My Love {Android 16 x Reader}

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Requested by Babygirlrage
"Eh?! 16 we are gonna be late and you aren't even ready!" You yelled at your boyfriend as he blankly looked at you then at the small animal in front of him.

You felt your eye twitch, "Late for what?" He spoke as you flicked his forehead.

"To meet up with 18 and 17. You're the one who told me, how could you forget?"

That's when it clicked for the red head, "Ah that's today. I totally forgot, it's fine it won't take long for me to get ready."

"Please hurry up I don't want to make a bad impression after all it's my first actual introduction to them."

"Okay, okay but you shouldn't worry I know they'll like you." The android pat the dogs head before getting up to place a kiss against your cheek. "I'll be back in a two minutes if I don't then I'll do the dishes for a week."

You could feel the blood rush to your cheeks as he quickly left to the room. "F-fine two minutes only."

Slowly you brought a hand to your cheek, he always manages to surprise you but that's what you loved about him. Your heart thumped against your chest as you warmly smiled. You can't stay mad at him. Sitting on the couch you waited for your significant other to quickly get ready.

From the side you heard a small whimper it was the new addition to the family. A puppy that gave you the most innocent eyes ever. You bent over to rub it's tiny ears, you absolutely adored animals. It was what drew you and 16 together. If you remember it was five years ago you both met and during the two you officially became a couple.

You remembered it like it was yesterday. It happened during Cells rein of terror that you accidentally intervened. During a small family vacation to an island, you opened the door to see what the commotion was when your older dog ran outside and bolted towards the flashing lights. Fearing for his safety you ran after him which led you to a fight.

Cell wanted to kill the animal while 16 differed. Then you arrived much to their surprise. However, 16 would have to say that the way you stood your ground to protect such small creature made him admire you. It was obvious you were weaker but that didn't stop you from insulting the one and only Cell. It gave 16 the opportunity to launch his rocket at him and quickly grab you and the dog to safety.

It was almost love at first sight for him especially when you tried to go back and fight Cell again. You just had this unique fire in you that sparked his interest. After the fight and him being repaired he returned to see you again and you both hit it off immediately. Though you were heart broken for a few months after he was destroyed. Miraculously the mainframe to his memories were restored and he was brought back. As time passed you both became really close friends which eventually turned into something more.

"It's been one minute and fifty-six seconds." A voice called out, looking up you jumped a little from the unexpected voice. You then smiled at his outfit, he was wearing the green shirt you gave him last year.

You snickered a little, "It looks good on you but is it too tight?"

The android shook his head, "No, not really why do you ask?"

Your never really realized how muscular he was. Your mind slowly descending down the gutter."It's just that you look so-gah never mind we need to go!" Getting to your feet you started to head towards the door.

Just as you opened it, it was immediately shut by a hand above you. You squeaked a little as your turned around to see 16 looking down at you. Your heart was caught into your throat as he ran his free hand through his hair. The sight was definitely gonna kill you. Especially, since his shirt was unbuttoned a little.

"What were you gonna say?"

How the hell was this damm android so good at getting you flustered when you least expect it?! You remember a time where he would always be so oblivious and shy to the point he would hardly speak. But I guess it'd make sense as he basically loved you for over five years.

"So h-hot." You managed to say.

The man gave and amused look, "What was that?" 

"It's so hot" You nervously chuckled before looking at your watch. "18 should be expecting us soon so if you may p-please open the door?"

"Ah you're right we don't want to be late." He pulled back and opened the door as you stepped away. Did he just flip his switch twice? You didn't even know as your mind was so fogged.

"Y-yeah let's not be late."


You watched as 16 held Marron in his hands. He really was a big guy as the little girl was like a teddy bear in his arms. It was so cute, 16 would definitely make a really good dad. "So (Y/n) how long have you two been together?" Krillin asked as 17 just listened in.

"Over two years but we've known each other for five."

Krillin eyes widen, "Five years?! Like when Cell was in going to take over the Earth"

"Y-yeah we actually met when while he was fighting Cell. He saved me before I could make any rash decisions." You chuckled thinking back on your previous thoughts.

"Tell us about how you got together?" 17 finally spoke up. You smiled it seemed like you were getting along with them.

*16's POV*

Setting the child down, Marron moved towards (Y/n) and began messing around with her. (Y/n) seemed delighted to be here as she talked to the others while still managing some time with the little girl. She would make a great mom. 18 then nudged me as I witnessed a smile across her face.

"Who would've thought that you'd fall so hard for her after you only had your sights set on killing Goku."

"How could I not? She's just so caring to animals and has this fighting spirit to protect things closest to her. Even when she knows she might not stand a chance she always wants to do something."

"Well you better keep her close because everyone already seems to like her. Plus this is the first time I've seen 17 talk to someone for so long. Usually, he ignores everyone or says one sentence for the day." 18 joked.

I chuckled as I looked back at (Y/n), "She really is amazing, I can't believe she really stayed for me."

I felt a slap against my back, "I think she'd feel the same way about you." 18 said.

"Maybe your right but I can't help but realize that she really is the love of my life and that she's in arms reach where I can just hold and love her. It's unbelievable."

18 felt her smile widen, "We are pretty similar. That's the way I felt about Krillin sure he's rough around the edges but he is amazing I'm glad he's in my life and I'm glad you found someone you truly love."

(Y/n) looked up to see my staring, she shut her eyes and playfully stuck her tongue out at me. She was so childish, it was cute. I am definitely glad she's in my life.

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