Who's Better? {Mentor!Goku x Saiyan!Reader x Mentor!Vegeta}

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Requested by LittleLuna099

You clawed your way out of the newly made crater. Blood mixed with sweat and dirt coated your once pristine face. Vegeta stood at the top waiting for you to climb back up. When you did he didn't even face you just scoffed in disappointment. "And you can yourself a Saiyan? What you did was utterly pathetic. Tch and that bastard thinks he's a better teacher, yet you've barely progressed the last time we've fought."

Lying on the ground you've managed to catch your breath with your short break. At least your stamina has improved. "Goku has only been teaching me for a week and all we did was control my breathing to better my stamina. I think I've improved in that area a lot." You huffed.

Vegeta just rolled his eyes at the sound of the saiyan's name, his name annoyed him greatly. Quickly you stood back up like you didn't have your ass handed to you. Vegeta then shot a ki blast your way which you doged. You gave him a bright and genuine smile making the males cheek flush. "Wipe the grin off your face you were just lucky."

You giggled at his cold remark and pocked his cheek. "Aw come on you have to admit that I did good!" He just crossed his arms and faced away from you.

Before you could even lay a finger on him the male quickly grabbed your wrist and pulled it behind your back. He was now behind you twisting your arm. You bit the inside of your cheek, he was being a little too aggressive. You puffed your cheeks and with all your force stepped into his foot. Immediately he let go and you were out of his grasp. "Cheap move I see."

"What else am I suppose to do in that situation?"

"Nothing wrong with that it surprises the enemy." He bluntly stated.

You nodded taking note of his words. "Is there anything I need to work on?"

"You need to be more focused on the enemy and try to read their attacks ahead. Fighting is not just punching randomly you have to put thought into it. Like where they'll be, what areas they'll protect, habits they use and so forth." You nodded your head once again.

"Okay thank you!" Stretching your aching bones you looked at the male saiyan. "Will I ever get to the same level you guys are on?"

"With hard work and discipline I'm sure you'll level with us."

-1 month later-

You growled as Goku punches you into a small hill. You were in the newly made cave as you transformed into super saiyan 2. The sudden energy bursted the hill open, making the debris fall everywhere. Goku's demeanor changed as he tried to doged the falling rocks. It made you angry that he wasn't taking this seriously. Lifting your hand up you shot at least seven ki blasts his way.

Goku quickly caught on and transformed as well. His serious look came back and swiftly teleported to you. Both of you started to fight hand to hand. Although he was faster than anticipated you made sure to read all his moves. For a split second you grazed his cheek before going back to you regular fight.

However, you lost when Goku made a swift punch into your abdomen. Losing your form you fell to the ground coughing up saliva and blood. Worried Goku stood by your place and offered a hand but you pushed it away. "Tch I don't need your help." You snarled and shoved his hand away.

Goku was taken back, it was a little odd for you to be so aggressive. "You did good." He commented.

"How? Winning is what matters in a fight. If I'm up against an enemy they'd kill me right then and there."

Goku lifted his hands in defense. "Calm down you're becoming like Vegeta and winning isn't everything." You were on all fours trying not to vomit your meal up. Goku sure know's how to throw a punch.

The saiyan sighed and lent a hand. You looked up at him to curse him out before you saw the look in his eyes. You didn't see any sense of pity or of him looking down at you. Your face turned red as you looked the other direction before grabbing onto his hand. "Fine, maybe I did pick up a little bit of Vegeta's attitude."

You crossed you arms turning away from him. "A little is almost a lie."

"Kako-I see what you mean." You laughed. "What do you expect I spent a whole month with him. Of course I'd pick up somethings."

"Or maybe everything." You punched him in the arm.

"Shut up!"


The two men started bickering as you sat in the lush green grass, trying to ignore them. Earlier Goku decided to observe your training with Vegeta and he wasn't on terms with him. Goku believed that staying at you pace would work better then going all out. Vegeta didn't listen of course and complained that babying you wasn't anyway to fight an actual battle.

Goku then proceeded to piss of Vegeta by saying, "If your way works so well then why aren't you stronger than me." You had to admit it was pretty funny seeing Vegeta burst with anger. Anyhow, that's what started their verbal fight and now you had nothing to do but wait untill this all blew over.

The men eventually turned towards you, "Who's the better teacher!" They yelled in sync.

The sudden turn of events made you jump, if you had to be honest you had no idea. Yeah, sure Vegeta's way was harsh but it be helped push past your limits and disciplined you. Goku's training was a nice break from literally having broken bones every minute. Goku taught you patience and how to forgive. While Vegeta taught you to try harder and punch any enemy that goes against you.

You thought using both methods was better for you. Seek the goodness in your enemies and if they don't wanna change beat the shit out of them, simple. So choosing wasn't really an option cause you learned and grew from both their methods. Blankly you started at them as they waited for an answer.

A minute passed and still they received no answer. You then felt Vegeta harshly glare at you. "Whyyy do you expect me to choose? You guys are both good teachers." You groaned.

Goku just grinned as he sat with you wrapping an arm around your shoulder. "I'm fine with that are you?" The saiyan remarked.

Vegeta had noticeable tick mark forming onto his forehead. The male forced a smile as he chuckled. "Oh no I will not be in the same spot as you!" He replied. You sighed you already knew where this was going. Their bickering started all over again, you just shook you head in disappointment.

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