Cave Buddies {Goku x Freizasdaughter!Reader}

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Hey, guys just wanna give my small input. Anyways, I am going to be taking requests for future oneshots. So, Don't be afraid to ask! Also, this one won't really be romantic just so you know? (I may have a few grammatical and spelling errors I'll fix them, eventually)
You scoffed at the naive saiyan, who looked at you in wonder. "You look just like Frieza except a female. Say are you in some way related to him?" the male responded, it made your tail flicker in annoyance.

"Yes, Lord Frezia is my father. Now if you may stand five feet away from me you monkey," This is the Saiyan that defeated Lord Freiza. He doesn't seem all too strong but then again others thought the same for you.

"Wah! Frieza's a daddy!? Do you have other siblings? Are they strong? How is Freiza as a dad? Is he mean or is he nice?" Goku said amazed at your response.

"Yes, I have one his name is Kurzia, he's strong for a kid, Freiza is okay and Lord Freiza is...nice in his own way"

You were put on Earth for a mission; a mission to resurrect your father not chatting with the enemy. But you had to admit Goku is pretty cute when he is curious, he's was like a child. Mentally you slapped yourself for having these thoughts. You were the daughter of Lord Frieza, the Emperor of the Universe. Sighing slightly you sat next to the saiyan, placing a hand under your chin and observed the man next to you.

It's a shame he had to be a saiyan, you would've probably considered him to be yours if he wasn't of a race that you despised. Strangely, this person had a weird effect on you, it almost wanted you to become closer to him. Goku made eye contact with you and you shifted your eyes to the side a deep blush coating your cheeks. Goku went out to speak of something but shut his mouth rethinking his words. You had a feeling of what he was going to say so you said it yourself.

"If your thinking of blasting our way out of here that won't work we are too far down and the cave might collapse, killing us both," You bluntly remarked, making the male's eye widen from surprise.

"How did you know I was going to say that?" He asked, laughing as he picked up a rock from the ground.

"Well, you seem to be the more brawn than brains type of person. No offense though," Goku looked in surprise once more and nodded his head.


"Miss the fifth dragon ball is to the right but it seems to be moving at a fast pace," Lao, a scientist from your scouter said as the hologram (of himself) was replaced by a map showing the orb.

"Thanks for the tip Lao, ya know you keep this progression up and I'll reward you to a higher rank" You chirped, earning a thank you.

Suddenly, the men placed in the front have stopped and shots were fired. It made you stop in your tracks as cracks could be heard, immediately you silenced your men from firing. Growling you scolded them men for being reckless especially, of them knowing the caves could easily collapse but it was already too late before rocks started falling downward. You dodged the debris until you came to contact with a body falling over, dropping the, already collected, dragon balls. 

Forcing yourself to get up you, a numerous amount of rocks came piling down separating yourself from your group. The mysterious person you bumped into, got onto their feet and looked up and down at you. Upon feeling this person stare your tailed swayed back and forth, which distracted them. Taking this to your advantage you lifted your leg to hit the individual but it was easily caught. Growling, you did the same motion with your hand, whoever this person was, tensed ready to grab your hand but you tail made contact with their stomach. 

"Ow, ow, ow that hurt! Is that a way to greet someone?" A male voice said, dusting himself off. "My names Goku, what's your name?" of course you were skeptical but told him it anyway. 


Basically, that's the story of how you got stuck in the cave with the saiyan but it wasn't all too bad. The only problem you had so far was the number of questions he pressured you to answer. Most of them were 'would you fight me' or something fighting related. Honestly, you nearly forgot to carry out your mission; good news all five dragon balls were in the cave, bad news you both needed all seven. And being the daughter of Freiza you would have all sorts of tricks up your sleeves but Goku knowing your father, they probably wouldn't have worked.

"So, Goku why do you need the dragon balls for?" You asked, keeping your eye on the five and the new addition.

"I need to revive my friends who've died during a battle. Why do you need them?" Goku said he held his head down.

"Ain't it obvious, I was here to revive my father but before you say anything...I'll let you take the ones I've gathered." Your eyes wavered downward almost ashamed but felt relieved. "I appreciate my father but he's very cruel to others and I kinda want my revenge after he banished me for years on end," You shrugged, as Goku looked at you in astonishment.

"Wow, really? Thanks...ya know you're really cool. How about you stay on Earth...I do need a sparring buddy!" Goku chuckled, your eyes shined with a hint of happiness.

"Yeah, that would be nice," You glanced, at the male and smiled for the first time in a long time. 

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