Love At First Sight {Zamasu x Lord Beerus Daughter!Reader}

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Requested by @estellatoress182 (whomst ever requested this I'm unsure if you've changed your name because I couldn't find it) also this is where Zamasu first becomes a Kai in training so in my opinion he'd be a soft boi.
Whis and Beerus stopped on the Supreme Kais planet (from the tenth universe). You knew little to nothing of this universe and tagged along to increase your knowledge. And as daughter of The God of Destruction, Lord Beerus you had to set an expectation to know each and every universe (erased or not). Which was one of the many things you found troubling of having a long lifespan.

You've spent years learning about each one and with the memory of your father those expectations dimmed. But nonetheless you only knew of what's important. Which now brought you to the next level of memorization, the tenth universe!

Your curious eyes surveyed the yellow and green surrounding and found yourself admiring the gigantic tree on a hill. From a far a light green Kai sat at a table he had a familiar attire on but you couldn't pin point the exact meaning of it. So while you leaving your spot you traveled towards the Kai.

He took a sip from his tea and looked up. You ushered a bright smile and held your hand out. "Good afternoon, I'm from the seventh universe. My name is (Y/n) and you are?"

The male looked baffled at your appearance as a light blush stained his cheeks. "I'm Zamasu, Gowasu's new apprentice." Zamasu shook your hand as the light bulb above your head finally clicked.

"Ah, that's why your clothing is so familiar!" You chuckled as you stood closer towards the male and eyed him. "If I may can I look at the design? You can stay seated if you wish. It's just I know little of this universe and every universe does has a different type of fabric that's commonly used amongst the gods."  

Zamasu just nodded his head as you then took his arm and stretched it out. Under your finger tips you could feel how soft and elastic the cloth felt. The Kai just sat in silence as you began feeling his biceps. At one point felt yourself blush. From first glance he didn't seem to be very muscular but when you looked closely that was a different story.

"Oi what are you doing?!" Beerus yelled out, you immediately pulled away unaware of how red your face was.

You coughed into your hand and averted your eyes towards the grass.  "I was feeling the fabric it feels very similar to the ones on Earth." You said embarrassed.

"(Y/n) is correct my Lord, it is not what you are thinking." Zamasu said as he then faced you. "The fabric is made by our glowing silk worms."

Your embarrassed look disappeared as he stared at him fascination. "That's really cool maybe you can show me them!" You replied as your blush began to die down.

"Not without my supervision you're not."

Whis gave his infamous chuckle and slapped a hand onto Beerus back. Making the cat look alike growl. "I think she will do well on her own right Gowasu?"

The Supreme Kai felt his sweat drop as he was now on spot. "W-well I'm not opposed of the idea as it can help my student learn more about mortals."

"See? Two birds with one stone! (Y/n) can study this universe while Zamasu can closely observe mortals behavior. (Y/n) isn't a child anymore so I'm sure she is capable of doing this on her own." The angel suggested.

"Not a child?! Compared to me she's nothing but a mere infant!"

You're ears twitched, "Dad!" You yelled as you looked at him.

"Fine you can go!" Beerus dramatically sighed as he glared at the white haired male.

Smiling you gave the male a thumbs up as he nervously went around your father to show you more of the universe.


Your (e/c) orbs shined with admiration, reflecting any blue light that radiated off the glowing silk worms. As Zamasu promised he took you to the planets cave that had these creatures. It was a beautiful sight to see especially since most of them were different colors. It made the whole cave light a little light show. Hell even the fish were amazing!

Zamasu, himself also stared in admiration but not at the scenery of the cave but at you. He's has not ever seen such a beauty in his life. Especially with how you fit so perfectly within the surroundings. "This is the only planet that has such creatures. Magnificent aren't they?" You didn't look up as you were too focused on the species but nodded your head.

Satisfied with all your starting you grabbed both of Zamasu's hands. "Can you show me more?" You said maybe a little too excited, which just made the Kai laugh.

"Why of course there is a planet not to far from this one that has an amazing sunset. It is rare but very worth it and I'm know for a fact it's happening today."

In no time you both were sent to an even more beautiful planet. Even with it still day time the sky had colors clash of light pinks and purples, not to mention the orange moon. You awed at the sight before your eyes laid on a modern civilization.

"I'm guessing the sunset will happen later in the mean time let's go over there!" You pointed, Zamasu was wary at first but agreed after seeing the child like curiosity in your eyes. He couldn't help but give in.


The civilization had a very interesting aliens living among them, many were of different species. Some were even from various of planets or galaxies. As time slowly ticked away you tried all kinds of foreign foods with Zamasu. The city was very lively and friendly. Anyhow, with all the walking you ended up stopping at the roof of a building to see the sunset. Your feet dangled off the oddly shaled building waiting for the sunset to morph into different shades.

Like Zamasu had said the sunset was the best thing you've ever seen. Unlike Earth's sunsets the colors changed but still complimented each other as a new shade appeared. As the night dimmed he looked toward Zamasu to see him already looking at you. Upon eye contact you both looked away blushing like a madman.

It was silent and wanting to break that irritating silence you opened your mouth to speak. Only to be interrupted when your bracelet shook. It was to keep in contact with Whis, in this case your father. You groaned and pressed down on the gold and topaz accessory.

A light then emitted from your bracelet showing Beerus. "I think it's time for you to come back." The destroyer said as your tail twitched in annoyance.

"But it wasn't even that long." You objected only to be hushed by your father s he then hung up. Your once annoyed expression softened when you looked at the Kai. "It was really fun hanging out with you today. I enjoyed learning about this universe." Standing up you held a hand out.

Zamasu took your hand as you pulled him up. "Yes, it really was something. I got to learn a few things about mortals. They interesting bunch."

"I'm more fascinated by the scenery than them." You admitted as he agreed with you. "Welp let's get going." As you placed a hand onto the males shoulder you both teleported back to square one.

Beerus quickly said his goodbyes to Gowasu and waited for you to hurry by his side. Turing towards Zamasu you gave him a hug. "Let's do this again sometime." Quickly you placed a kiss onto his cheek and ran towards your father's side. Beerus had his mouth wide and before he could say anything Whis had already traveled off.

Zamasu smiled touching the area of which you kissed him on, "She's really amazing."

Whis snickered as your father gave you an ear full but your head was in the clouds. You were going to come back and see Zamasu whether your father agreed or not.

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