A Race To Her Heart {Goku Black x Reader x Goku}

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Requested by BabygirlRage

You've know Goku for a very long time, so you know all the crazy shit that went on. Like there being a multiverse, God's of Destruction, angels, an afterlife, nearly the end of the universe, etc. Though it was shocking it was equally fascinating. You even got a job working with the multiverse. From the one and only king of all 12 universes, Zeno! Yes, you heard correctly Zeno.

All you and to do was check up on planets that had potential threats towards the universe. You also had to 'interview' the person in charge of the threat. It was no biggie since Zeno helped provide the materials to travel and become accustom to the gravity and such. All you had to pay was a bit of time to hang out with him. You liked Zeno, it was almost like taking care of a niece or nephew.

Anyways, during the last incident with Zamasu and Goku Black, you ended up asking the Zeno from your time to bring Black back. As Zamasu was stopped in your timeline for trying to kill Gowasu. You were curious on Black's perspectives and how to avoid them in the future. Of course, your Zeno agreed along with the one from a different timeline. So now you stood in your current Earths hell while Goku Black was confined. The man's been glaring at you ever since he saw you.

"Guessing you don't get visitors." You joked trying to lighten the dim mood, Black just growled. "Okay then...I'm (Y/n) (L/n) and I'm here because I want to understand why you wanted total damnation on the universes. I also asked the Zeno's to bring you back because it's my job to make sure an incident like this one doesn't happen again so any questions before we start?"

"I don't need to be revived by a pathetic mortal. You guys are nothing but filth, taking advantage of what's been given, ruining the universes beauty."

"To be fair not all of us are like that."

"I've watched mortals behavior for thousands of years. You guys are corrupted to the core only starting wars for the sake of 'peace'. Utterly pathetic and idiotic." Before you could even reason, the man spat in your direction.

'This is a great start." You sarcastically thought before taking a long sigh. 'I wonder how long this is gonna take.'


Once you were out of hell you were immediately greeted with a worried Goku. "Did he do anything to you? Are you ok?" The saiyan had a look of a concerned puppy.

"Goku I'm good. The most I got out of him was insults and spit...I'm surprised you didn't come all this way to ask for a rematch." You laughed.

"Y-yeah I was just worried I guess. Black is very dangerous and I know how innocent and pure you are."

Your cocked an eyebrow at him. "Innocent and pure? Interesting choice of words." Raising a finger you traced it against Goku's weighted clothing before grabbing it and pulling him towards you. "But I think you got the wrong girl~" You teased as you whispered it into the man's ear.

"(Y-Y/n) that's not what-"

"Just kidding I know what you meant! But bad or not everyone deserves to be heard. Guess that's what makes me naive." Smiling at the saiyan a blush emerged on his face. "Come on! Let's watch a movie I'll get the snacks and you pick the movie."

Once you left Goku finally managed to calm his heart down. He didn't know why but during that moment it started racing fast. Which was weird as your always pulled stunts like this. Why was this time any different?

-3 weeks later-

"Oh my gosh you are such an asshole!" You laughed at the unchained Saiyan.

Black just sat on the rock besides you as a blush covered his cheeks. His hands were entangled in your hair, messing with each (h/c) stand he came across. Black managed to scare off a few spirits and workers when they neared you.  They looked petrified especially when he threatened them for God knows why. Earlier you managed talk King Yemma to bringing Black to Earth. It took a lot of persuading but nonetheless he agreed. On your long trip you wanted to take a small break so you both ended up at the rock.

"Ughhhh why is the trip so loong!" You complained, Black just laughed at your behavior.

"You always take this route when you come to see me how is this any different?"

"I just feel extra lazy today." You admitted.

"Let me see your hand." Black demand feeling the blush grow.


"Just give me you god damn hand!" Stretching your arm out Black quickly pulled your towards him before carrying you bridal style. "Since you wanna complain I'll fly us that way just give me directions and make sure to hold tight or I will drop you." He warned.  All you could do was listen.

"O-okay." Your cheeks turned scarlet as you buried your face into Blacks chest. The man holding you was also embarrassed of his sudden move but he liked it.

Following the directions you've spouted he couldn't help but think how cute you looked.  He wasn't going to lie he had fallen for you. Unlike any other mortal you were more gentler, forgiving, kind, sweet even. His feelings for you hit him like a train. Hard and fast. Once you got to your destination you were met with a confused King Yemma. Of course being set down you had to file some paperwork for Black to temporary leave hell and explain why he carried you. Soon you left Black alone.

It wasn't a good idea but at the time you didn't think of that because once you left another familiar face arrived. It was Goku and he seemed to glare at the man. "What are you doing here?" During those two weeks all you ever talked about was Black and it made him frustrated.

"I'm going to Earth. Why are you here?"

"To see (Y/n)." This time Black could hear malice in his voice and smirked.

"Well she is with the red guy filling out papers so we could spend time together." 

"Is that so? Well you better not do anything to harm her. If there so much as a scratch-"

"I won't harm such a beauty but if she wants me to be rough. I won't mind satisfying her needs." Black responded waiting for the man's reaction.

Unexpectedly, Goku grabbed the man's clothing but couldn't make any risky move as you already came through the door. Goku pulled back and waved to you. "Oh Goku! What a surprise, what you doin here?" You smiled which melted both their hearts.

"I-I just wanted to see you. I heard Black is being released mind if I tag along for safety purposes?"

"Sure but I don't think Black will be a threat. I trust him. Anyhow, Black you'll be able to stay on Earth for five days. It's for me to collect data to see if your ready fto be resurrected...and I a-added an extra day so we can hang out more."

Black turned all his attention in you thanking you for doing this for him. In return he gave you a hug. Which was strange of him to give any affection. You brushed it off and began traveling to Earth. As you were ahead the two doppelgangers decided to have a chat.

"I have no intention of giving her up. As you can tell I love her and I'll make sure she won't be taken by you." Black broke the silence.

"These past few weeks of her spending time with you and getting to know you like you deserve her time got me frustrated. I didn't know why. But eventually I figured out that I love her and I'd do anything to keep her safe. So no I will not let you have her."

"Tch I will not share her so you better try your hardest because I'm giving everything I got to win her heart."

"Trust me I've known her longer that you have. I'm sure I have a better chance." With those last words from both men the caught up with you and soon they entered the surface of Earth. With out you knowing they both solemnly swore that they'd win your heart.

Unsure if I should write a second part. I mean I still have a lot more oneshots to create so this one might be on hold if you guys want a second part. Anyways hope you guys liked!

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