Unlocked Potential {Goku x Saiyan!Reader}

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Requested by MelloLovesMe
You shook not from fear but from excitement as the timer ticked away. You smiled jittery for the tournament to start. Goku glanced at you and smiled at your childish behavior. You didn't notice as you were busy looking at the many strong contesters. To be honest you were like a kid at the candy store. All of them were powerful and had abilities that were unknown to you. The thrill of fight was always your motivation. That and it filled you with adrenaline, especially when you were up against the ropes only for things to be turned.

"Wahh Goku, I'm so excited! Are you?" You turned around and the saiyan laughed.

"Yes, I am. There are so many strong fighters and Jiren seems to be the strongest of them all."

"Really? Do you think he's stronger than you?"

"He just might be."

"That's so cool! I can't wait to fight him when I get the chance."

"Maybe don't go after him yet I don't want you to get hurt."

"You know I can take care of myself!" You whined the saiyan just ruffled your hair.

"I know but we don't know what tricks they might play."

"Ain't that the fun though? Don't you just love the adrenaline pumping through you're veins. The will to keep pushing past your limits."

"Sometimes you scare me." Goku said as you both shared a laugh.

"I'm just gonna talk with him okay?"

"Trust me he ain't one to talk with I would know."

"You jerk, already talked to him and without me!"

"Oh come on you looked too cute when you were talking to the others. I didn't want to disturb you." You glared at him with puffed cheeks. He only chuckled before grabbing hold of your face and pecking your lips you pulled back shock visibly shown.

"W-why...why did you do that?" Your voice was low but loud enough to hear. As you looked at the ground Goku lifted your chin.

"If we don't win then I wanted to hurry and confess to you." He said rubbing the back of his neck, face covered in a scarlet hue.


Goku laid onto the floating rubble with the life nearly beaten out of him. You were in the same state. Earlier you had your ass handed to you after fighting Toppo. It was quite the fight especially when you both achieved new forms. Yet, in the end you outshined him with your ultra instinct. Anyhow, as you forced yourself up you glared at Jiren. He wasn't bothered at all as he was more focused with Goku.

All contesters from universe seven were eliminated except you and Goku. You had no idea whether you could make it or not Jiren was stronger than you, It was quite obvious. Pushing forward you then fell back onto the ground. The stadium slowly falling piece by piece. From your point of view you were lucky in Jiren's blind spot.

As your god-like aura slowly diminished you allowed a ball of light form in one palm. The other hand you had a ki blast charging. You could at least provide a distraction for Goku so you could easily give him your energy. Staring a Jiren from a distance your breath slowed and made your shot. With Jiren being quite experienced you ended up shooting him in the arm.

He turned around to see you and swiftly flew your direction. It was a split second you closed your eyes and he was already in front of you. He jabbed you in the stomach. Couching you fell from your spot. Now was your chance you looked towards Goku, who had a worried look. You just gave him a smile as you slowly fell into the void. Before he could yell your name you gave Goku your energy and disappeared into the darkness.

Appearing at the stadium you gave Goku words of encouragement not bothering with the pain surging in your stomach. "Come in I know you can do it!" You yelled.

Goku nodded his head and stood up with the new energy. He clenched his fists and surveyed his body he felt almost new. He then glance at Jiren, who was pretty beat up. Universe 11's champion had a hint of worry in his eyes. "Now since you knocked out (Y/n) I'm gonna make sure your off the stage." Goku threatened, Jiren just go in a fighting stance before charging at Goku.


The childish man held you in his arms as he snuggled your body. You guys ended up dating once the tournament was won. Of course the wish was to bring back everyone in the universes much to everyone's surprise. Anyhow, that happened about a week ago and you gotta say dating Goku has been pretty fun.

Never have you ever related to someone so much in your life. It was quite uplifting. All because of the tournament you guys got together. You couldn't say whether you dislike the universe being on the line for a relationship being built or loved the fact that you were cuddling Goku. Whatever the answer is you loved spending time with your one and only and wouldn't give it up for the world.

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