Sensitive {SuperSaiyan4!Goku x Reader}

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Heyyy sorry for being inactive but I've finally got a chaper done. This was requested by EnineyOne so I hope you like it!

There was warm sensation followed by a crimson liquid that flowed out of your stomach. Your vision was blurry and tears pricked the sides of your (e/c) orbs. Your throat parched and no words came out when you tried to talk. It hurt. It hurt like hell and God knows what'll happen if that bastard tried that stunt again!

Clutching your wound you glared at the person who harmed you. They wore a smirk of gratitude and success. It sickened you to the very core. Taking a deep breath you straightened your back and chuckled. A small (f/c) glow appeared in your hand and using that hand you started to heal your cut.

"That was a very unfair move but don't you think you'll get away from it." Snapping to your senses you got into your fighting position. This thing that possessed Vegeta's body was too much for you to handle on your own but you needed some time for Goku to return.

"Hmm interesting you can use your energy to self-heal...but I think it comes with consequences. Doesn't it?" Baby replied taking slow antagonizing steps towards you.

He was right by using that move it takes a lot of stamina leaving you an even weaker target for this predator. You only used that move when you were out of Senzu beans! Gulping you slowly stepped back. If it moves now it's punch is likey to hit you. From your distance you might be able to doge even if it's just a centimeter.

"(Y/N)!" A voice hollered and out of habit you looked back. Realizing your error you looked towards the enemy and he was already in front of you with a small ball of energy. 

'Shit' Closing your eyes you waited for death to claim it's prize but none came except for it to be a warm embrace. Looking up you saw a male with red fur, golden like eyes, and long black hair. He looked like..."G-Goku?!" You said aloud receiving a chuckle and a toothy grin.

"Don't worry I got this. Just save some energy for when I really need your ability okay? Here you'll need this." Goku chuckled making you quietly laugh.

"I'm good now that your here. Plus you'll need the Senzu..."


That was a few days ago and a lot of things happened. Currently, you were recovering all your stamina and watching your favorite show and eating sweets. It was a long time since you've felt this relaxed with all the craziness going on. Sighing there was a knock at the door making you groaned out loud.

"Come in!" You yelled with all attention to the door, it soon revealed Goku.

"Hey (Y/n)!" A ghost like smile appeared onto your features. Goku quickly walked to the couch and brought you into a bear hug.

"Hi Goku but um question. Why are you in your fourth form?" You raised an eyebrow as he set you back to your original position on the couch.

"I was training with Vegeta and well I wanted to train my body to get use to this form. D-do you not like this form?" Goku stuttered making you giggle at his behavior.

"Oh no! I actually think this form is quite cute on you-I-I mean i-it looks really cool!" Blushing lightly you turned your head to look at the, very interesting, floor. "Why are you here by the way?"

"Ah well I wanted to hang out with you. Since it was my fault you got hurt during the battle."

"It's not your's mine for picking a fight with him." You nervously chuckled.

"But if I didn't come on time you wouldn't of fought him and gotten hurt. So I'm sorry for not being there for you...w-which is why I'm here to make up."

"Well I was just gonna watch movies and eat snacks by myself but your here so let's do that! I mean Korn won't be able to fix me up with a good old Senzu, my stamina has been low, and I can't really spar with how bout it?"

In high hopes you waited for your temporarily red haired friend to agree. Goku looked up for a moment in thought before shifting his eyes towards you. A huge grin was plastered as he gave you a thumbs up. "Sure that sounds like fun! I needed a break for today and what better way to spend it with you!"

The compliment brought a wave of redness over your cheeks. 'Gosh, Goku was such an Idiot with words!' He always knew what to say to make you crush on him even more. Doesn't he ever think of what he says and why couldn't it actually mean something special between you both. 'Ugh! Darn emotions' You pouted as you began your show.


Hours have passed and most of your attention was focused on the male lying on you. I mean who wouldn't be distracted with their crush's head in their lap!? However, it didn't bother you as you began messing with his fur. It was very soft and Goku didn't seem to mind that was until your hands slowly shifted down his back. He tensed as you made circular motions near his tail.

Unconsciously your fingertips made contact with his tail. You then began stroking it like you would with a cat. The male beneath you grabbed your knee with one hand while the other covered his mouth. The sudden grip brought you to your senses and you released his tail.

"O-oh my gosh are you okay?! I didn't know I was touching it! Ah I'm so sorry!" You apologized as you were about to stand up. Quickly that was denied as Goku wrapped his arms around your waist, sitting you back down.

"No it d-didn't hurt it just surprised me...I'm just...sensitive there." The male murmured as he buried his head into your abdomen.

'Sensitive huh' Smirking you ghostly trailed your nails across the males back. Grabbing hold onto the swaying tail once more you began to play with it. Sometimes it would wrap around your wrist or go opposite ways of your hand. You had fun messing around. Goku on the other hand was trying his hardest to not let out a whimper. 

Taking a finger you trailed it up to the tip of the tail which brought pleasant shivers to Goku. "T-that's enough" the male managed to spur out.

"Do you really want me to stop?" You playfully chuckled. This time you and Goku made eye contact. This brought a mischievous yet regrettable idea to your head but when will you ever get a chance like this again?

Smiling sweetly you took hold of the tail and placed a small kiss on it, while still holding eye contact. Ever so slightly you stuck your tongue out and licked the tip. A growl ruptured from the males throat and in a flash you we're pinned onto the couch. "I said that's enough!"

"Okay I-I might of gone a little to far but that doesn't mean you gotta hold me like this...right?" Nervously chuckling. You tried to pick yourself up a bad move. Once you lifted your knee you felt something hard in between Goku's legs.

You swallowed hard 'So this is what he meant by enough'. Looking back at Goku he moved his head closer to you. You shifted your head to the side breaking the eye contact. Not that it mattered as the male was now focused on the nape of your neck. A wet sensation followed by a sharp pain quickly over came your senses. Goku then pulled back with an unnatural smirk.

"You know you gotta take responsibility." The shy, naive and innocent male you've come to love is sitting in front of you is asking for it. Little did you know you began to slowly nodded. So much for conserving your stamina and allowing your wounds to heal.

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