Questions {Future Trunks x Reader}

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Requested by LittleLuna099

You sped down the hallway towards Bulma's laboratory. Cursing any and all words that came out. You were very late to meet up with her. Approaching the door a sigh of relief washed over. However, the door was locked. Good thing you always carried a spare key. As you tucked important documents under your arm you grabbed the key from your pocket. As you grabbed it you couldn't help but hear screams racing down the hallway. Like any other person it caught your attention.

Looking down the way you saw two men running your direction, Trunks and Goten. You just rolled you eyes. As you were going to greet them the keys slipped. 'Just great' you cursed. Bending down to pick them up you didn't pay any attention on how fast the two were coming. Once you looked up it was too late and they crashed into you. Your papers were flying everywhere.

"TRUNKS! GOTEN!" You yelled. Despite them being the same age as you they sure acted like children when put together.

"S-sorry (Y/n). I promise to make it up to you but right now I have to get Goten." Right as the male finished his sentence Goten already picked himself up and ran as fast as he could.

Glumly you just sat in the cold tile floor and begun organizing once more. While muttering to yourself the door unlocked itself and there stood a very familiar face. Then it hit you. He looked at you and immediately turned pink. You on the other hand had your eyes double it's size and face written with confusion. "Wha-why are you-Trunks why is your hair blue?" You asked before shaking your head. "No, how the hell are you right here when I just saw you run the other way!?"

"O-oh I guess you don't know. I'm Trunks from a different timeline, Future Trunks if you will." The man sheepishly said as he rubbed the back of his neck.

"Oh my god that so awesome!" You said quickly getting up you started inspecting the man.

"I-I um do you need help with your papers?" Trunks suddenly said as he tried to leave a space between you both. He felt his heart was going to explode any minute.

"Ugh yes, please! Trunks and Goten just ran into me. I swear despite being adults they act like children!" You yelled, Future Trunks just laughed as you vented your morning to him.


After finishing all the paper work and entering Bulma's office she seemed to be in a happy mood. You assume it was because Future Trunks decided to come by. Thank God for that if notbyou would of been in real deep trouble. Anyways, with Bullma in high spirits you ended up getting off work earlier than usual. So with free time you thought you'd treat Future Trunks out for saving your ass and helping with the papers.

"So where do you wanna go?" You asked as Trunks lead you towards the door.

"What do you mean?"

"Well you were nice enough to help me out this morning and you did save me from getting yelled at by Bulma so I think that deserves a reward." Smiling brightly Trunks just averted his blue eyes away from you. You definitely reminded him of a girl he loved back home.

'Precious' he though to himself. "W-we could go to the movies or something?"

"Okay!" Swiftly grabbing his hand you threw a capsule where it then became a car. "I know you could probably fly but I don't like heights." You said making your way towards the door.

You forgot you were still holding his hand. You pulled away and muttered a 'sorry' but noticed you missed the warmth of it. Trunks just kept quiet and looked up at you. "I have never been in a car before."


"Well the future was in ruins when I was growing up. So there's little to no working cars. Just recently it's starting to repair itself." Trunks spoke.

"Ah sorry I didn't know."

"No, it's totally okay!"

"If you say so...just jump in the front I have so many questions to ask you. If you're comfortable to answer them."

"Of course, I'll do my best."


"Eh?! No way! I can't believe you defeated all of those guys."

"Ha yeah they were insanely hard to beat but it worked out in the end cause now the future is finally reaching peace." Trunks said as you both continued to walk around the plaza.

You took a sip from your (f/d) and looked up at the male. Blue surprisingly complimented his features it made him look more attractive than he already did. A silence sat between you both but it was more comforting than awkward. That's when a question popped into your head. "What are we like in the future?"

The male immediately choked on his drink. "W-what was that?" He coughed, you just patted his back.

"You okay? I asked about us in the future. What are we like?"

"I'm good. Anyways, in the future well we are kinda like this except closer. I mean after all we went throughout everything together."

"Sounds nice. The Trunks here is sweet but we don't hang out as I'd like." You frowned at that thought before forcing a smile. "So anyone you like? Is it Mai?" You chirped

"Yes and no."

"Yes to what?" You smugly remarked.

"Yes I like someone and no it isn't Mai. We are like family."

"Liar! The present Trunks likes Mai so you must like her."

"That's not how it works."

"Then tell me who's the lucky person?"

"Do I really have to say?"

"Of course! It's not gonna make much of a difference because it's in your timeline."

"Are you sure you wanna know?"

"Pretty please?"

The male looked around before moving towards your ears. "I like your future self."

"Wait what?!" You face exploded in a blush.

"Nope not gonna say it again. You had your chance~"

"Trunks let me hear it again to make sure I wasn't dreaming!" The male just snickered at you as you chased him demanding that you weren't hearing things.

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