From Hate To Love {Freiza x Saiyan!Reader}

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For this one I want the reader to be a saiyan with its tail still there because why not! Hope you lovelies are satisfied with this oneshot!
You stared at the halo that floated above you as you waited to be resurrected by Goku and his friends. Awhile ago Frieza came back to life and ended up killing you when you tried to fight him. Of course, you weren't as strong as that tyrant but you did manage to get in a lot of good punches.

You sat on the lush grass, your tail swishing side to side as King Kai brought over a bowl of rice, while Bubbles was chasing his bugged friend. It's been years since you've died and during that time you made it to King Kai's planet and trained. With the passion of getting stronger and to defend the ones you love. You smiled at the thought of getting stronger before it was replaced with a frown.

That's the whole reason you were here because you were weak. If you were able to at least be the same level as Vegeta or just a little stronger, you wouldn't be in this mess and maybe innocent bystanders would be alive and Gohan wouldn't have been badly injured. You were one of the strongest out of the Z-fighters but you still failed to protect your friends. A burden you lived with ever since your passing moments.

"It's all my fault, King Kai. I failed to protect those who've protected me... countless of times," You murmured, making him sigh as you buried your head into your knees. "If I was there in time nothing harmful would have happened to my friends. I failed them," Tears started to brim your (e/c) orbs making you wrap your tail around your body.

"If you keep living in the past, you will drag yourself down to defeat but you can use that pain to push forward and become stronger," King Kai responded, comforting you in the process. "You did what you could and what matters is that you tried and you're still pushing to help those who need it. You have a great heart but there are flaws to that," He added, you smiled at the elder before wiping the few fallen tears. He really does need to be treated with more respect then what's offered to him.

Sniffing you pulled him into a hug and thanked him for being an amazing teacher and as if right on time your halo began to disappear. Woohoo! It was time to go back to Earth and enjoy your time there. Pulling away from the hug you waved to the three a current goodbye and was teleported back to your home.

However, things weren't as happy as you thought, everyone had a grim look and the atmosphere was dark. What happened when you were away? That's when a familiar laugh filled the air and before you could turn around something wrapped around your neck. You moved your hands upwards and dug your nails into the flesh, earning a growl. You knew who it was and wasn't happy one bit. You felt your aura become agitated and annoyed, even your tail twitched in annoyance.

"Frieza! Let her go right now, we didn't revive her just so you kill her!" Goku yelled, getting into a fighting stance.

Anger ruptured within you as you bared your teeth and sunk them into Frieza tail. He instantly dropped you onto your knees as you gasped for air. Oh, you really wanted a rematch right here and now, how dare that bastard take a cheap shot at you. Why the hell was he even here? From what you remembered, King Kai told you Frieza was destroyed by one of Goku's Ki blast.

"Why the hell is this bastard still breathing!? Isn't he suppose to be dead and enjoy his time in hell, like the good little tyrant he his," You spat, glaring daggers at him. If only looks could kill he would have died on spot.

"So about that uh (Y/n) we need your help and his help for a tournament...that will um be the fate of our universe's existence" Goku nervously said, twiddling with his index fingers.

Your eyes widen, honestly is endangering the world, let alone the universe, the best thing he's good at. You slowly walked up to the saiyan and punched him on his head, earning a loud whine from him.

"Is that the only reason why you summoned me? Here I was sad on King Kia's planet because I couldn't help you guys out and now you bring this idiot back to life!" You angrily commented, making Goku step back a little before hiding behind Whis and Lord Beerus.

"Well not exactly, I was going to bring you back to life but some things happened with Future Trunks timeline. So we helped and I kinda forgot to bring you back and then this happened. Making me remember you and Frieza," He explained, it was a lot to take in but you understood it nonetheless.


After the long and gruesome tournament, you were stuck on babysitting duty and by babysitting you were stuck watching that stupid tyrant. You didn't like it one bit but it wasn't super awful as you got used to it since you did get close to him.

You hated to admit it but you also started to have a tiny, tiny crush on that idiot, he captured your heart. Surprisingly, Frieza started to grow fond of you as well. It's been a month or so you've been watching over Frieza but at least you have a sparring partner.

"Hey Frieza, I'm craving for some (f/f) ice cream and I'll be nice and get you one," You said, as you heard a scoff.
(Also (f/f) means favorite flavor)

"I don't need your donations you damned monkey. I'm not in the mood to leave this prison you call home," A voice replied, you rolled your eyes and made your way to the room you heard Frieza's voice in and dragged him with you.

To say the least, taking him out was a really bad idea. He made a little girl cry and nearly killed some guys, who tried to speak with you. Even the ice cream man had a small taste of Frieza's wrath. However, you both did get a free ice cream despite it being a not-so-good reason.

Frieza smiled in triumph as you sighed at him if he was going to be jealous he could at least try not kill anyone about it. Wait-he was acting jealous! Maybe you wouldn't think too much about it but still, the idea of him feeling jealous was still a cute thought. Gah! You cursed yourself for having these thoughts. The tyrant you learned to hate, for obvious reasons, is now someone you now like. Glancing at the tyrant, wanting to test if your hypothesis was true.

"So Frieza, I was hoping you would behave tonight...I do have a date with this really cute guy, I met a few days ago," You made-up, trying to sound as bluntly as possible.

"WHAT!? Why would you want to be-I mean I don't care about the affairs you have with other lowly mortals but I need to know who this person is, where you are going and what time you'll be there," The male remarked, you nearly jumped when he wrapped his tail around your waist. "Actually, you need to cancel," He grimaced, at the word pulling you closer to his body.

"What makes you think I would do such a thing? Unless, your jealous that I'm going to be spending my time with someone other than you," You smirked, your confidence building up as you tried to push him out of his shell.

Frieza cringed "I'm. Not. Jealous. I just don't want you to feel bad once this guy is lying in his pool of blood because he couldn't get his hands off of something that's mine," The tyrant said, dragging his hand onto your tail, sending pleasant shivers down your back.

"And what makes me your's exactly?" You challenged, drawing imaginary circles on his chest. Seems like you were correct.

"Oh you'll see"

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