The Hanahaki Disease {Vegeta x Reader Pt.2}

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(I would like to apologize for not publishing any stories in a while. As a senior in high school I have a lot of things to take care of for me graduating on time. Everything is pretty much in order but I need one thing to complete to walk for graduation. Anyhow I have like 10 more oneshots before I officially close this book. Thank you for being here for the ride. You all are amazing!!!)
Vegeta let out a sigh as he took a breath mint from Bulma. She blue haired scientist just snickered at his distressed look. "Doesn't feel so good to be in that position does it Ve-ge-ta?" She had a smug look as she crossed her arms obviously proud of herself.

Oh how the saiyan prince would love to yell at her but his throat was raspy and it ached. The only action he gave her was the middle finger. "Whatever let's just get back to the party." He replied only to have Bulma wave a finger in his face, shaking her head. 

"Tsk tsk tsk you will stay here until you gather enough courage to admit your feelings."

"And earlier I said I would but it's too early."

Bulma glared at him, "How long have you liked her?"

Vegeta's face went bright pink for a second before averting his eyes towards the side. "T-too long." He mumbled, which earned another slap against his back. The man silently cursed to himself he was sure to have a hand mark. 

"Exactly! And I know what you said but throwing up blood is never a good sign so it's best to hurry and get it over with."

Vegeta let out a long and desperate sigh, "You say it like it's so easy."

"It's not but you always have us to comfort you even if you dislike it and I'm pretty sure (Y/n) will still accept you wether or not she likes you in return."

"Do you know how hard it'll be knowing I can't get any closer because she only sees me as a friend? I don't think I can handle that stress and-" 

"Aw the almighty Prince of All Saiyans can't handle a little heart break?" Bulma teased once again as she poked the man's cheek. She chuckled when Vegeta growled which only made her pull her hands up in defense. "Calm down, it's not every day I can make fun of you when your like this."

Vegeta rolled his eyes before standing up, "Watch when I'm done going through this I'm so gonna put you through hell!"

"Fine but only if you confess to her by tomorrow or I break the news."

"You wouldn't dare."

"Is that a challenge your highness?" Bulma bowed, Vegeta could feel his anger boiling, she was mocking him.

"If everything goes south for me tommorow then you owe me big time!"

The scientist now looking at her watch, "Well just see the time!"


Vegeta felt his heart thump against his chest and the ringing in his ears grew, he was terrified as he stood by the oak door. Specifically, the door to your home. The prince was having second thoughts but before he knew it his hand was already knocking on your door.

The male just tugged the roses closer to his chest as he sweat bullets. His hands were clammy and his breathing jagged. To him this was the most terrifying thing he has done in his life. His pride as a warrior was reduced to nothing but ash.

When there was no response he felt a little relieved and disappointed. As he turned to walk down the steps the door opened. You were puzzled but the hair gave it away.

"V-Vegeta...what you doing here?" You peeped before closing the door slightly. You were still in your pajamas and your hair was a mess. You didn't want him to see you in such a pathetic state.

The male tensed up, quickly he turned around and managed to somehow hide the flowers. "I thought you weren't home?"

You felt ashamed, you were busy throwing up you didn't have time to answer the door and you were out of meds to temporarily soothe the disease. "I was...busy."

"O-oh I see...erm well here goes nothing." Slowly Vegeta revealed the bouquet roses. Your eyes went wide, "I really like you. I have for the past few years and I don't expect you to return my feelings but if I didn't Bulma would of done it in such an embarrassing way and-are you okay?"

You bit your lip and looked towards the ground as tears slipped out of your eyes. A laugh then erupted from your chest as you tried to dry your eyes. "Yes, everything is fine I like you as well I'm just so...happy."

Vegeta felt his heart clench as he walked up the stairs ready to envelope you into a hug. As he opened the door you felt embarrassed. "I'm a mess and for you to confess to me when I'm like this is so-" you were shunned as the prince lovingly placed his lips against yours.

He parted and started into your (e/c) orbs, "You still look like a goddess to me." He replied before setting another gentle kiss. "And now you are my goddess."

A small chuckle then filled the air, "See I told you, you worried for nothing!" Bulma said as Vegeta pulled away.

"B-Bulma?" You called out as she gave you a playful wink.

"The one and only anyways I came over to brag that I was right to Ve-ge-ta." She sang as she clasps her hands together. "Ah love so sweet and tender!"

"How did you know I was going to be here?"

"I was actually on my way home and saw you two. Not to mention you were so gullible when I said I'd tell (Y/n) you liked her. I'm not that cruel to ruin your confession." Bulma laughed as Vegeta embarrassingly looked away.

You were in the same position because she caught you two smooching. "With that said you owe me your highness. Have fun on your date~"

As Bulma left an awkward silence struck between you two. Carefully you pulled a stand of hair behind your ear. "D-do you wanna stay for the night and watch movies together?"

Vegeta looked down and took your hand, "That sounds like a plan." That night you both chilled on the couch and snuggled against each other. Happy with your new life ahead together.

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