A Bet Unlike Any Other {Gohan x Reader}

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Sorry for not updating for awhile I have gotten a little lazy...Anyways hope you enjoy and also I'm still taking requests.
"Ughhh, I told you I can't do it, it's hard! We've been doing this for the gazillionth time already!" You shouted, at Gohan who seemed to have taken a pleasure at your failed flying attempts. Frankly, you really didn't care it was just pissing you off in a matter of seconds. You only managed to get up three inches before falling onto your butt, and that only happened once during the few hours you've been with Gohan.

"Oh come on (Y/n). You can do this I know it. Just focus and-"

"I'm hungry," You interrupted, as your stomach growled making Gohan laugh at the unexpected words.

"I guess it is time for lunch huh? Well, let's get going! I know a really great restaurant!" The half saiyan excitedly spoke, his excitement reminded you of a kid in a candy store.

Rolling your eyes at him as you grabbed your well-placed belongings and began walking to West City. Well, that was until your friend persuaded to you hold onto him and fly to your destination. You had a glum look the whole way there and it was mainly because Gohan kept teasing you about your flight ability.


"Soo, what do ya think? My mother would bring me here as a treat for getting all A's on my tests," Gohan sheepishly mumbled, as a smirk grew onto your face.

"And till this day you are still that huge nerd!" You laughed, making Gohan blush from embarrassment.

"I knew you were going to say that,"

You cheekily smiled at the male before quickly opening the door. You also casually muttered 'Lady's first' and then got glared down by Gohan who replied with a 'very mature'. Once you both entered you were greeted by a tall brunette, who seemed more interested in Gohan's presence. You felt a little annoyed with the waitress but shrugged it off as nothing.

The lady placed you both in a small booth and got your drink orders. It wasn't long before she came back with your (f/f) and a tea. She even purposely brushed her fingers against his and giggled a sorry. It made you want to throw up. However, Gohan didn't seem bothered by her flirting or he probably didn't even know she was flirting with him.

You messed with your straw for the lack of words to say only a sigh managed to escape from your lips. Picking up a menu you looked through the variety of foods but decided to stick with a simple soup. It was also irritating to see the waitress coming back and forth to see your half saiyan buddy. Gohan was just a friend so why all of a sudden you felt defensive towards him. You had an idea of why but you didn't want to reach that conclusion.

"I think she likes you," You bluntly spat, making Gohan leave his trance.

"T-the waitress?"

"Noo, you big dork I meant the floor," You sarcastically remarked. "Yes! Of course her! Who else keeps coming over here and making goo-goo eyes at you? I think...you should go for it and ask, ask her out," You then stared at your hands before squeezing them 'God damn it why did I say that!? What if he does like her? I'm such an idiot!'

Gohan just blankly looked at you before laughing. "She's cute and everything but I like someone else who I find to be the perfect one for me. Maybe a little too perfect but my mom likes her so that's a bonus!"

"So who's the girl? Is it Videl? You both seem pretty close and she knows your mother and everyone seems to ship you guys," You said quickly, but Gohan understood each word. Every word was like tiny knives into your heart but you played it off as if you didn't care.

That's when the waitress came back, once again, this time with the food. Gohan immediately shut his mouth and started to eat you excused yourself to the bathroom so you could wash up. You pushed the door open and turned the faucet on before splashing water onto your face. 'No no no no! I can't have feelings for him he's just my childhood friend!' You cursed before you thoughts were interrupted by a familiar voice.

"So are you and that cutie together because it would be a shame if I had to take him from you~" That voice sounded dangerously kind but you knew she was faking it.

You plastered a smile onto your face. "Nope, Gohan is just a...friend to me. I could never like him in that way plus he told me you're cute!" You said in a sicking sweet tone.

"Well, thaanks just wanted to see if he was up for grabs. Not like that would have stopped me anyways tata," the brunette then waved you off as you shot her the middle finger once her back was turned.

"Crap, I do have feelings for Gohan,"


"Soooo, did you get her number?" You slyly commented as you and Gohan began walking to your house.

"Oh, Elise? Yeah, she wrote her number on my arm, with a marker...I hope it's not permanent," Gohan shuddered.

"You say it like you didn't want it. You could finally bring a girl over to your mothers, after all, she does nag you constantly to find yourself a girlfriend and one finally shows up,"

"I told you I already have fallen in love with someone and Elise just seems to be the hit it and quick it type," Gohan replied, you rolled your eyes.

"I'll ask again is it Videl?" You coldly asked.

"Why do people assume it's always Videl? I don't love her! I love yo-you should know who I like," Gohan quickly corrected. 'Nice save Gohan' the half saiyan remarked.

"I do? I'm just gonna ask Piccolo to tell me. Unless it is Piccolo," You taunted, making the male shake his head. To be honest you wouldn't even be made if it was.

"No! Don't ask him!" Gohan yelled a mischievous smirk made it's way to your features.

"If I remember correctly, he should be at my house right now," You stuck your tongue at him before bolting to your house; luckily it wasn't far.

You managed to get far enough that you made it to your doorsteps but when turning around a pair of arms playfully wrapped around your torso. You were face to face with Gohan making you turn red. The next thing you knew was his lips being pushed against yours. Your eyes were wide but excepted that fact and began kissing him back.

"Well, t-that escalated," You laughed.

"I-I wanted to make it a special moment when I had the guts to say I love you. Piccolo even made a bet that I would chicken out. So once I heard you say you were going to see him I got scared because knowing him he would probably make me do something regretful that involves you," Gohan admitted, you looked at him dazed before pulling him into a hug.

"I'm pretty sure I would have forgave you no matter the consequence because I too love you-"

"Get a room," Piccolo interrupted, ruining the moment.

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