An Easy Day {Android 17 x Ranger!Reader}

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Requested by BabygirlRage
Calmly and carefully you approached the tied animal as it stood it's ground despite being entangled in vines. You observed the bull like creature. He had had his horns and hoofs ensnared. He flared his nostrils as he shook his head violently, glaring you down. The gesture made you slow your movements. As much as you loved your job it was still very dangerous.

Taking a deep breath your hand inched towards the stressed like bull. Touching the snout he flinched but you dared not move and eventually he came in terms that you weren't a threat. So you began cutting the thick vines that ensnared the creature. You started from the legs to the horns but a gunshot was fired setting the animal back in panic mode.

The bull whipped his head against you harshly pushing you towards the ground. Now you weren't much of a fighter so it was pretty easy to be caught off guard.

As your head forcibly hit the dirt your consciousness began to blur. Another shot went off this time closer. Despite being in such a troubled state you managed to get off the ground. You looked towards the animal he wasn't far from untangling himself. You knew to leave the vicinity as the bull would be free and attack you.

However, your legs felt like jelly and your mind felt as if drums were pounding against it. It also didn't help that a third shot was fired and unfamiliar yells were nearby. Poachers.

As a minute or two passed a few animals ran passed you, leaving you back on the ground. You were too dizzy to even groan. A loud angry animalistic noise then rang. You looked to the side to see the bull stomping it's foot against the ground as his head was low. Panic surged within you. He was free but now you were in an even worse situation. One that could cost you, your life.

When he started to charge forward all your hope drained. Shutting your eyes you braced for impact. Your heart rapidly increased as you held onto your breath. But no such pain happened. 

You dared not to open your eyes. That was until you heard an irritated voice. "Tch do I always have to come to your rescue?"

Your eyes shot open to see the dark haired male holding you close. Your cheeks flushed a different shade as you looked towards the side. You sighed and looked into his sky blue eyes.

"I-I was trying to help but a gunshot went off and scared the animal resulting in him hitting me. I-It wasn't my fault everything was hard to see and-"

"This is why I tell you to always keep your guard up animals have unpredictable behaviors." He scolded before he pulled you closer and flashed you his one of a kind smiles. "I'm just glad you're okay."

"How did you find me?" You asked avoiding his eye contact. He just silently chuckled at your expression.

"I was nearby when I heard the shots then saw you." Your mouth made an 'oh' sound before the male placed you onto the ground. "I'll take care of okay now?"

You nodded your head, "Yeah I don't feel as dizzy anymore but...please be careful."

"I'm not a clutz like you." You crossed your arms and turned away from him.

"I am not!" Pouting 17 just rolled his eyes and placed a kiss onto your head.

"Keep telling yourself that." And with that he flew in a different direction leaving you with a redden face.


It's been about a two months or so since you've dated the android and unlike some would say he's quite affectionate. He might not hug your kiss you in public as often but you didn't mind. You enjoyed him showing his rare sides when no one is around. It made you feel special.

Currently, you were watching over some cubs roam around the area from a tree. The mother kept chasing them around trying to keep them all together without one wondering off. The sight made you laugh, it was almost straight off a cartoon.

That's when a hand touched your shoulder, you knew who it was. "Aren't they just cute?" You gushed as 17 sat besides you.

"They are." He nonchalantly spoke.

"Kinda makes you wonder what it'll be like as a parent."

"Stressed, annoyed, and so fourth but I think in the end it'll be worth it. Well that's what my sister has said."

"I guess so but have you ever wonder about being a parent?"

"Why are you suggesting?" The male joked making you punch his arm.

"No! It's just a question you weirdo!"

"You do know you choose this weirdo right?"

"Y-yeah." You embarrassingly admitted.

"But to answer your question I have thought of it once or twice while baby sitting my niece." You nodded your head agreeing with the man.

"I think it would be cute having a little kid running around here."

"And you say you're not suggesting on having a kid?"

"Okay maybe a little." You chuckled as you leaned against 17, who wrapped an arm around your shoulder. It might of been possible he was willing to have a kid with you but that was something he'd do in the future. 

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