Stubborn {Gogeta x Saiyan!Reader}

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Requested by LittleLuna099
"You know when you're Gogeta you're insufferable!" You growled as the man from above started playing with (h/c) stands of your hair. He chuckled at your annoyed look.

"How can I not bother you when you look so cute all angry~" Gogeta replied.

You pulled back and growled even louder. "You sure have some nerve flirting while married!" 

"Tch as far as I'm concerned I'm a different person. Despite being Vegeta and Goku I'm nothing like them." He then innocently looked at you hoping you'd change your mind. He only received an eye roll. "Oh come on! It's pretty obvious you had feelings for both of them at some point. So why can't you like me?"

Your face flushed a different color as you hid your face into your hands. It was out of embarrassment. "Don't bring that up! That was such a long time ago." You could feel you face turn green as you pretended to gag. "Bleh those were dark days."

It was Gogeta's turn to roll his eyes before a playful smirk set itself onto his features. He pulled your hand away from your face and quickly twirled you. He then dipped you looking into your eyes. "We could repopulate the saiyan race. After all we are both full blooded saiyans."  

You face turned a deeper shade as his face inched closer to yours. The fellow saiyan closed his eyes and pursed his lips. Upon turning your head Gogeta's lips made contact with your cheek. As he opened his eyes you pushed him back. Your heart rate racing a million miles per minute.

"I-Idiot!" You called him before swiftly turing your heel and made your escape.

Gogeta was disappointed but couldn't help but find you even more irresistible. "Her stubbornness is so...attractive." he whispered as he watch your silhouette disappear.


"Hey, sexy do you know what I want to get on?"

You sighed as you brought your hands to his hair fixing the out of place strands. Gogeta felt a blush rise and he liked it. "You know what I think? I think the only thing your getting on is my nerves!" Grabbing a fist full of the gravity defying hair you yanked it.

The male yelped in pain for a second as you tugged on it. "That was a real clever but you know you never struck me as a dominatrix. I like it."

You immediately pulled your hand back. "Is your head always in the gutter? Gah nevermind I need to work on this! I don't want any distractions. Just shut up and admire the wall." Taking the writing utensil in your hand you began your work.

Gogeta grabbed your wrist. "Why would I admire the wall when I have you in front of me?" He placed a soft kiss against your knuckle. 

He could even see your cheeks change color as he did so. "You smooth mother fucker." Snatching your hand back you held it against you chest before using your free hand to grab your notebook and pen. Before the saiyan could even speak you slammed the door shut. Leaning your body against the door you let out a huge sigh. "God I'm such a mess!"


Every few minutes you got to spend with Gogeta he made sure to compliment you. It was the highlight of his day just to see your face flush red from anger or embarrassment. He found it adorable and all he wanted was to spend more time with you and for you to fall in love with him. Little did he know your heart had been swayed by his overused pickup lines.

Sitting onto the couch Gogeta laid his head onto your lap as you both continued to watch TV. You were already used to his antics. It was now no surprise whenever he did something flirtatious to you. Sometimes you even looked forward to it. Though it did sadden you when he changed back. To say the least it was some pretty awkward moments when he was separated.

"Gogeta it's almost time for you to change." You said the male just hugged your waist making you chuckled at him. "Stop acting like a child and let go." He only held on tighter.

"But who knows when another crisis might happen."

"I know but you just have to let go for now. It's gonna be weird when the other two are in this position."

"I'll let go if you give me a kiss on the lips." Gogeta smirked. "You have a minute so the times ticking."

"You're not serious." Taking one look at him you could tell he wasn't. "This is some bullshit and you know it."

"I know but how else am I suppose to get a kiss from you~"

You were getting used to the way your face gotten warm with every word he spoke. "Maybe you shouldn't be tricking me into kissing you. I'll be happy to oblige if you just ask for once." You commented before quickly pecking his lips. 

The saiyan didn't even comprehend your words as he paid more attention to soft pair of lips pressing against his. Out of shock he let go of you and ended up on the floor. "You better remember that you bastard." You spoke as he turned back to the two males.

Goku and Vegeta had confused looks on their faces. "Why the hell are we on the ground?" The prince called out.

"Gogeta fell off right as you both transformed. After his fight he had like ten minutes to spare so I cleaned his wounds and we hung out. I can make you guys food if you're hungry?"

Goku jumped up at the sound. "A nice bowl of ramen sounds delicious!"

You snickered at him before entering the kitchen. Vegeta stayed sitting on the ground and touched his lips. To him they felt as if they were on fire. What happened when he and Goku were Gogeta? Only you and the fused male knew the answer.

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