Unexpected {Hit x Pregnant!Reader}

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Wow this took longer than expected but there will be a second part also there might be a little cliffhanger just saiyan xD

"Oh shit..." Grasping the pregnancy test, the sign read positive. Thoughts crossed your mind on how this came to be. You made sure protection was used...unless the condom ripped, which was probably the likely scenario but how?! "Holy shit...I'm going to be a mom," You say, barely above a whisper. Ignoring the constant knocks. Not long after the door opened; it revealed Hit and he had a slightly nervous expression. Quickly you tossed the pregnancy test in trash and washed your hands.

"Are you okay? You've been here for nearly an hour," the assassin questioned, as he slowly closed the limited space between you. "Is something the matter?" He questioned, once again, you just shook your head.

"I'm all good. I as just looking for something, which now reminds me I must of left it at a friends house," You lied, hoping he would buy it. And he did.

"Okay I was just checking on you," Once Hit left you quickly tried to hide the evidence.


Staring outside the window you brought a cup to your lips, drinking the rest of it's contents. The signs of pregnancy were not treating you well. To say the least it was horrible. What made it worst was trying to hide all of this from Hit. You didn't want to tell him in fear of him leaving you or worse. Groaning you placed a hand on your head...another headache. This was becoming normal to you, but still hurt like hell. Day four and the symptoms were only getting worse.

Eventually, you would have to tell your assassin of a boyfriend but now you just need a few words of encouragement. And what better way to ask someone for that is to ask your three younger friends. Who have no have little or to no experience of what reproduction is. Yup, you were getting your words of encouragement from Cabba, Caulifa, and Kale.

"Eh!? Listen here if Hit breaks up with you over this then I'm just gonna beat him into a pulp! Kale, me and Cabba will," The wild saiyaness proudly spoke. Which started an argument between her and Cabba.

"Why do you always gotta bring me into this? Plus if you think rationally we would be out matched," The saiyan replied, making Caulifa grab him by the shirt.

"Fine, then I'll just have to teach you a lesson!" The female then brought her fist up, grabbing the males shirt and swung at him. However, she didn't hit him but ended up hitting the cup on the counter. It shattered but the sound didn't stop the two from bickering at each other. 

From the sidelines Kale had an angry look on her face but also look as if she was gonna cry. Smiling you placed a hand on her head and ruffled her hair making her mimic your facial expression. "Hey, Kale what do you think I should do?"

"Y-you should tell him. Hit truly loves you and would do anything to be by your side...He wouldn't lose something so precious to him over a situation like this. He might actually be happy to be a father," Kale quietly said, twiddling with her index fingers nervously. The sight made you gush in 'aw' before pulling her into a hug.

"Thank you so much! I'm surprised you came up with that," You chuckled. That's when a feminine voice rang in your ears and a pair of arms wrapped around you.

"Group hug!" Caulifa yelled into the embrace as you all toppled over.

Maybe getting your words of encouragement from your little friends wasn't a bad idea. Though you did lose a cup and it was only Kale who really gave the most helpful advice. But then again the other two did cheer you up so in the end it wasn't all bad.


Taking a deep breath you clutched your black shirt. This was very nerve racking. The only time you remember being so nervous around Hit was when you confessed your feelings for him. The thought gave you the smallest of comfort. You smiled at the thought back then you even asked from the three saiyans to help give you the courage to face him.

The purple male sat by your side and held your hand. "If somethings bothering you, you could always tell me," Hit pecked your lips ever so gently, almost ghost like. His action made your face turn even redder.

"I-I do h-h-have to tell you something. But promise this w-won't effect our relationship?" Your eyes started to cloud with tears but you held them back.

"I promise nothing will happen...I love you too much to let you go," The last words were quiet, yet were loud enough for you to hear them.

Taking another deep breath you spoke, "Hit I'm pregnant,"

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