It Takes Time {Dog!Zamasu x Vet!Reader x Dog!Goku Black}

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Requested by Death-Stalker2000 I hope it's okay if I made Zamasu a Chihuahua. Those breeds are very aggressive especially in packs and I see Zamasu like that lol.
As a veterinarian you've had your run with animals of all sorts. However, these particular domesticated pets were a...different story, Zamasu and Black. Zamasu, a green eyed Chihuahua and Black a darked colored German Shepherd. They both were found on the streets and were inseparable.

They also had this hatred for any human that tried to come into contact with them. You suspected they lived together in an abusive home together explaining their aggression towards people. However, the strange thing was that they even disliked you and you were basically the animal whisperer!

Anyhow, as months passed only a small amount of progress was made, much to your disappointment. Not a single soul wanted to adopt them and that was a problem because sooner or later they had to be put down, due to how violent they were. And as someone who deeply cared as an animal lover and veterinarian you took it upon yourself to adopted them. Which started your disaster of a journey.

"It's okay I'm just pushing you the food." Crouching down you used a two foot stick to slide the food to Zamasu. Once the food was next to him you slowly backed away.

A wave of relief washed over you, this time third time he hasn't jump at you. Ever since they started staying at your house, you've noticed each day some progress was being built with Zamasu. Black, however was a different as he trusted you within a week.

Watch the small animal eat his food he eyed you down. Growling from time to time, it made you shiver. Stepping out of the kitchen you looked into the living room to see if Black was eating and he was. Sitting on the couch you tapped on it making the dog turn it's attention to you. "Come here boy." You whistled, Black wagged his tail. The sight made you gush with excitement as you opened your arms.

The German Shepherd barked and playfully jumped into your arms. You chuckled as he nuzzled his head into your neck. Stroking his fur he laid his head onto your shoulder, enjoying the new sensation. "What a good boy!" You baby talked, now ruffling his head.

The dog started at you with his tongue sticking out from the side of his mouth. You were pretty lucky to get to see this side of Black. It took a lot of bites but getting his trust was the best thing ever. Soon Zamasu popped his head from the corner and growled at your carefree nature. To which you brought you hands up in defense.

Another thing the little demon disliked was you giving Black so much attention. You had an idea it was 'jealously' for you being with his conrad. The dog slowly approached the couch you were sitting on and jumped right next to you. You could feel your heart in your throat as Black continued to beg for attention.

Taking a small breath you gently petted the German Shepherd's head. Zamsu watched closely with each pet and curled up next to you. Very very slowly your hand inched closer to the chihuahua. As a vet you knew it was a risky move but you were so memorized by his calmness you had to pet him.

Your hand rested on top if his head and you started petting him. It was at least ten seconds before he snapped and bit you. Black did nothing but watch as you yelp in pain. "That fucking hurt!" You cried out.


Your heart raced as you hid behind a door, you could hear the taps on the floor as they grew close. Holding your breath you stood still like a statue. Seconds felt like hours before the taps exited the room you let out a shaking breath. Slowly you turned your head to look out the room and to your surprise Black sat in front of the door while Zamasu walked around. "Damn it and I thought I got away with it." You groaned before Zamasu's ears perked up.

A smile shown onto your face as you sat on the floor petting the german shepherd. Zamasu, who was now pretty accustomed to your presence strut his way towards you. He laid his head on top of your knee as you petted his head. Earlier you were playing hide and seek with them and you failed. You weren't disappointed though but happy they joined.

Throughout the months you've finally managed to gain both of their trust. Zamasu was still warming up to you day by day but he trusted you enough to hold and pet him. It was quite a journey with them but you were happy with how things turned out. And you made sure that these two would live the best lives with you.

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