The Newbie {Teen!Goten x Reader}

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This one was requested by Blueykun6 and that Goten might be a little OOC but then again I'm in control muhaha😈 but on a serious note hope you enjoy👍
You sat at the desk enduring the painful hours of school, sure you had two more classes to go but to put it simply it was torture. Especially, being 'the newbie' you were always being picked on by other students even the teachers! It was horrible and the only friend you be made so far was a guy named Trunks.  

He happened to be a lavender haired male with a very smartass and cocky personality. Which you weren't gonna lie was a pain in the ass but hey at least you had a friend to tell that too, in a joking manner of course. Trunks was, nonetheless, a really cool guy who on occasion tried to get you out of your introverted shell.

It didn't work, although, you liked his efforts you weren't gonna budge as you and him were complete opposites. Trunks being the more popular, outgoing, and quick thinking type of person; You were an insider, loner type of individual.

Blinking you removed yourself from your thoughts and begun tapping the end of your pencil onto the paper. That when you felt the burning of eyes drill into your soul! That could only mean one thing: the teacher found out you weren't paying attention and call you for a question. That's when a ruler was slapped onto your desk making you flinch out of instinct.

"Seems like you weren't paying attention to the question so I'll ask you again. What's the main difference between weather and climate?" The teacher snarled.

You held your breath for a short minute before reaching a conclusion. "T-the difference is that the weather deals with the short-term changes within the atmosphere and climate is long-term?" You squeaked, making the biology teacher before raise an eyebrow deeming your answer correct.  

That's when the bell rang, signaling students to pack up and either leave or head to another class. A wave of relief washed over you as you tried to hurry and rush out of class. However, your name was called before you could take one step out of the door. Sighing you walked back to your seat and waited for everyone to leave. Now you were going to get a lecture on not daydreaming in class.

"(Y/n), I know your new to this school but that doesn't mean you can ignore me teaching this class. Since you are new so I will let you off with a warning and if this happens again you will get detention. Also, wait until the next bell rings before you can head to class," She spoke, making you groan in frustration.

Again, the be rang and you rushed out of class hoping not to be late. Third day and you are already having a talk with a teacher and is soon to be tardy. Quickly looking down the hall, checking for anybody, you ran down the hall to get to your class on time. That was until...a body collided into you sending you and the person to fall backwards.

"Oi, What the hell! That freaking hurt you ass! Watch where your going," You cursed, making the person before you laugh.

"You were running too-Ouch hey that looks like it hurts are you okay?" A male voice spoke. Upon looking up you were greeted by a pair of dark colored eyes. "Wow, you're pretty cute huh? Um anyways let me help you up and get you to the nurse's office,"

Without saying another word this stranger picked you up and guided you towards the nurse's office. Glancing up an unnoticeable blush coated your cheeks as you looked at the males handsome features. 'He is also pretty cute' You thought to yourself, the door opening to reveal the nurse. 

"Oh my! You're hurt, what happened Goten?" the female asked.

"Oh well um they kinda fell on the steps and I guess with the right amount of force, started bleeding," Goten lied, you didn't even notice yourself bleeding until you looked down at your knee. Your pants had been ripped open to show off bloody cuts on your legs. You were too busy admiring this Goten kid to have even noticed. 

"Okay, you'll have to stay here for a bit just until I get the supplies to clean your wound and get a new pair of pants. I'll be right back and Goten thanks for bringing them in and here's a slip for your tardiness. See you later," You waved as the boy left your sights following the nurse as she went to fetch the materials.

"Damn it I forgot to say thank you to him!" You said, in hopes to see that guy again. Maybe, Trunks knows him?


You stood outside a clubs door waiting for your lavender haired friend to show up. He always did this too you in the past three days! He tells you he'll be out in a few seconds but then takes a whole thirty-two minutes. He was like a girl saying they'd be done but then take hours to officially finish what they were doing.

As if right on time you saw your male friend walk out of the room and position himself beside you. You looked up and stared into his ocean blue eyes. He gave an apologetic look making your stare turn into a harsh glare.

"You said you'd be done in a few seconds! It's been half an hour I've been standing here waiting for your ass!" You scolded the male before.

"You could have came inside during that time and helped me finish. So we could have left earlier," Trunks replied, ducking as you hit him on his head.

"And you didn't bother to mention that to me?"

"Oops," Was the only word your friend managed to say before bolting pass you and outside, you hit on his heels.

You were too busy focused on chasing the male when a familiar individual caught your eye stopping you in your tracks. It was...Goten and he was sitting on a bench reading a book. Quickly you whipped your head around to see if Trunks was nearby and he left, gone with the wind, you suppose.

"H-hey, your Goten right?" You asked, walking your way towards him. The male looked up, in search of the person who called his name. "I'm the girl who bumped into you? The nurse mentioned your name. Oh, and I thought I could say thank you for helping me,"

"Yeah, I remember you! I could never forget a pretty face such as yours," Goten flirted sending your cheeks to turn scarlet.

"U-uh well as a sorry I was h-hoping to buy you a coffee at a nearby c-cafe," You stuttered, instantly regretting the words that spilled out of your mouth.

"Didn't you say it was my fault earlier? Don't get me wrong I would love to go with you but why the change of heart~" Goten purred, making you turn even redder. 

"Don't get the wrong idea! I was just saying that out if the kindness of my heart-"

"I've seen you've met (Y/n), this is the person I've tried to hook you up with," Trunks interrupted, both of you looked at him in shock and embarrassment from the rather blunt comment. 

No words could be exchanged between you and Goten. You had to give Trunks a good beating tomorrow because he ended up inviting Goten to hang out with you both, just to further your embarrassment. On the bright side though Goten was going to join forces with you and try to get back at him. So, In the end, it wasn't that bad he invited Goten but you weren't going to openly admit that to your yet anyways.

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