Lovesick {Hearts x Reader}

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Requested by Yukie2awesome (check out their page Yukie is such a talented artist😍)
From the sidelines you watched as the blond started talking about something to the group. You payed little to no attention as you were focused on his exposed chest. Yes, you had a major crush on the arrogant man but who could blame you? He's been proven to be your savior in your book.

Even though you knew who to handle yourself he always came to your rescue and made sure you weren't hurt in any way. But being the ditz that you are you passed it off as him being nice. Which still didn't make sense but why would he come to like you? A person who's was always been behind the scenes, quiet, lonely, etc. 

Anyways, Hearts knew you had this crush him as it was plain obvious just as obvious as how much you weren't paying attention right now. Even though he didn't care at first he gradually started liking you. Sure you weren't the type of person he was looking for but you turned out to be even better, even with your cute flaws.

"...(Y/n)? May I speak with you?" A voice called out, dazed you shook your head.

'When did everyone leave?' You though to yourself as you looked around the room. "I uh what happened?" You asked trying to keep your eyes to yourself.

Hearts just chuckled, "I was wondering if there was anything wrong? You seemed out of it." He knew exactly why you were 'out of it' but he liked to see you flustered.

Your face burst a deep shade than the one you currently had. "I-I uh I don't know maybe I didn't get enough...sleep?" You questioned hoping he would buy it.

He chuckled once more as he placed a hand onto your forehead. "You might be sick even your face is so warm~" He smugly replied as his hand went down from touching your forehead to cupping your cheek with one hand. He brushed his thumb against the (s/k) skin. "Do you want me to take you to the medical room to get you checked up?"

Pulling out of his touch you shook your head. "I-I think I'm good but t-thanks for being concerned. Is that all?" You peeped he gave a smile as he sent you off.

Once you left the meeting room you went straight to your room to curl in some blankets and scream the thoughts swirling in your head into your pillow. You felt like it was your first time loving again. After all it's was a long time since you actually fell for someone. So all these emotions you were displaying started spinning off your radar everytime you saw him.

The way he held your face and the concerned look he gave you was so endearing. From the meeting room Hearts felt warm and...happy even. He liked you and whatever feeling you gave him. It was foreign but not in a bad way. When did he start to fall for you? And if he keeps falling for you he might not know what will happen if he's alone with you again.


It's been a couple of months since he was so close to you and since then Hearts been trying to get closer. Not just physically but mentally and emotionally he wanted to be there for you. It's got to the point where you would plague his thoughts he'd almost forget about his plan.

It was just that need to hold and kiss you it was like a drug but he has yet to act on it. It came close many times, for example your current situation, maybe he'd actually make a move now.

You were breathing hard you both exchanged hungry stares. You stood with your back against the wall as he held your wrists in place. You knew for sure that Hearts didn't see you as some friend but most definitely something more. With flushed cheeks you could feel himself press against you.

The situation started off innocent just playful teasing before things took a sharp turn. Hearts who already had it bad for you pushed you against the wall. After a moment of silence he finally talked. "Why do you make me feel this way?" He spoke as he closed his eyes and placed his forehead onto your shoulder.

You could feel his grip loosening on one hand and you slipped out of it. Wrapping an arm around his neck you let your hand entangle themselves into his slicked back hair. "I could say the same for you."

He looked up with a hint of happiness before looking away. "I really want to kiss you but I'm afraid I might lose myself and hurt you."

"You know I never thought you wanted to be so soft to me. It's-its cute but I can handle it. Plus you're showing a lot of self-restraint by not having your way with me right now." You chuckled now freeing your other hand.

Using both your hands you placed them on the sides of Hearts face and lovingly looked at him. He got the memo and shut his eyes as you did. Not a second has passed and you felt his lips eagerly push against yours. Ever so slowly he started to get a little aggressive by gripping your sides and pushing his tongue into your mouth.

You loved the dominance he was displaying but any further and you would go all the way with him. As much as you wanted to continue you pulled back. He slightly glared in which you broke by sweetly smiling at him. "That's all your gonna get for today. Don't we have a mission to start soon?"

Regaining his composure he grinned at you. "Oh you were paying attention this time?" He said wrapping his arms around your waist.

"Hey! I listen...sometimes." You embarrassingly said. "Gah! Whatever we need to go now." Grabbing his hand you both strode to your new destination.

Hearts just trailed behind watching you take lead. He found it quite adorable before moving to your side and intertwined his fingers with yours. You didn't resist as you immediately did the same. Looking up a blush remained onto your cheeks. You were most definitely looking forward to spending time with him.

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