Friends? {Freiza x LB Daughter!Reader x Cooler}

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Requested by estellatorres182
Lb= Lord Beerus
Just like every God they had a knack for being haughty, rude and self-absorbed to everyone who was below them. Lord Beerus, aka your father, was a prime example of their annoying nature. You on the other hand were different in ways but still similar. While you don't look down on others below you in the 'so called hierarchy', you do look down on the gods. Their behaviors as such deities was utterly embarrassing.

They talked all kinds of crap about mortals when they didn't even comprehend that those same mortals shared the same flaws, emotions, and behaviors. So throughout the few decades you've lived you've grown to dislike them. Some were okay but never on equally footing with mortals.

The gods may have extreme strength, speed, agility and abnormal abilities but that all didn't matter because it was proven countless of times that mortals could do the same. Maybe not as perfect or as quick but with hard work and dedication, there were individuals such as Goku. The saiyan warrior that grew up on Earth and has surpassed his limits many times. Along with many other fighters.

It was one of the reasons why you adored the mortal world. Of course there were flaws but you still couldn't help but be fascinated with everyone. In someway shape or form every mortal was different like snowflakes. Gods, however, were the same.

They may have adored mortals but they were never really liked them. Maybe it was just your naive mind that has spent most of it's time in the mortal world. You still have yet to understand what made you so supreme against others who were a little different. It was also why you were having an argument with the Goddess Helles as she was disgusted with the fact two mortals were standing before her.

With so much time on Earth and other planets you made all kinds of friends. The two at your side were the rare bunch as not only were they infamous tyrants but also powerful brothers, Lord Frieza and Lord Cooler.

"How ugly of you to bring such-such abominations!" The goddess yelled you could practically see her rage radiating off of her. As you just clicked your tongue in annoyance.

A smirk plastered your features as you crossed your arms. "Well it obviously shows you haven't looked in the mirror recently." You slyly remarked as your two friends lightly snickered.

It made Helles explode with anger as she slammed her palms against the table making cracks along it. "Your a pathetic excuse of goddess you're lucky we cannot fight or else I'd give you a good beating!"

"Or bore me to death with that monologue you call talking. Have you even heard yourself speak. It's like a monotone record and FYI deeming your fictional victory is what will make you lose." Standing from your chair you ended up waving. "I don't have time for this I'll be back father." You spoke as you left Frieza and Cooler tagging along.

The tyrant gave you an amused look, "I didn't think you had any clever comebacks."

"Let alone defend us or even take us to such a place." Cooler added.

You stretched your arms, "Unlike them I like mortals good or bad it doesn't matter as I find them intriguing. You two are especially interesting."

A devilish smile then covered your face as you wrapped your arms around their necks, bringing them to you level. You knew that it bothered the hell out of them but that was the point. The way their faces lit up with anger was amusing and dare you say cute. You really did like them, was in a way more than a friend should feel? Most likely but you didn't really want to admit your feelings just yet. You didn't really have a need as you three had a really close bond as friends, whether they'd agree or not.

Frieza felt his eye twitch as he removed your arm off of him. "Tch you're lucky you are more powerful than me or else I would of gotten rid of you right now."

You gave a cheeky smiled as you witnessed his lightly flushed cheeks, "Aww so rude! But that's not what your blush says~" You spoke in an almost sing-song tone.

Frieza just rolled his eyes and ignored you. Cooler on the other hand was oddly comfortable in your grasp despite it looking very uncomfortable. "Personally I've grown accustomed to her doing this."

"Just the other day you got mad at me for doing this!" You pouted usually he'd be all grumpy but your attempts to get him mad were futile.

"Well that's because I know you like to see us miserable. I don't want to give you that you make quite the endearing look when you don't get what you want."

Hearing the playfulness in his voice made you punch his arm as you flushed with a red tint. "I'm suppose to do the teasing not you."

The icejiin just rubbed his arm and laughed at your childishness. "But it's cute aren't I right Frieza?" He hummed.

Freiza scoffed and turned around, "Nothing about that hot head is cute."

You face lit up with anger as you crossed your arms, sticking out your tongue. "Fine! You're not cute either."

"Tch you think I care?"

You sighed as you let go of Cooler and laid your head onto his shoulder. Frieza for some reason felt his blood boil a little, you were too close to his brother. "Now now no need to pout who cares what my brother thinks." Cooler then brushed some strands of (h/c) hair behind your ear. "You're the definition of beauty."

Your heart began racing in your chest as you pulled away from him. "Too close, idiot!"

"You should stand as far as possible from (Y/n)." Freiza commented as he shot daggers at Cooler, the icejin just looked at him amusedly. 

"Jealous much?" The smaller male felt his tail flick. You knew that wasn't a good sign and stood back. Sure you were stronger than them but it was best to just avoid it.

"You know you annoy me."

"Because I'm right huh?"

"Hey you guys can't you just fight somewhere else?" You groaned.

This was gonna take a while as they both ignored you. If things get serious then you might just knock them out. However, you couldn't help but feel a little fuzzy that Frieza might've been jelly. One things for sure was that you definitely liked them and now you had to deal with hiding it.

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