A Race to Her Heart {Goku x Reader x Goku Black Pt.2}

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Your eye twitched as both males squished you onto the couch. A tick mark formed onto your forehead as you prayed to any god not to punch the ever living shit out of them. It's been day three and they were getting on your nerves on the subject of personal space. Something that apparently isn't in their vocabulary since you've mentioned it to them many many times.

Now it was hard to tick you off and numerous of people would describe you as conservative and shy. Those who knew you personally new that they shouldn't get on your bad side because it was a mix of Chichi and Bulma. Which was definitely strange as Goku knew not to get you angry.

"Goku...I am about to lose my fucking shit if you don't get yourself off of my lap!"

"Come on! I'm not even sitting on it."

"You basically are as your whole body is sprawled onto me."  You desperately cried out. Goku puffed his cheeks and sat up folding his arms.

Black smirked as he kept his arm around your shoulder. You just glared at him. "You're pretty cute when you're angry."

"Then imma get real fucking adorable in a few seconds." As you ready to punch the male Goku grabbed your torso and sat you on his lap. "Let me go!" You yelled out but he didn't listen.

"Just calm down okay?" You squirmed against his body before he started messing with your hair making you calmed down. "See not to bad?"

Black snickered, "You're like a cat."

You didn't say anything as you just leaned into Goku's touch. Black just sat now feeling a little jealous as you were ignoring him and allowing his doppelganger to touch you. Goku just glanced at the male feeling successful.

-Choosing Black-

These past few days you've managed to find something about yourself. You had feelings for Black. You just adored the way he became jealous of you. Which was the precise reason why you kept ignoring him. It was a little mean but he had his fair share of flirting with some females in front of you! You were only getting pay back.

Goku laid his head onto your shoulder as you played with strands of his hair. You did care for Goku a whole lot but you weren't going to be a homewrecker of any sorts so you tried to stay away from cheesy romantic stuff like this. However, you assumed he did this since you both were close to each other.

Satisfied at Black reaction you pushed yourself off of Goku before sitting in the middle. "Why the long face?" You said smugly as you poked the males side. As much as he wanted to be mad he couldn't.

His smile returned and went to hug you, which you obliged. "I was pouting." He sighed as you chuckled at him before his stomach growled.

His face turned a slight red and turned way from you embarrassed. "Guess I'll make some food. I'm hungry anyways and I don't trust any of you in the kitchen!" You joked before standing up to leave.

Goku who sat in silence watched as you left. He knew who you loved, it was clear as day and as much as he kept trying to win your heart it was already snatched. The way you looked at Black was on another level and as thick headed he can be he knew your feelings.

The saiyan sighed as he ran a hand through his hair. He could still feel your warmth teasing the stands but he let go. He wanted to leave before but you just kept pulling him back in. The male gave a warm hearted laugh, "I guess this means you won."

Black was confused at first but placed a hand onto his shoulder. "No hard feelings?"

"No hard feelings...but before I fully give her up why do you love her?"

Blacks face became warm, "S-she's unlike any other person I've ever met. (Y/n) is naive at times but I find a beauty in that as she managed to find the good in me." The doppelganger smiled as he thought about you. He truly loved you and Goku could see it.

"Welp I think I've over stayed my welcome. Take good care of her, she's been through a lot but still manages to smile." Goku sat up from the couch and stretched. "Tell her I said bye."

Black nodded his head as Goku then left. He did feel a little bad but what can he do? As he said before he would win your heart and by the looks of Goku's tap out he did win.

Black then stood up and went into the kitchen. He could see you from behind watching as you prepared lunch. Occasionally he would hear you hum soft melodies. Before you could turn around he hugged you. "I love you." He whispered into your ear.

You flushed at his words, "W-what?" You were baffled and couldn't believe the words that came out his mouth.

With both his hands he turned you around and kiss you. You felt as if you'd melt in that very second. "(Y/n) you made me into the man I am today. If you choose me or not I will still love you."

You buried your face into his chest, "Why now of all times?" Your hands pressed themselves against his as you grabbed them. "You dumbass! I l-love you to." Grabbing your hands Black placed small pecks along side them, having a never ending feeling of happiness.

-Choosing Goku-

You chuckled before looking up at Goku he had a smug expression on his face. You just adored him. Especially how Goku manages to calm you down and you had to admit you liked him. However, it was hard to act on those feelings as he has a wife and kids. You swallowed your saliva at that thought before moving out of his lap.

"I'm going to be in my room try not to make a mess of things in here okay?" You said before living the area. Black could obviously see your discomfort, eyeing Goku before letting out a groan.

The male just followed you into your room, "Are you upset about something with Goku?" He leaned against the door frame as you went face first into the soft bed.

"Keep this a secret please?" You looked up to Black to see him giving the thumbs up. "I-I like Goku...but he's married."

"I was afraid you'd say that." He sadly chuckled as he sat on the bed with you. "You know I've liked you for a while...How long have you felt this way for him?"

"Before he was married but why do you like me?" As you sat yourself up you looked to him in curiosity.

"You were the only person to approach me and keep making an effort with me. It came to the point where I wanted you by I guess that won't happen anytime soon." You placed a hand onto his shoulder.

"If I could change my feelings for that bird brain I would but I'm sure in another timeline I do choose you." You reassured, Black gave you a warm smile.

"Lucky that me but I'm not as hurt. Trust me I really do care about you but you changed me and I care for whoever you choose." Black kissed your cheek, "I know he likes you so just tell him how he feels."

"What if I ruin his marriage?"

"It's now or never." Black sternly replied as you took a deep breath and nodded your head.

"Okay I will and thank you Black." You smiled as he nodded his head.

Even though you choose someone else he didn't feel super devastated but he did feel pretty sad. Anyhow, once you told Goku your feelings he enveloped you into a hug and told you how much you he cared for you. Now it was just a matter of time before you both told Chi-Chi. Black eventually got over his hopeless love for you and became one of your closest friends. He even got to leave hell and live on Earth. Black may have not his dream girl but he still got to see you live a happy life and that was worth something.

(Bruhhhh why was this so long?)

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