A Blast From The Past {Android 18 x Fem!Reader}

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(the pic on top is what 18 looks like👌)

From of corner of your (e/c) orbs you watched the cute blond girl take a sip of her beverage. A blush slightly stained your cheeks, she was extremely beautiful and you may have developed a tiny girl crush on her during your semester at college. You didn't even know her name even though she has attended three classes of yours. A small smile settle itself onto your lips and you drank your hot drink before wincing.

Bulma snickered, "We told you it was hot. Were you not paying attention?"

Your face went red and your body became tense. "I don't know what-"

"She's checking out 18." Vegeta interrupted as he wrapped an arm around Bulma's shoulder while you glared at him.

The woman gave an amused smile, "You should get her number." Her voice spoke with excitement.

You rubbed your shoulders nervously, "W-what if she isn't into girls? Or already dating someone?!"

Bulma smiled at you, "It doesn't hurt to try but I can talk to her during my 4:00 o'clock class." Your eyes basically shot open as you grabbed her hands with eyes practically sparkling.

"Please! Because I wouldn't have the strength to speak to her now she's so pretty I might just freeze up." You begged as your friend just chuckled. 

"Don't worry I will." She reassured.


Happily you chatted with a few of your friends as you waited for Bulma to get out of class. The doors then opened revealing the said woman followed by 18, who's name never left your mind from this morning. Your face lightly dusted with a pink hue as you got a closer look at the woman.

Her eyes were the prettiest of blue you have ever seen and the glasses added a cute charm to her. She turned towards you and gave a small smile. As you both made eye contact you felt your heart jump inside your chest.

"H-h-Hi." You managed to stutter.

"Hello, you're (Y/n) right? My name's 18, Bulma told me so much about you. " As she grabbed your hand you felt as if you'd melt into a puddle. 

"Y-yeah you're so p-pretty. I um-" 18's phone rang as you let out a sigh of relief.

She gave a small frown as she let go of your hand. "I have to take this." Grabbing her phone she moved a few feet away giving you and Bulma some time to talk.

"What just happened." You blankly said as Bulma placed a hand onto your shoulder trying to contain her laugher.

"Chill out dude you were so nervous! And FYI turns out she has been single for a few months and has an interest in girls. Soooo shoot your shot~"

You grinned slightly, "So when should I ask her out though?"

"Probably now as she just finished her convo and is on her way here right now."

You jumped as a hand placed itself onto your shoulder. "Sorry didn't mean to scare you." She apologized making you like her even more for being so kind. "I was wondering if we all could head to the library to study and get to know each other more?"

Bulma coughed out loud before shaking her head. "Oh wow sorry no can do you see I'm suppose to be going on a date with my boyfriend so you two should definitely hit it off. Have fun!" Bulma winked before waving you off.

You blinked several times at her before eyeing 18. She looked at you with a raised eyebrow before snickering. "She's trying to hook us up correct?"

Your eyes wavered towards the ground as you nodded your head. The woman then intertwined her hand with yours. "If you wanted to ask me out you should of just said so."

You looked back at her, "How did you figure that out so fast?"

"Trust me I can tell when someone is trying to hook me up and to be honest I can tell you like me but are shy because I see how you are with your friends. It's cute you're so brave and outspoken but you become meek and adorable when ever I notice you." The woman pulled you close. "Am I right?" She said amused.

Your face became an even darker color, she's smart and perceptive too! "You read me like an open book." 

"I tend to keep a watchful on people I like."

"E-eh? Does that mean you've liked me for a while?"

"How could I not like you? We both go to the same cafe often and I do feel your eyes on me so naturally I took an interest in you."

"I-I feel like an idiot for not noticing." You hung your head only for 18 to lift it up with her thumb. 

"If that makes you an idiot then what does that make me? I should of made a move sooner. Who would of thought you'd be so cute up close especially when you're so flustered~" 


"And that's how I met your beautiful mother." You spoke to your tired daughter who was captivated by the bedtime story of her choice.

"That's so cool! I wish I could meet my lover too." The little girl gushed as she hugged her teddy bear dreamily. 18 watched from the door as her wife and daughter got along. 

You smiled sweetly at the little girl as you ruffled her hair. "Now it's time for you to go to bed. Okay sweetheart?"

She nodded her head furiously, "Yes mama!" Throwing the covers over her head she wrapped herself amongst the soft fabric and shut her eyes. 

Placing a kiss onto her forehead you stood up and walked towards the door to see your wife. 18 gave a small waved as she leaned against the door frame. Quickly and quietly you closed the door. Turing to the blond you affectionately wrapped your arms around her neck and pressed your lips against hers. The woman complied as she hugged your waist.

"How's my lovely wife doing?"

Pulling away from 18 you held her hand as you both headed towards a new destination. "Tired but happy and satisfied now that you're here."

"After 12 years you still have a way with words."

"I learn from the best! After all you were pretty flirty when we first started dating. Especially when we first met, I don't think I'll ever forget that."

"Good because I will give you a hard time if you forget one detail." She threatened as you opened the door to the bedroom.

"Haha yeah don't think I'll forget anytime soon."

Letting go of 18's hand you jumped into the bed as she gracefully laid herself down. Getting under the covers you pulled her close. "I promise I won't forget!" Placing a kiss onto her cheek you both said goodnight and drifted off to sleep.

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