Intoxicated {Zamasu x Drunk!Goddess!Reader}

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Wahhh I'm so so so so so soooo sorry for not updating! A lot of things have came up and school stuff as well! No joke week two and we are already given a crap ton of Homework. Anyways hope you enjoy.
You stared down into the mortal world and gazed at each human that passed. Different emotions swirled inside each and every one of them...anger, sadness, happiness, excitement and so on. Humans were such the interesting species always doing the unexpected and expected. You could say this God of Destruction took a liking to mortals.

Most species you couldn't care less for and destroy in a blink of an eye but that was mainly for their selfishness that affected the planet. What's the point of keeping a planet alive when it was already doomed, to begin with? Humans were different, sure, some are selfish but it's the amount that, made a difference, they were the ones who cared for protecting "Mother Nature" as some call the planet. You just wished Zamasu, the person your life-linked with, could see that side of humans.

You traced a finger on the edge of your cup of tea and began to close your eyes, listening to the alien-like birds sing their songs. It was peaceful on the Kai's planet. So many sounds were being displayed in the background, it was beautiful. Stopping your hand from moving in circular motions, you brought the porcelain cup to your (F/c) lips. Savoring the sweetness of the warm beverage.

"You seem to be enjoying yourself Lady (Y/n)," a certain angel spoke.

You opened your eyes to see Cuss standing by your side smiling. "Yes, I am. The Kai's world is very...calming and please mention me by my name; No need to be so formal," You spoke, returning the smile. "Where is Zamasu by the way? We were invited to a party by your brother and I don't want to keep them waiting," 

"Oh right! Zamasu is on his way here-ahh there he is," You calmly got out of your seat and walked over to Zamasu approaching figure.

"Where the hell have you been?" You snapped, irritated by the Supreme Kai's tardiness. He always did this to get you mad, especially when going somewhere.

"So impatient and rude. You keep this up and you'll die alone," Zamasu spat, before pushing you aside. You bit the inside of your cheek managing to calm down.

"At least we both got that in common. Now you don't like being near me as much as a loath your presence but don't do anything rash today. It was Gowasu idea for me to bring you. Plus, I don't trust you watching over the worlds alone!" (Gowasu didn't die by Zamasu and Zamasu is the Supreme Kai deal with it)

"Tch not like I had a choice to stay here anyway,"


You sluggishly sat next to Beerus as Zamsu glared daggers at you, which you gladly did the same. Flipping him off in the process. You were supposed to have a good time today but Zamasu kept ruining it with his foul mood. Grabbing a cup from the table you quickly drank the rest of its contents. It was alcohol and the substance that went down your throat gave a burning sensation. It's been a while since you've drank anything strong.

You weren't gonna let that prick ruin the rest of your day so why not down a few shots for the fun of it. It'll make everything more tolerable when he speaks to you. Soon after ten or eleven shots, you began to feel a pleasant buzz. You still had some sort of idea of what's going on but if you had any more you'll likely lose consciousness and do whatever drunks do.


From the corner of your eye you could see Zamasu angrily staring at you, once again, and Beerus his glare filled with jealousy. After the party ended you thought it would be fun to show Beerus around your planet. One thing led to another and you both were flat-out drunk. Currently, you were sitting on Beerus's lap with a bottle of vodka at hand singing "Dan Dan Kokoro Hikarete"(comment if you know the song ^^).

Whis and Cuss gave up a long time ago on trying to steal the alcoholic beverages from the both of you. It was a fun chase but you still had a few stashes hiding and to your surprised remembered where they all were. Despite being very tipsy. You and Lord Beerus were gonna have a bad hangover when you wake you tomorrow.

"Bit by bit I'm falling under your spell-Hey, let go of me!" You shouted as a green male picked you up. Whis did the same with Beerus but the God of Destruction laid limp in his arms, still singing away.

"Cuss, dear sister, may we use a spare room? Lord Beerus can live up to his name when drunk especially when flying," Whis sighed, as the humanoid cat sleepily spoke gibberish. "My you are hopeless my Lord,"

Cuss giggled at her brother's words before nodding her head. "Yes, you may stay the night. Just head down the hallway, make two lefts and then a right," Cuss directed, watching the two males disappear from her sights.

~Zamasu POV~

"Stop moving or I'll drop you! You idiot!" I curse, at the goddess, who still was not listening to any of my warnings.

"Let go of me you stupid green prick! Cuss! Help! I'm being kidnapped!" (Y/n) shouted, making me cringe.

"Stop yelling it hurts my ears! I'm taking you to your room! So stop squirming-"

"Owwie! That hurt meanie!" (Y/n) yelled, falling on her butt but before I could help her up I ended up tripping over the girl. Falling into her body. We stayed that for a while as silence soaked the air. A blush coated my face as an unnoticed smirk is played on (Y/n) face.

The goddess didn't shout or fight back, in fact, she pulled me into a hug and placed a small kiss on my ear. I shivered at the feeling, making my heart skip a beat. My face grew warm and I'm pretty sure I was blushing ten shades. I pulled myself off the female trying to calm my nerves and picked her up once more. Luckily, her room wasn't far this time but she wouldn't keep her composure and kept seducing me. Which was working.

The (H/c) haired female wrapped her arms around me as I opened her bedroom door. Looking down I saw the girl nuzzle into my chest and there was another skipped heart beat. She looked really peaceful and...beautiful; I've never noticed how attractive she was until now. I wonder what type of expressions she gives Beerus.

All she ever does is give me a negative expression, which is sometimes my fault. Once I placed (Y/n) on her bed, I turned around to leave but a hand grabbed my shirt. I was then pulled down to the bed the girl wrapped her arms around my waist. Then the unexpected happened. I turned my head to speak to her but I felt lips press against mine and a tongue pushed inside my mouth.

"Yooou know Zammy~ I've always had a crush on you since day one. It m8fht of been the cold, dominate, 'I don't give a fuck' attitude that interested me. Everyone feared me...but you. It's one of the reasons why I love you," I sat on the bed stunned but happy, nonetheless, until I was pulled into another kiss. I didn't hesitate I just went with the flow and did whatever she wanted.


~Back to original POV~

Opening your eyes you pulled yourself up but felt a huge headache afterward followed by a cold draft. Tugging the sheets to your body for warmth you felt a weight from keeping you warn, glancing to the side. There laid Zamasu. Your breath hitched and looked at yourself and him, both of you were naked. You didn't hate it since you liked him, but you wondered how the hell you got in this situation! Luckily, the headache was forgotten.

Tilting your head you brushed some white strands of hair from Zamasu's face. The sight made you awe at him and did what you would never tell a soul, you pecked him. Sure it wasn't much compared to what happened last night but you weren't sober at the time. That's when you heard a small chuckle erupt from the males lips.

"I see you haven't had enough of me yet?" A blush coated your cheeks and you snatched the sheets to hide in. "Acting shy now? You weren't a few hours ago," Zamasu teased, as he lifted the covers off of you and gave you a quick kiss. "I'll see you in a bit," and with that, the Kai changed into yesterday's clothes and left.

"I guess we're a thing now," You said, out loud and got ready for the day. You still wondered how things ended the way they did but hey you weren't gonna complain! That's when your hangover came back, "Damn spoke too soon," You muttered, clutching the side of your head.

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