Tease {Shin x Beerus daughter!Reader}

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Requested by ShiIchimaru Sorry for how long it took to actually get this done. Might add some adjustments to the story later on. Hope you enjoy.
Yawning slightly your tail lazily swished back and forth as you forced your way out of bed. Taking small strides towards the kitchen, you tried to wipe the tiredness from your (e/c) orbs. That was when a delicious aroma jolted you to your senses. Smiling you turned to see your favorite angel cooking breakfast.

"Morning Whis! How you doing?" You chirped, feeling more awake by the smell of food.

"Ah good morning to you (Y/n) and I'm doing well. Your father should be coming down in a few minutes."

"Anything on the agenda for today?"

"Yes, Lord Beerus and I are attending a meeting with the Supreme Kai."

"You mean the very short purple looking Kai? The one that looks like a child."

"I'm surprised you remembered. But yes and please don't call him that, his name is Shin. I don't want you picking up your father's attitude."

"Whatever...mom." You chuckled as Whis stiffened at the title nearly choking on his words. "I might just come. Don't think I've ever actually seen the little guy. Just heard stories of him from Goku and Vegeta."

"I-ask Lord Beerus I would let you go but he's your biological parent." And as if on time a humanoid cat groggily struts into the kitchen.

Beerus was in his night clothes still, slowly he walked towards the island counter. You turned to him, "Hey, mind if I tag along with you and Whis today?" Beerus looked over and pondered his answer before nodding his head.

"When do we depart?"

"Approximately, three hours from now." The angel replied his back still turned as he continued to finish breakfast.

Getting an answer Beerus turned to you. "If you are not outside by then we are leaving you." Beerus warned.


The trip was hella boring it was at least an hour or two before you arrived at the Kai's planet. All Beerus and Whis talked about was food. You loved food don't get me wrong but only being stuck on one subject got redundant. Stretching you began walking to your new destination. The planet was pretty boring, too quiet for your taste but it was calming. It would make nice place to nap instead of your own home because of the rambunctious Saiyan's training. Before you knew it you were already in front of the Supreme Kai.

"If I may ask who is this young lady joining us for today?"

"Lay a hand on my daughter and I'll rip it off." Beerus growled stepping in the space between you both.

You whispered into Whis's ear. "No wonder you don't want me to pick up on my father's attitude."

The male who received the threat broke out into a sweat one from fear and two from shock. "I-I didn't know you had a daughter. She's is very beautiful-not that I like her! Erm I'm Shin." The Kai stuttered, you chuckled at him before gently taking his hand.

"I'm (Y/n), you know your kinda cute all nervous." You teased, ruffling the males hair. "Mind me asking you, you look quite young to be life-linked to my father, how old are you?"

"C-cute?-I've lived for millions of years so I don't really know."

"Really!? Then how come I've never seen you during the times we've met? I'm sure we would of been friends sooner."

"I-It's probably because Beerus doesn't like me much as you can see."

"Yeah he can act like an ass." You chuckled. Shin looked like he was gonna laugh but out of fear bit his tongue. "No need to walk on egg shells around me! Just because I'm the daughter of Beerus the destroyer doesn't mean I'm gonna rat you out for a harmless joke."

A dark blush coated his cheeks. Shin slowly looked up at you making you smile sweetly at him. This only brought his blush to deepen. He quickly averted his gaze to some random object. Of course, you saw his already flustered state.

"Aww is the Kai falling for me already~"

"N-no! I barely know you...y-you just caught me off guard is all."

"Mmhm sure. So what did I do to make the Supreme Kai off guard?" You stood a little closer to Shin and poked his cheek. The male just swatted your hand away before crossing his arms.

"You know we are still here right?" Beerus glared at Shin.

"Yeah, yeah and what are you gonna do? You can't kill him without killing yourself." You chuckled, booping Beerus's nose.

He hated that and you knew he was going to yell at you. So quickly you grabbed Shin's wrist and ran as fast as you could. You weren't gonna get in trouble just yet. "Why did you grab me?!"

"Because he'll be after you as well-can you travel to a new planet like now!" You laughed hearing your name being called from afar. "Anywhere really!'


After traveling and running you both were tired. Laying on the purple grass you gazed at the gold colored sky. This foreign planet was extremely beautiful. However, guilt washed over you. "Ah sorry for making you do this." You blurted turning towards Shin.

"N-no It's okay that was the most fun I've had in a while. Didn't know how scary it would be to be chased down by a God of destruction." Shin laughed as his ears turned red.

You just gazed at him, he actually looked really cute. Unconsciously, you lifted one hand and moved some white strands of hair from his face. " You're pretty handsome." The words slipped from your mouth and immediately you pulled your hand away. You quickly turned around so your face has hidden in the grass.

"I didn't know you could get flustered." Shin said as he cocked an eyebrow. "I think it's a wonderful look on you."

You lifted your head up slightly to take a look at Shin. A smile planted onto your face before you buried it again. This trip wasn't so bad. You may get your ass chewed out from your father but you met a friend. Potentially, love interest as well.

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