Clueless Girl {Beerus x Reader Pt.2}

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Yay this one was a requested by Hakurathegoddess
It was six in the afternoon and to be honest, you were super nervous, you didn't want to mess anything up. Bulma had to calm you down before you had a mental breakdown. Taking deep breaths you squeezed, the non-existent, life out of the fluffy pillow Bulma had given you.

The scientist began to look through your closet throwing clothes, that she disapproved of, on the ground, creating a mountain. That's when she stumbled upon a beautiful and long lavender dress with white lilies designing it. You were too busy, burying your face into the pillow, to even notice she had already chosen your outfit for the night. That was until you felt a light weight on top of your head and your vision transitioning to a different color, once you looked up.

"You are wearing this no questions asked! Beerus would appreciate the color," She squealed, you removed the dress from your head and admired it before being dragged into the bathroom. "I'm going to place these white heels outside the door once your done and I'm going to be doing your makeup!"

"You're getting a kick out of this aren't you Bulma?" You asked, getting a giggle of approval from your friend.

You weren't the type of person to dress up, you were more of a shorts and t-shirt kind of gal. So you knew for a fact Bulma was a little too excited to dress you up. It's not like it was a bad thing, you too were curious to see yourself out of your shell. You started to change your original look to your temporarily one. Opening the door a flash went off followed by Bulma gasping in amazement.

"Aww, my little (Y/n) is being sent off to be with a God of Destruction. I remember you in your teen years very pure and innocent," Bulma sighed, making you roll your (E/c) orbs.

"You mean our teen years," You corrected, putting on the heels that were neatly placed for you.

"Yeah, that brings up a lot of memories," She replied, remembering them like it was yesterday. "Welp let's get started on your makeup! And with whatever time we have left we can watch a movie before your date arrives,"


Bulma gave you a hand mirror and you looked at your new appearance; you were amazed, to say the least. A pink blush was shaded onto your cheeks, your lips were colored with a lavender lipstick, to match your dress, black eyeshadow accompanied the lid of eyes, along with a black eyeliner. That's when a knock was heard. Bulma wished you good luck before you opened the door. Whis gawked at your new look before being elbowed in the side by Lord Beerus.

"My oh my Lord how ungentlemanly of you to act such way in front of your date," Whis laughed, making the humanoid cat curse at the angel.

"You can leave now Whis! I don't need any assistance at the moment," Beerus gritted his teeth before he faced you. But when he did so had a dazed expression on himself. He was quite memorized by your features. "G-good afternoon, (Y/n) you, you look...amazing,"

"Thank you, Lord Beerus and as always you look as handsome as ever!" You chirped.

"You should have seen him wearing a tux. Sadly, he stuck with his traditional look. I was really excited to change his outfit too," Whis pouted, making you laugh at the flamboyant male.

"I wouldn't really care if he was dressed up or not I still would find him very attractive," You admitted, as you nervously fiddled with your dress feeling embarrassed with your words. Beerus ghostly smiled at your comment and begun to wrap his arm around your shoulder, having a new found confidence.

"Well I'll see you in a bit and if she doesn't return to this'll probably know where she'll be at," The male winked and the both of you teleported away leaving Whis and Bulma to do whatever.


"How are you able to teleport?" You asked, still being held by Beerus.

"Whis gave me a device that allows me to teleport anywhere I want as long as I remember the name of the planet. He also wanted me to you give this," The male dug through his pockets to reveal a, black and white pearl-like, bracelet. "Wear it so you can adjust yourself to the gravity and oxygen levels of any planet,"

"Last thing we need is for me to be floating or be crushed by space," You shuddered. "But thank you I really appreciate it and at least we can know that I'm protected by this the next time we have a date somewhere in this universe,"

A few minutes later you and Lord Beerus sat in a comfortable silence before arriving at a very beautiful and lush planet. Life seemed to be crawling everywhere, the sight reminded you of the jungles on Earth but it was way less humid and hot. Beerus tugged you along, where you could see the breathtaking view of the alien civilization and its background. Which was also just as spectacular with the stars coating the bluish purple sky.

You were going to walk down the slope until Beerus offered to fly you down there, what were you gonna say no? Of course, you allowed him to carry you, bridal style that is, to the city. It was a pretty productive and super fun few hours you had with him. You didn't want things to end but all good things must come to an end but maybe it didn't have to end not just yet, anyways.

During the time you spent with Beerus you were surprised you didn't do or say anything dumb. You got to learn so many new things about Lord Beerus; he also learned a lot about you as well. He even fell more in love with you as the seconds passed by and as cheesy as it sounded he wanted you to be his life partner. The male lovingly glanced at you, grabbing your hand as you both teleported to his planet.

"I have a spare bedroom next to mine if you want to sleep in it," Beerus yawned, a smirk crept onto your face. Bulma was right your old innocent and pure self was gone.

"Or ya know I could sleep with you~" You whispered, into Beerus ear making his tail twitching slightly. "Who said the date had to be over yet?" Your arms wrapped onto Beerus waist from behind as you placed a soft kiss on his neck

You mentally slapped yourself for having a perverted mind but that didn't stop you for what's to come. Just an hour or two ago you were a nervous mess now you were making bold moves. Strange how things can change in a short amount if time. You silently laughed at your thoughts before turning all your attention on the person in front of you. Beerus rolled his head back attempting to keep a moan in as you stroked his tail. You even swore he purred for a second, well you were going to have an interesting night.

I actually had a lot of fun writing this! I wouldn't mind making the third part to be a lemon. It would be my first one too! ^-^

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