The Happiest Day {SuperSaiyan4!Goku x Wife!Reader}

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Requested by SoulEater_Luvr just a note it isn't really along the lines of SS4 goku cause it's mainly at readers POV but when it gets to his at least pretend he's in the form? I thought writing this was cute it slipped my mind. Sorry!!!
Today you were officially gonna get married to the dimwitted Saiyan Goku. But no amount of insulting would amount to the unconditional love you have for him. You stared into the mirror, the pristine gown was beautiful along with any accessories you wouldn't normally wear. To be honest you didn't even look like yourself! It felt so surreal wearing makeup and a dress prettier than you. You chuckled to yourself as you thought that. 

Averting your clear (e/c) eyes to the bed you sat down. A feeling of happiness filled you once you touched the delicate petals of a rose. You remember waking up and instead of seeing your fiance you saw crimson roses and a note attached. A note saying 'I can't wait to get married to you.' Just thinking of it sent butterflies to your stomach.

In the midst of your thinking, a knock replaced your thoughts. You weren't ready for anyone to see you just yet. Timidly you walked towards the door and opened it about an inch or two. There you met two blue eyes staring back. It was Bulma and she was visibly excited. "Just wanted to check up on the bride to be!" She chirped.

"I-I'm good." You peeped.

Bulma noticed the uneasy look you had. "You're not thinking of backing out now are you?" She asked.

Immediately you shook your head. "Oh god no! I-I just don't want anyone to see me now. I look so...abnormal not in a bad way, I just feel so outta place."

Bulma leaned against the door. "It's cause your not use to dressing up. Trust me your aren't the only one who feels that way. Goku was feeling uneasy about wearing a suit." She laughed. "I'm sure you look amazing in that dress!" She gushed.

You felt more at ease with Bulma's words. "Fine hurry and get in here but I swear I'll demote you to a spectator if you make fun of me." You threatened.

"No not a spectator! Come on I let you be the maid of honor at my wedding!" Bulma pouted. You both laughed from each side of the door before you slowly opened it.

Bulma stood at the door frame gawking at the sight of you. You crossed your arms now feeling conscious with the lack of words. Before anyone could sneak a peek you quickly yanked Bulma into the room. "I guess I look bad huh?" You shut the door. 

Bulma now focused on you even more. "Oh no honey you look absolutely gorgeous! I just couldn't believe I was actually looking at you." She took a step back and eyed your make-up. "Even the make-up looks good."

"You really think so?"

"I know so! Your gonna make your hubby swoon over you for sure." She said. "Oh I remember at my wedding, Vegeta was so speechless it was impeccable."

You giggled. "Yeah I remember it took a good five minutes to get his head out of the clouds." You then nudged her. "So how was it when you both were alone~"

Bulma turned pink before looking away from you. You wiggled your eyebrows to her only to smack you with a pillow. "I should be the one teasing you!"

Grabbing the pillow you then hugged the scientist. "I know...thank you for cheering me up. You are the best."

Bulma displayed a proud aura. "Of course I'm the best."

You rolled your eyes, "Yeah, yeah I know."


Nervously you fiddled with the hem of your veil. Bulla looked up at you and held your hand for comfort. You stared at the little girl who smiled while gripping the flower basket. "It's okay (Y/n) everything is gonna work out amazingly!" 

You lightly tightened your grip around the girls small hand before quickly picking her up. Bulla squealed in excitement as she clung to you. You lifted the veil over your head before placing a kiss onto the girls cheek. Bulla just buried her face into your shoulder. "Gross!" She said as she tried to wipe the lipstick off her face just laughed at her futile attempts.

Grabbing a handkerchief you cleaned her cheek. "Happy now?" You asked the pouting Bulla. That was until she looked at your face.

She gawked at the sight. "You look like a princess!" She said, you chuckled at her before placing the girl on the ground.

"You look like a princess as well." 

Bulla gave you a cheeky grin. "I know, I always do." She sounded almost exactly like her mother.

It wasn't long before the girl walked her way down the aisle. The multicolored rose petals flowed out her hand like a waterfall. Many gushed at the sight of her. Soon enough the piano begin to play, it was finally your cue. Fixing your veil and straighting your dress you took a deep breath. The doors opened and there you took a few steps forward.

As you walked down the aisle you could hear so many whisper and gush at the dress. Many also were curious of what you looked like underneath the veil. Your breath hitched as you inched closer to your husband. He look handsome in his suit. Though you could tell he was uncomfortable with it and  you were sure he could say the same for you.

Anyhow, as you placed yourself in front of the male everything went quiet. Goku then grabbed the ends of the veil and lifted it over your head. He stood stunned at the beauty in front of him. "W-wow you look...stunning." He said, your heart raced as you tugged a lose strand of hair behind your ear.

"Y-you look amazing as well." Both of your faces were flushed. He grabbed your hand and placed a light kiss against them.

Bulma playfully rolled her eyes as she slightly nudged you. "Save it for the honeymoon." She quietly laughed.

When Goku pulled back you missed the comfort and warmth in your husband's hands. Staring into each other's eyes you mouthed 'I love you.'

The saiyan stared back and replied "I love you too." 

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