over his mouth and gasped. "The service was shit too so if anything I'm glad not seeing any of their pompous and arrogant faces."

Whis silently turned towards me, "As you can tell our tastes are at crossing paths. I'm sure you'll keep him at bay as I cannot get through to him."

"Tch I'd rather stick here than that god awful place."

Whis just rolled his eyes and sighed, "Please? I promise I'll repay you."

"Uh sure I guess?"

Whis mouthed a thank you and went on his way, most likely back to Bulma's. I wasn't entirely against it but I was expecting an all-me day. Opening the door fully I allowed Beerus to step in.

"Is there anything specific you want me to make?"

Beerus ears twitched, "Now that you ask I was hoping to try chocolate pudding! I simply adore the way yours are made. Absolutely impeccable my dear."

My face flushed in red, "You're too kind."

"I only give credit where it's due." He winked with that stupid smirk of his.

As he passed by me I couldn't help but feel very bashful. God damn him and that damn smirk! Shutting the door I moved towards the kitchen to finish my dessert. I clear my throat and hopefully the nerves, "I'm in the middle of making brownies so please be patient while I male your dish and go make yourself at home."

"Don't gotta tell me twice."

Placing the batter into a pan I was ready to put it into the already pre-heated oven. As that brownies were baking I began searching for the ingredients to make a delicious chocolate pudding! However, as I looked and looked I had no ingredients of my special dessert.

"I have to make a trip to the store to get the ingredients watch the oven for me okay? And whatever you DON'T eat the brownies please you can have anything else but that. Also take it out in thirty mintues."

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