Too Easy {Burter x Reader x Jeice}

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Requested by Cherry-and-Sass
Jeice and Burter looked at the fellow squadron leader in amazement as you chatted with Captain Ginyu. You just looked so poised, reliable and extremely beautiful. Even the way you held yourself was that of a strong woman that took no one's shit. The two couldn't keep their eyes off you and you even knew.

"We're suppose to be training!" Guldo squeaked out as the two just groaned.

"Come on have ya ever seen such a beauty?" The red alien stated.

"Look at her, she's practically glowing. How can we not stare at her?" Burter added in which his red friend nodded his head vigorously.

Guldo rolled his eyes, "You're only like this because you haven't seen a female outside of this ship in months. Let alone a female squadron leader." The two just glared at the shorter male, who could feel his sweat drop. "Okay, you are correct she is pretty but we need to train or Captain Ginyu will yell at us."

Jeice groaned louder this time, "Only if it'll shut you up."

Your eyes were then shifted back towards Ginyu as you lightly chuckled. You've been eyeing them from the start and they seemed like a funny pair to chat with. Captain Ginyu just gave you an odd look which you noticed.

"I apologize for laughing so abruptly I couldn't help but overhear your team of Jesters." You snickered. "That being said I would love for my squad to spar with yours I can tell they're strong. It's sure to put our groups to work." 

Ginyu laughed as well, "I'm guessing the jesters are Jeice, Burter and Guldo. Those two always seem to pick on him."

"So which one is which because I'm interested in the red and blue guy."

"The red alien is Jeice and the blue alien Burter."

"Really, I'm sure you won't mind me teasing those particular ones correct?"

"Haha no they were the ones paying attention to you rather than their training. Just don't tease them too hard."

"We'll just have to see."


"Do you mind if I borrow this?" You spoke in a sweet tone as you bent over revealing a little of your cleavage. From the tank top to your skin tight shorts the red alien felt the blood rush to his nose as he turned his head and handed you the water bottle. Jeice just pinched the bridge of his nose to stop the blood from gushing out from the sight of you.

You chuckled as you grabbed the beverage and chugged it. Purposely, allowing the droplets of water to run down your skin. Burter from the sidelines made the mistake of watching before getting punched in the gut by one of your members.

You swore you almost choked on the water from laughing at the unexpected punch. Wiping your mouth with your arm you sat on the bench Jeice was on and smiled apologetically.

"Sorry about drinking all your water I was just so thirsty." You laughed, which set Jeice heart on fire.

"I-It's fine I'll just get another...yeah I'll be right back." The male nervously chuckled as he left. You could feel yourself frown, you really wanted to tease him more.

"Oh well...hey, Lattuce how about we switch places I wanna give Burter a try he seems to be distracted and I'm sure I'll keep him on his toes." You yelled out as the saiyan just nodded his head.

"Go easy on him."

"Woohoo you go boss!"

"She's gonna eat him alive."

"Kick his ass!"

All the praise your team gave you filled Burter with a sudden uneasiness and excitement. The blood in his cheek rushed to his head as he began having unsightly thoughts.


Jeice stood back baffled at the sight before him. In fact almost everyone in the room did except Captain Ginyu, who saw this coming a mile away. What the alien saw was you straddling Burters waist while pinning his wrists above his head.

The blue alien could feel so many emotions arousal, shame and embarrassment. You on the other hand were having too much fun teasing them. It wasn't often that you can get someone off guard so easily. It was a fun change of pace that you were taking advantage of.

Captain Ginyu just shook his head in disappointment because they allowed you to keep these stunts up. Everything you did could be easily brushed off as you wanted to test their reactions. Looks like training will be especially hard for them once you return back to your own sector.

A high pitch noise then rang signalling the end of training. Smirking you removed yourself off of Burter and brought a hand down to help pick himself up. The male just stared at your hand then at you but his eyes trailed back down towards your breasts. A small trickle of blood then ran down his nose.

The sight made you laugh out loud, these two were way too easy, it was adorable. You almost felt bad for doing it but what can you do? You see an opportunity you take it and exploit it.

For the next few weeks it was basically hell and heaven for the two members of the Ginyu force. Not only was training nearly impossible, it was a great to see the sweat roll down your body and the groans pass through your lips. The next time they'd see Frieza they were going to thank him for merging your squad with theirs.

Anyhow, while you enjoyed teasing them to your fullest you also got close to them. They weren't too bad of guys, in fact in different circumstances you were sure you'd date one of them. However, in your profession mixing love with work was never a good idea. Will you stick to the idea? Who knows only time will tell.

We have all completed the story. It is possible I might return to add a few oneshots when I feel in the mood but for now I am finished, hope you enjoyed!!!!(I am going to try fixing grammar mistakes tho lol)

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