Admiration {Cooler x Doctor!Reader}

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Requested by Tokyo177
Cooler, a well-known tyrant across the universe, was currently fawning over an alien recruit. The reason was due to the chaotic and unforgiving personality you displayed onto the battlefield. Another reason was how caring and calm you were after taking care of the wounded. Personally, he admired how dedicated you were to work and fellow comrades.

The icejin could feel his heart skip a beat as he watched you from afar. The way you worked was truly amazing as you were so swift and graceful. As of now you were helping out a soldier with his broken arm. Despite being so cold-blooded his face lit up with a blush. That small smile of yours captured more of your beauty, it was to much of him to handle. He thought it was too pure for him to witness.

However, he knew you were far from being pure after all your mind was driven with blood lust. Your heart of gold was tainted with the insanity of war. A true soldier, is what he thought, a mindless pawn that would follow orders no questions asked. Cooler's mind went silent. You were nothing but a pawn so what made you grab his attention?

He wasn't going to lie that you were more attractive than most people on the ship. But he didn't heavily rely on the looks of a person. So what was it? He knew that you were more known as everyone adored you for being so hard-working on and off the battlefield. But that wasn't it, there were many in your place but he didn't even spare a glance at them.

A light bulb then flickered above his head as small fragments of memories started to appear. It was during a fight against the ruler of a planet, a extremely strong person that made Cooler on the verge of death. In his final moments of bleeding to death you appeared at his side. He didn't remember much as his vision was faded.

Once you returned him to the ship he was immediately taken into care. He didn't wake up for three days and not once did you leave his side. However, when Cooler was more stable you left to continue your work. Later he found out what you did for him and not only that but you didn't brag nor did you ask for a promotion or reward.

Cooler found it strange as a soldier would always want something but you didn't care about receiving anything. That he admired and from then on he watched you closely. Slowly he began falling for you. You were kind and evey person you saved you stood by there sides until they were alright. He did feel a little dim that to him, he was just another patient. However, the damage had been done and you had taken his heart without you knowing.

"I'm going to prescribe you these medications to numb the pain. I'm sorry I couldn't find the exact ones for your species but these should do the trick." You chirped as you handed the alien a strange bottle. "Take at most two a day. One in the morning and one at night. If you need anymore come see me."

His fingertips grazed yours as he grabbed the bottle, a blush staining his cheeks. He looked at you with want and Cooler could see that, it made his blood boil. "You really amazing doc."

"No need for flattery I'm just doing my job."

"Oh come on don't tell me that. You really are as a doctor, a solider and a person. I'm surprised no one has made a move on you yet."

You felt your body become stiff, you know where this was going. You let out a sigh, "I'm sorry but-"

"I think your presence is need elsewhere don't you think." Cooler replied coldly.

The man felt himself jump out of his skin. "Right away Lord Cooler!" He peeped as he quickly sped out of the room.

"Well isn't this a pleasant surprise. What brings you here Lord Cooler?"

Cooler could feel his cheeks warming up again. He couldn't say he was jealous. "I-I thought it would be check up on you."

"Thank you. I'm doing well, stressed but that's what happens when you become a doctor." You lightly chuckled. "But you shouldn't worry yourself over me. What about you, how are you doing? I'm sorry that I couldn't check up on you, I've been so busy as of lately."

Cooler felt his heart skip a beat as he nudged you, "Don't be sorry after all I did have the best look after me."

You smiled at him, "I see you're in a happy mood."

"Well I'm with you of course I'd be happy with such a lovely person." He laughed.

Your eyes widened, "I-I see." Your mind went blank did he mean that in a friendly way or...flirty. Guys or girls flirted with you on occasion but with Lord Cooler you had no idea.

"Y-yeah sorry if I made that weird. I didn't mean to be so forward."

"So you were being flirty towards me?"

"Did it make you uncomfortable?" You shook your head with gave him a sigh of relief.

"I'm more shocked if anything. Why would you want to be acquainted with a low rank such as myself?"

Cooler could feel his tail move in anticipation, "Because you saved my life and I find you endearing...and frankly I could care less about the social class." His words just kept flowing out of him mouth and he spoke what was on his heart. "(Y/n) if you will can you do me the honor of being my queen?"

Cooler grabbed your hand and placed a gentle kiss onto it. The gesture made you madly blush but you couldn't agree. "And if I say no?" 

"Then I'll keep pursing you until you say yes."

His confidence is what made your heart throb and you liked the feeling. "Let's get to know each other first before we make any rash decision, okay?"

Cooler let go of your hand and smiled. "Of course, I want you to fall for me properly, I-I'll see you around." The icejin then waved as he slowly exited the room.

When he was gone you pulled your hand to your chest. "I don't think it'll take long." You happily spoke before turning your attention towards your medical tools, humming to yourself.

Dun-dun-dun and we have one more oneshot before this is officially complete!!!

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