🍋Cold {Jiren x Reader}🍋

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Requested by BabygirlRage sorry if it really isn't as explicit as you hoped for or how I usually write lemons but I did what I could think of.

He always gave you the cold shoulder and the silent treatment when others were around. When you guys were alone he was aggressive, horny, needy. This was all behind closed doors. No one knew, it was no one's business to begin with. This mistake all started as friends with benefits, no strings attached. Yet, someone had to catch feelings. Your mind told you one thing, your heart told you another, and the heat between your legs disagreed with the others.

You slouched against the lunchroom chair, your thoughts and feelings ripping each other apart. You hated this unrequited love. Recently, you've been ignoring Jiren because you knew you'd do something you'll regret later on. It was day three heading onto four and he hasn't said anything to you. Maybe, he gotten bored of you because he hasn't asked for you once or sent any messages to come meet him. Maybe, this was for the best. Now tilting backwards you kept your position as thoughts raced again.

What's worse is that you guys were in the same team so you guys were bound to see each other eventually. Averting your eyes to the side you spotted Jiren talking to Toppo. They seemed to be talking about something important. Then all of a sudden the leader pointed in your area. Your (E/c) orbs grew and you started to panicked, once you saw them approaching. Swiftly turning your head back, you forgot you were tilting in your chair and ended up falling down.

It hurt like a bitch, colliding with the floor, but before you could make a run for it, the two already stood by you. You gulped hard and managed to speak up. "H-hi Toppo and J-Jiren. Don't mind me just laying here. The fall didn't hurt so no need to worry!" You chuckled nervously. "S-so whacha need?"

"Jiren has very important matters to discuss with you and I have to talk bout a upcoming mission. But I'll do that on a later date. Anyways, I've got to go." The man waved. 'Don't leave so soon!' You mentally screamed.

Once Toppo was out of sight Jiren took a deep breath and surveyed his surroundings. Satisfied he bent down, grabbed your wrist and threw you over his shoulder. You were at a loss of words but by the way he did it so aggressively meant the way he felt. He was mad and usually he'd be more gentle with you. Not even a minute passed and you were already at a new destination.

The room was simple, big, and...familiar. A wave if uneasiness dug itself into your stomach. You were in Jiren's room. You were all to familiar with it. As you opened your mouth you were quickly thrown onto the bed. "Why have you been ignoring me for the past couple days?"

You stayed silent. You really didn't want to tell him but if you didn't then you'd be in trouble. And god is he scary when he wants to be. 'Just play dumb (Y/n)' You encouraged. "H-how do you know it wasn't you ignoring me?" You squeaked before shutting your mouth. 'Not that dumb!'

"I'm not going to say it again." Jiren warned. You quickly decided to spill the truth. You were a little scared to say something stupid again.

"Okay, okay w-well some personal issues have come up with this...r-relationship and I didn't want to say or doing anything I'd regret later on."

"Mind elaborating?"

"The kind where I break our first rule." You said and for once it was quiet too quiet for you liking. 'That's it! He's gonna reject me. Maybe it should be this way!'

Closing your eyes you took a deep breath and relaxed. If this was how it was going to be then so be it. Facing your head down you felt as if you were going to cry. That's when a hand set itself under your chin. It jolted you to your senses. Before you even knew lips were pressed against your own. Your eyes were widen but you kissed back. This went on for a couple of seconds before he pulled back.

"You know I broke that rule before our relationship started. I just didn't want to admit that I had feelings for you. I wanted to tire of you and get rid of these pathetic emotions but they only grew and soon enough I only wanted you-"

Confidence over came you and quickly you grabbed Jiren and pulled him close. "And here I was fearing you did get tired of me. So you better make up for all that lost time." You teased.

Jiren just smirked at you as he pushed you down onto the bed. He moved a small strand of (h/c) hair from your face and left small kisses along your cheek to your neck. Gently he nipped the nape of your neck, leaving small hickeys. It felt so good you didn't want him to stop devouring you. Subdued to pleasure you didn't even know your outfit was being undone. Slowly you were stripped of your clothing to nothing.

You felt so vulnerable but you loved every second of it. You missed the light trails of his fingertips gently caressing your skin. You missed the soft yet rough kisses claiming every part of your body. You missed him. And you were glad he felt the same way as you did. And this wasn't just your normal sex it felt different. It felt more passionate, your felt more loved, it felt better. You didn't have to drown yourself in guilt everytime you guys did it. Because now you know it's was okay to feel that since Jiren felt that way.

As Jiren began to strip himself you could feel a few tears slip from you eyes. Of course Jiren noticed this and placed a hand onto your cheek and kissed your forehead. "We don't have to do this right now." He had a look of worry but you reassured him.

"I-I'm just happy...s-so please continue." The man, who was once cold to you, wiped away your tears and did as you told.

Ever so slowly Jiren entered you, since it's been a while to be done this with him, you felt tensed and instantly tightened yourself around him. The sudden contact almost drove him towards the edge. "If you keep tightening I just might lose myself and be rough-" 

"Then be rough." You replied back. "Though its been a while trust me I can handle it-Ahh" Without warning Jiren slammed himself against you. You just slightly glared at him before you to bit onto your finger to suppress the oncoming of moans.

The harder he thrusted into you the more impossible it was to hide your voice. Jiren couldn't help but look at you as you tried to hide your voice. He found it adorable but he found it even cuter when you were a moaning mess. Using a free hand of his he swiftly grabbed both your wrist and pinned them above you. Not long after you were begging for him to go faster. 


Morning arrived and boy did you feel sore...everywhere. Sitting yourself up you felt around the bed hoping to feel a certain someone but you came into contact with an empty bed. Your heart sank, it felt like all those other times when he'd come and go once he was done with you. But now was not the time to sulk whether or not his words were true you had to get up and get ready.

Grabbing your clothes you began to put them back on. Now all you had to do was sneak out of Jiren's room without being noticed by anyone. As you slowed your steps you quietly opened the door to look into the ships hallway. No one was around so ever so slightly you opened the door only for it to be opened fully.

"Going somewhere?" A deep voice spoke. You looked up to see Jiren with an amused look on his face.

"N-no I was just going to get breakfast?"  You questioned, making the man chuckle.

"You thought I left like how we usually did things?"

"To be perfectly honest yes...I did."

"Well I went to go get your breakfast and I didn't want to wake you cause you looked...cute sleeping." The man admitted. "This is for you." Showing you his free hand it was occupied with breakfast.

You looked up at Jiren and smiled warmly at him before giving him a peck on the cheek. "Thank you for being so thoughtful."

I probably will fix this one but until then wait for more stories to be published.

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