Promise {Perfect Cell x Reader}

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Requested by BabygirlRage
The android stood over your bloodied body, an amused look plastered itself onto his face. Cell bent down and grabbed your neck lifting you up. All you did was hang motionlessly as the air forced their way out of your lungs. He gripped tighter but not to the point where he couldn't hear your voice. Bringing your hand up you wrapped it around Cell's wrist and dug your nails into them.

He only sadistically chuckled at your futile attempts. Your vision started to turn white and breathing was getting harder by the second. "I give up." You managed to say.

Cell quickly dropped you to your feet, where you gasped for air. You felt like a fish finally being placed into a tank after being pulled out of water. It was humiliating. "You lasted longer than I thought, good job." The Android congratulated.

"Can't you ever go easy on me?" You breathlessly spoke as you fell back onto the ground. The sky was a deep blue with only a few clouds in sight.

"If I went easy on you then you'd be a pushover."

"Hey! I am not."

"You're not as much of one now."

Glaring at the man you quickly grabbed a rock and chucked it at him. He, of course, dodged it and threw it back at you. By a few centimeters did it almost hit you. Looking up at him he only smirked. The man just turned and started walking away from you. You made no effort to chase after him yet. However, once he left you could finally be at peace and allow a blush a coat your face. 'That smirk was so cute.' You thought to yourself.

Standing up and wiping the dust off you made your way towards the android. A smile kept onto your face as you stayed by his side. Perfect Cell just crossed his arms and looked back down at you. Seeing you happy made him feel warm and fuzzy. Despite being an android he quite obviously had emotions like every other person. It just so happened when you came into his life, he felt attraction for another being.


You sat crisscrossed on the stadium with a frown. Earlier Cell got mad at you for nearly getting killed and turned it into a lecture. All you did was talk to the Z-fighters. Though they acted a bit more aggressive than you'd thought. Who could blame them, your friend was a murderous android! You weren't much of a fighter to begin with, hence Cell training with you. So, of course, you come back with a few scratches and bruises.

Cell was ready to fly his way towards them with the intent to kill but you stopped him. All you wanted to know was how can they try to stop him without him dying. No matter what you did to stop Cell, he never listened. "I understand but please reconsider what you gonna do to this planet!"

"I'm a man of his word and if I'm going to destroy the world then I will."

"This is what makes me hate you sometimes. I care a whole lot for you and I don't want you to be harmed let alone killed." With a low voice Cell just blinked feeling an abnormal blush rise.

He only coughed into his fist as he turned to face you. "I understand your concern but what kind of Perfect being, such as myself, would go back on their word?"

"A perfect being that only cares about themselves-what am I saying I know you only care for yourself but for once can you at least have someone or something to stop you from destroying Earth?"

Cell just stood, his arms crossed as he played the words through his head. "I guess it would be troublesome if I destroyed the Earth while the person I'm fond of dies." The male put a hand under his chin. "I can just not destroy the world after I've come so far." He muttered.

You watched him battled with his own mind. "Who the person you're fond of?"

"Who else do I spend the majority of my precious time on?"

"Hey, I'm just asking I don't know who you hang out with."

"It's you I'm fond of." Cell blatantly said as he quickly turned away from you. 'Why did I say that so emotionless. Did I at least look cool?' Cell though to himself.

"M-me? Would that like me?" You felt your face warm up as you faced away from Cell.

Cell turned to see you in a similar flustered state. "I'll try not to destroy the Earth because I do like you." The man just sat behind you, allowing your backs to touch.

You averted your eyes towards the side to see Cell's hand. Your heart raced and ever so slowly your wrapped yours around his. The feeling was electrifying, it felt nice. Perfect Cell did nothing but squeeze your hand in comfort. "I-I'm fond of you too."

"How could you not I'm Perfect."

You slightly giggled. "You're right, too perfect for me."

"I think that's the other way around." Coughing slightly you turned to see Cell. It made you feel at ease to see him flustered. You shyly muttered a thank you as Cell turned to face you. "To be honest I really would like to destroy the Earth but you showed me something I wasn't capable of. For that I thank you." Bring your hand up, he placed a tender kiss on your knuckle.

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