City Lights {Android 17 x Reader}

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With shut eyes I held onto the android for dear life as he took flight to the sky. Although I agreed to 17s offer with excitement it never crossed my mind, how terrifying it would be being so high up in the air. It just felt so surreal.

The raven haired male just chuckled obviously amused at my reaction. "If you keep gripping onto me you might leave a handprint." He teased.

I loosened my grip as my face flushed with embarrassment, "Shut up!"

He just grinned, "Aren't you scary for someone fifty feet in the air~"

Just then my heart sank as I opened my eyes to look down. "H-Holy shit w-we are high up." I managed to squeak out.

17 kept a smug grin before I shut my eyes again, "It's okay you can open your eyes, I got you. Trust'll fall in love with the view just don't pay so much attention towards the ground."

The sincerity in his voice comforted me but it took me a minute to calm the nerves, "Fine." I mumbled.

Slowly I reopened my eyes but this time instead of freaking out 17s voice rang through my head. He made me feel at ease and I knew I could trust him, I've always trusted him. Looking down my eyes met with a breath taking scenery of the city lights. It kinda reminded me of stars except these lights held many shades of colors. 

The familiarity in the buildings struck me in awe. Normally I would look up and admire those structures but now I was in the sky looking down from different angles. Even the simplest of things I saw on a day to day basis wasn't so boring when viewing from another perspective.

"Wow." I managed to say as 17 let out a small chuckle.

"See you were scared for nothing." He teased once again.

I rolled my eyes, "Well maybe if you said something about this earlier then I wouldn't of been so scared."

"Well I didn't know you were such a scaredy cat of heights. After all you were pretty enthusiastic with my offer."

"Psh I-I'm not scared of heights! I just wasn't expecting this. Being carried in the air is also strange. I'm not use to it like you."

"If you want we could travel like this more often?"

"Really? You're willing to carry me, won't I be heavy?"

17 gave me a deadpanned look, "I'm pretty sure I could carry a car no problem."

I snickered, "When you put it like that I sound light as a feather."

"You really will you take me up on my offer?"

My face grew warm, "I-If you don't mind then sure but why would you do that for me?"

17 grew silent for a bit. To be honest I wasn't sure if he was going to answer me. So I focused my attention to the still amazing view from below. The traffic was still ongoing and it brought an interesting line of yellow and red lights.

I was still fascinated but that feeling of first time it seeing was long gone. I was still fixated on my question and not getting an answer. Maybe I was thinking too much into it. Maybe he's just a good...friend that wanted to help me get use to being in the air?

I shook my head, No that sounds dumb. Why would he agree to take me places via flying? I mean it's not like he had feelings for me right? I internally groaned, yeah right as if he of all people would like me.

"You're such an idiot if you can't figure out why I want to do this for you."

I was taken back from the sudden talking, "I-Idiot?! Wait wh-"

"I love you...that's why I'm willing to do all sorts of things for you. You were there for me and trusted me when I needed it. Everything you do makes me smile or laugh because I find you adorable and silly. I'm more than willing to fly you place to place because I'll see that beautiful flustered face of yours often."

My face felt on fire, my heart raced in it's chest, and I felt a wave of butterflies in my stomach. Looking up at the android, his beautiful blue eyes were already on me. I felt a smile tug at my lips before I quickly covered my face.

I felt really happy.

" you as well." 17 looked at my very flustered state him feeling very love struck.

The male then dipped his head and placed a kiss onto the exposed part of my forehead, "I'll be setting us down, okay?"

My brain seemed to have fried to due the small gesture he did but I just nodded my head. I can't believe he said he loves me especially after I told myself he wouldn't have feelings for someone like me. What a odd but amazing turn of events.

"And we're here." 17 touched the ground and I was gently placed down.

We were on a mountain with a great view of everything around us. It soon became silent between us but it wasn't a bad silence, it was filled with comfort and all sorts of emotions. 17 then turned to face the city, I ended up doing the same except as I stood next to him I wrapped my hand around his.

The male was surprised at first but enjoyed the feeling. We stayed like this for a while and if it weren't for the fact I grew tired we would've stayed there for hours. Maybe even watch the sunrise but that was something we promised to do another day.

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