Surprised Dates {Bulla x Fem!Reader}

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Requested by BabygirlRage

Bulla sat in a jealous rage as another attractive guy ignored her warning and began flirting with you. Slouching with arms crossed a tick mark formed on her forehead and steam practically came out her ears. Well that's what Trunks saw and boy was he getting a kick out of his little sister's misfortune. What made it even better was the fact he knew your feelings for Bulla. If she just payed more attention even Bulla would of found out.

"You know green is a horrible color on you. It's your fault for not asking her out. Maybe, she'd be laughing at your jokes and only paying attention to you~" the male teased.

"One I look good in any colors and two who said I liked (Y/n)? Let alone jealous!" The girl scoffed turning her head away from the scene.

"Guess you reeeally don't have feeling for her. So you won't mind if I ask her out."

"You fucking dare and I swear they won't find your body."

"Why getting all defensive? She's just a friend right?"

"I-It's because...her dating you is so gross!"

"Uh-huh sure I totally believe a word you say."

"You should believe me! Like don't you think me dating your Goten would be weird? Seeing me getting all affectionate and-"

"Okay I get it I don't need nightmares."

"See that's what I'm saying!"

"Yeah but after taking a peek at your diary I know you want more than a friendship."

"When did you grab my journal?!"

"I was in your room minding my own business when I accidentally came across it and well it piqued my interest."

"I am so gonna snitch on you!"

"Oh look at that he's going to wrap an arm around her~"

Quickly Bulla focused her attention on you and like Trunks said the guy was ready to make a move. You, however, pretended not to notice, which only made Bulla even madder. Before she could storm your way the man quickly jumped back. It stopped Bulla in her tracks. From what she saw a drink spilt all over the man. She then looked at you and grinned ear to ear when she saw you holding in a laugh. That was a trick she told you to use when men were getting a little too comfy with you.

"Oh my god I am so sorry. Do you need a napkin?" You said in a sickeningly innocent voice. The man just cursed and snatched a napkin from you, walking away. You snickered as he waddled his was towards the bathroom.

"You come here often baby?" Bulla said in a deep voice as you nearly had a heart attack. You just laughed it off and regained your composure.

"Only when I wanna have some fun~" Your finger lifted Bullas chin as you ever so slightly grazed your lips against her ear. "Why you wanna have fun?" You replied watching the girls behavior before bursting into a laughter.

"I-Idiot! Don' dare do something like that so easily...especially, for someone holding back." Bulla's voice trailed off. 

You just tilted your head at her last sentence. Confused as you don't hear a thing she said. Bulla quickly looked away from you. 'Oh my god so cute.' she squealed to herself as she had nearly had a gay panic attack. Trunks from afar but couldn't help but laugh to himself. Ah he loved to tag along with you and his sister just so he could witness Bullas non-aggressive behavior. Honestly, it was so foreign it scared him but he got a kick out if it.

"Hey, let's get outta here." You propose.

"Right now?!"

"Yes, right now! While Trunks is looking the other way we can bolt out the door. The party is staring to pack so he'll barley see us." Getting off the chair you checked to see if the purple haired saiyan was looking.

To your liking he seemed to have met a familiar face. Grabbing Bullas hand you started to pull her towards the exit. You couldn't help your heart to quicken and your face to turn red. That's when your names were being called out. You both payed no mind to it and continued pushing past the crowd of people. Soon you were outside. Still holding onto her hand you rushed to a nearby alleyway and hid behind a garbage can. 

Bulla was going to yell at you, only for a hand to press against her mouth. Since your hiding spot was only meant for one person you had the luxury of invading her bubble. You know Bulla was going to be pissed but you needed to show her something before she storms off. Staying in this position for a minute or so you got up. You turned to lend a hand to Bulla, as she was sitting. She just gave you a fiery gaze. Before she could punch you, you doged the girl.

"Bulla listen I'll explain everything in a bit but you still gotta trust me okay?" Carefully you extended your hand.

Even though you were deathly scared of her you also loved to see her feisty side. Bulla just crossed her arms and turned away from you. Clearly mad that she had to sit next to a garbage can. You just playfully rolled your eyes at her. Before an idea came to thought. Smirking widely you inched closer to the woman and swiftly carried her bridal style. As she began to spout curses you started to take flight to the sky.


The afternoon was slowly diminishing so a faint sunset mixed with the night. "Hey, dumbass where are we headed?" She softly spoke still avoiding to look at you.

You just giggled "You see that tree with the lights? That's where we are headed."

"Why hang out in the city when you were gonna take me out here?" You didn't say anything once your destination was close.

You just held that dumb smile Bulla adored. Setting her down she saw a small picnic with fairy lights decorating the tree. "You wanted to go to that party. So I listened but while we were dancing and having fun I asked a friend to set this up."

"So what's the occasion?"

"You're the occasion. Why else would I pull a stunt like that and get you mad on purpose."

"W-what do you mean I'm the occasion? You are not gonna have a knife in that basket and kill me are you?"

"Honestly, why do I even like you again?" You joked. Grabbing both of Bullas hands you pushed your lips against hers. Pulling back you brushed some hair out of the now flustered girls face. "I'm trying to ask you out."

She stood dumbfounded and blinked twice before reanalyzing the situation. "Wait what?! You-You like me...your asking me out?" 

"Yes and I don't like you I love you...So will you be my girlfri-"

"Oh my god yes! Yes times infinity!" Although she interrupted you that fact she was freaking out with joy made you want to place kisses all over her.

"Oh thank god that was over. It was so painful to see you act like an idiot." Trunks said.

"When did you get here?" You asked.

"You know that friend of yours I texted them cause I couldn't find you and they told me where you'd be. I just have connections don't ask how I know."

"Trunks! Hurry and leave I don't need you babysitting me while I am on a date with my girlfriend!"

"When did you get that confidence?"

"Move your ass!"

"Okay, okay. I call dibs to be the man of honor at your wedding."


Sorry if this one is a little rushed I kinda didn't know what to write I just went with the flow. Anyways hoped you guys liked it!!! Also next chap will be a lemon.
(just a little side note
today's my birthday ^-^ just thought you should know)

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