A Sparring Match {Burter x Reader}

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🙌I got another request!🙌
This time the lovely person who asked for this is Myrablurple.
You were leaning against the door frame, waiting for a specific blue alien to finish up training. It was two days ago Lord Frieza came over to your division. However, he wasn't alone since he brought the Ginyu Force with him and it made you do some research on them. Anyhow, Frieza was there because he needs some modifications to his ship because Prince Vegeta interfered with them.

You don't know the whole story except for a thing called the dragons balls, a wish orb that can grant whatever is desired. Knowing Frieza he probably would want immortality or to control the whole universe, he's sometimes scary like that. Just the thought of it terrified you.

You pushed your body away from the door and walked towards the blue male. He was sitting on the training room floor, breathing heavily and panting. That's when he looked up and saw you walking towards him, his whole demeanor changed as he started to do a few push-ups. Honestly, he was unbelievable sometimes but it did flatter you to know how much he tried to impress you.

"As expected as ever your teamwork with Jeice is very admirable. I can't even stand being near my own team," You joked, as Burter got up smirking at the compliment.

"Well don't start to fall in love with me over something as simple as that commander. I have a lot more qualities you'd love about me," The male replied, closing the space between you both.

You rolled your eyes playfully at him before walking away from the male. "Hurry up I still need to show you around the area," You spoke, Burter following you behind occasionally having small talk.


"...and this is your resting area. Sorry, your rooms took a while to get prepared but I hope you're satisfied,"

"Say Commander (L/c), How did you become part of the Frieza Force?" Burter spoke.

"What brought you to say that out of the blue?" You asked, trying to avoid the question.

"Well, I've asked Zarbon for any information about you and he just told me you were a very efficient and productive commander of the Frieza Force,"

"Ahh, I see. Well, enjoy your room I have some work I must do," You bowed to the male and right when you were going to leave a blue hand wrapped around your wrist.

"You still haven't answered my question or told me anything about yourself. While I've told you plenty,"

"Hmph, well aren't you persistent, I will only tell you if you can beat me at a spar," Pulling your wrist from the male you shot him a smug smile. "I'll see you in the training room around five-thirty tomorrow,"

Burter returned the smugness of your smile and walked back to his room as your figure disappeared from his sights. Looks like you also did some research on him as well. The alien chuckled knowing that you knew the specifics of his free time on his schedule. 'What a mysterious yet interesting girl'


You walked down the hallways taking a left, which led you towards the training room. You managed to be right on time but before you could smirk in triumph you saw Burter against the wall. You frowned, damn even if Burter wins against you, you would have to tell him about yourself, which you didn't want to. It made you feel vulnerable whenever you talked about your past.

"Are you ready to be beaten by the fastest person in the universe?" Burter said, pride lacing his words making you smirk at him.

"Not after I stomp on that pride of yours," You challenged, as you brushed past the male making your way inside the room.

Getting into fighting stance Burter joined you and mimicked your stance. By then seconds turned into minutes and you struck your fist towards the males face. Of course, he dodged it but you brought your free hand to strike him in the stomach. Burter coughed slightly, grabbing both your hands and pulled you close before kneeing you in the abdomen.

You growled in pain pushing yourself back and then to your original form. Both of you then fought back and fourth fists nearing each other's faces. At one point the speed was taken up a notch and Burter grazed your cheek, drawing blood. This time when you jumped back you stayed there and shot a few ki blasts at the male.

This fight went on for an hour or two and defeat was nearing the blue male. That's when a wave of exhaustion hit him and he stumbled backwards falling onto his butt. You were going to say something clever to him but you sat on the ground, panting as well.

"You did quite well against me but you still lost," You spoke, cheekily before the male disappeared from your sights then reappeared pinning you down onto the ground.

"I didn't say I gave up nor did I surrender. I just managed to take a short enough break to make you immobile to move. You could say I won this battle," Burter grinned.

Burter inched closer to your face, lips inching your own. However, before he could place a peck on them you quickly moved your legs onto the side of his waist and flipped yourself over. You straddled him placing your weight onto his body and held his arms in place. This time your smirk of triumph stayed onto your face.

"What was that again? You made me immobile to move? And that you won? Sorry honey but you did not win nor did you make me say anything," You smirked, making Burter sigh in defeat. You sucked the inside of your cheek and then placed a kiss on the male.

"One of these days I will get the truth out of the pretty little mouth of yours" Burter growled playfully, sending you a wink.

You rolled your eyes "And I'll be waiting until then," You spoke, flicking the male's forehead. "But since, you lost you're taking me out on a date,"

"Was that your plan once I lost?" Burter said as you got off of him.

"Guilty as charged,"

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