Snowflakes {Trunks x Reader}

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This oneshot is gonna be a short but sweet one! Hope you like it.
It was cold, no it was freezing in West city. It became winter a few weeks ago and in all your time staying in the area it hasn't gotten this bad! You could throw water into the air and it would become ice. You use to love going outside and playing in the snow but now it was a pain in the ass, with all the responsibilities you have to do on a daily basis. You have to construct a bridge to get out of your house, shovel snow off the roof, wait for your car to warm up, and get the ice off the windshield. It was too much work!

'I hate this so much,' You thought to yourself as you poured hot water down the glass of your car. Steam started to rise upwards as you took a small breath waiting patiently to wipe the excess water from the windshield. You yawned lazily, then glanced at your phone to check the time making your eyes widen.

"Shit! I going to be late," You yelled, before swiftly opening the car door and making your way to Capsule Corp. You promised Bulma you would help her out because you had nothing to do and no one else would help her.


"Bulma, I'm so sorry for being late, It's that stupid snows fault!" You apologized while freezing from frigid temperature. The woman chuckled slightly at your condition.  

"I can tell you look like an icicle! Plus, I can't be mad at my future daughter-in-law," Bulma joked, causing a dark blush to appear. "Today, I want you to help me carry some supplies to my lab and assist me with my new invention!" She continued, excitement filling her voice as she dragged you to your new destination.

As you both started walking you began to move the boxes from point A to point B. All together there was at least twenty boxes. Sighing, you grabbed three at a time and did the same process over and over until you were finished. Luckily, it didn't take as long as you thought, the boxes were lighter from what you had to handle. You pushed through your final two boxes before nearly falling flat onto your face.  

Well, nearly as you were currently being held by a person, who you had a feeling you knew. Peeking over the boxes the first thing you saw was the lavender hair. An immediate blush coated your face as you were trying to hide it.  Embarrassment filled you once again remembering what happened a few days ago. 

"(Y/n) um, it's been a while, you look nice." Trunks nervously said, taking the boxes from your hands. "I just came from my mom's lab. She told me where you were at so I thought I could help you."

"T-that's sweet of you but I-I got it, it's only two boxes anyways" You mumbled slightly, trying to grab them back.

"No, it's fine I got it," Trunks persisted, as he begun to walk past you. You shyly followed beside him, occasionally sneaking a few glances at the male.   

When you both finally got to the lab Bulma lit up when she saw the both of you together. Smirking an idea formed in her head. "(Y/n), I got this all under control you can go and do whatever you want. I'm almost done anyway," She quickly said, quickly grabbing the materials from Trunk's hands. 

You were going to protest before she pushed both of you out the door. You and Trunks looked at each other for a second. Awkwardness filled the air, it was all because of a small misunderstanding that started all this!  It was around nighttime when you visited Trunks; you both had fun joking around and whatnot until he had to admit his feelings to you.

You, of course, was speechless and made up an excuse to leave and somehow in a weird turn if events ended up falling down. Trunks helped you up but your nervousness seemed to get the best of you and you both ended up in a sexual looking position. That's when Bulma came in and quickly closed the door. It was humiliating for the both of you, you tried explaining the real truth to her, she just wouldn't take it. She said it was okay to try things and that she would have a few names for the baby and so on. 

"So (Y/n), I was actually wondering if you would like to go to a coffee shop downtown it's really nice and I know you'll love it." Trunks spoke, his blush deepening, hoping for a yes.

"S-so like a date in other words?" The male looked a little embarrassed but he nodded. After some quick thinking, you smiled at him "Yes, I would like to go," You replied, surprisingly not stuttering. 


Walking down the snowy path of West City you held onto Trunks hand embarrassment flushing over you. The cafe was nearing and that's when the snow started to fall, it was beautiful. You even stopped to gaze around your surroundings, being with someone you love around something you despised made you have a different approach to it.

"Huh...this morning I was hating the snow now I actually find it very pretty, especially the snowflakes." You said, breaking the silence.

"Y-you know I see like a snowflake because your one of a kind, beautiful, everyone admires you," The purple haired male replied, trying to form his words. It made you blush at his cute comment, you rarely got to see his shy and stuttery side but you liked it, nonetheless.

"Thank you! Trunks that's really adorable of you to say." Taking a step forward you placed a small kiss onto his cheek. "Let's get inside, I'm freezing my butt off!" You laughed, Trunks following your lead as you both entered the coffee shop.

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