Affectionate {Goku x SaiyanWife!Reader}

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Request from SoulEater_Luvr
Your (e/c) eyes scanned the wedding photo as your fingertips grazed against it's wooden frame. Grabbing a wipe you began cleaning any grime that stuck onto the picture. Once you were done you moved to the next photo. This one was back when you and Goku met. It was during the spring time and you both hung upside down by an apple tree with your tails holding you up. Even now you still kept your tail as it was pretty useful when you need an extra set of 'hands'.

After all you had two kids and one of those was still an infant. Speaking of infants Goten started to crawl his way into the living room. Placing the picture down you walked over to your 8 month old child and gently picked him up. Then you proceeded to use your free hand and tail to clean around the living room. It didn't take long but for Goten he seemed to be already dozing off. He looked so adorable when he wasn't tearing up the place. Satisfied with the way things were organized you felt a light tug onto your hair. Goten seemed to have grabbed it while falling asleep.

"How did you manage to climb out of your crib? Your father is supposed to be looking after you." You whispered as you moved back into the room.

There you witness Goku sitting on the chair, on the verge of falling, with drool rolling down his chin. You almost laughed out loud if it wasn't for the sleeping child. Carefully, you walked to the crib and placed Goten down. Miraculously he didn't cry or wake up. Grabbing a small blanket and stuffed animal you placed them on the child. Now it was Goku's turn, you chuckled. He stayed all night with the little demon making sure he was sleeping soundly. Well...more like you forced Goku to be in charge. You were quite surprised your husband even listened to you.

Anyways, as you searched in the closet and found a blanket big enough to cover the saiyan. A smile was shown onto your face as you looked at the cozied Goku. Brushing some stands of the gravity defying hair out of his face you ended up placing a kiss on the man's forehead. Tilting your head ever so slightly you wondered how you guys even came to be.

At first crash landing on Earth and being stuck there was nice and peaceful until you were stuck with Goku. A curious kid, who didn't know much about females or their anatomy, was deemed a perverted idiot. It's not like his intentions were bad as he was still young but you thought otherwise. Hence, the reason you never really got along with him. However, with the countless times he saved your ass and his strength alone was admirable.

Also to mention in a saiyans DNA strength is what draws mates together. So of course you eventually liked him and he liked you for those same reasons, that and you were quite feisty and aggressive. Still it baffled you that he choose you over anyone else but you wouldn't of want it any other way. You got to marry the man you loved, even though he is quite the airhead. You have two beautiful boys, one of which is a strong and very intelligent fighter, and the other an adorable mess.

"Man how long was I asleep?" A voice yawned. "Oh hey (Y/n) how long were you there?" Jolting out of your thoughts you looked at the man.

"I've been here for a few minutes because Goten seemed to have gone out of the crib and started wondering around. If you were tired you could of woke me up. I'd hate for anything bad to have happen to my little boy." You stated.

"Oh come on Goten is strong after all he has our genes! A little bump on the head probably won't do much. And besides I didn't want you to yell at me for not watching him like you said."

"Just please inform me next time! I promise I won't get mad and if I do I promise to make you the biggest feast ever!" You said as you made your way out of the room, Goku followed with his stupid grin you loved so much.

"I'll make sure to hold you to your promise~" The male teased before quickly grabbing you from behind and pulling you into a bear hug. He then nuzzled his face into the crook of your neck. "(Y/nnn) I'm hungryyy." Goku whined and as if his stomach knew, it began to growl.

You just rolled your eyes at his childish demeanor before moving out of his grasps. Only for you to be quickly pulled back into his warm embrace. "I can't make food if you don't let me go." But even after those words fell out he didn't budge. You felt slightly worried as he never was this clingy even after the announcement of food. "Goku what is it?"

"I just don't wanna let you go." He mumbled. A confused look was shown on your face.

"Can you repeat that?"

"I said I don't wanna let you go. I just love you so much." Goku mumbled again but this time you heard him clearly and it made you entirely red.

"I-Idiot I love you too you big baby! Now let me go I'm starting to get hungry as well." You said as you tried to pry yourself away.

You were finally able to get to the kitchen yet the blush remained. Despite being married for many years you probably wouldn't ever get use to those three words. But every time he said it you cherished them dearly. 'God I feel like a love sicked teenager!' You thought to yourself as you began to prepare food. Goku accompanied himself with whatever was on television.

Quickly the saiyan was bored after a few shows and decided to check up on the progress. You were actually finished once he walked into the kitchen. "Love, can you come here for a second?" Goku said in a sickly innocent voice as he sat in a chair but nonetheless you listened.

"If you are going to ask if the food is done I'm going to hit you." You threatened.

It was only a few steps towards Goku and once you got in range the man immediately grabbed your wrist and sat you down onto his lap. Where he began to leave small kisses on your face. Before leaving the last one on your lips. Stunned by the out of character gesture you managed to somehow to pull yourself together. Not before you left a small peck on his cheek.

"Why so charming today? It's not that I don't like it, it's just that you haven't done such a thing before."

Goku seemed to have been stumped on the question for a few seconds for shaking his head. "I don't know I just felt like I need to be affectionate today." Goku smiled before giving you another kiss. "After eating can we go train?"

"Sure, Gohan's coming to visit so it'll be a perfect opportunity for him to watch his brother."

"(Y/n) can you do me a two favors please?" Before you could decline Goku gave you puppy dog eyes.

"Damn it what!?"

"One make sure you give it your all and two can you feed me?"

"You are such a baby!"

"But I'm your baby~" Rolling your eyes once again you complied. You don't know why but he was such a pain in the ass. Flicking his forehead you began his request.

Hope you like it and sorry if there are any mistakes but I was working on this late at night. 😖

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