Rival's {Vegeta x Reader x Trunks}

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Requested by BabygirlRage
You stared at Trunks out of boredom he seemed all smiles with the whole divorce going on. You wondered what he was actually feeling he wasn't the type to 'bother' anyone with his problems. He always put everyone else above himself. Honestly, it infuriated you! He always solves people's problems with no shoulder to lay on when he needs it the most. That man is just so stubborn.

"Is something on your mind?" Trunks spoke. You just nodded your head, no use in telling a lie.

"I'm always curious on why you don't want others to know what your really feeling. Especially, with what's happening in your life."

"It's just a habit of mine but do you what I'm feeling?" Trunks leaned closer to you, you nodded your head again.

'He's so close to me.' You thought to yourself getting a whiff of his cologne. A pink hue stained your cheeks. It was the one you bought for him on his birthday. That's...sweet of him to actually use it. Normally people just toss or give away your gifts. Assholes. But nows not the time to think of such things especially with him this close.

"What I'm feeling right now is the need to kiss those pretty lips of yours." Trunks cooly replied as his thumb caressed your lips.

You pulled back immediately. This guy always gave you a weird churning feeling in your stomach. "S-stop joking around idiot!"

"I tell you what I'm feeling right now and you dismiss my feelings I'm hurt!" Trunks teased. "But I'm not joking I honestly want to. Anyways, I got to be somewhere." With that Trunks left you alone blushing like an idiot.


You sat in Bullas room as she screamed. "OMG he did that! To think my shy idiot of a brother would do such a thing! You should totally go out with him-I need to tweet this!" Already pulling out her phone she quickly started typing away. Before she could finish or hit send you snatched the phone from her hands.

"You will not be doing such thing. I-I don't even see Trunks that way he's just a friend to me...I think, I don't know, maybe. UGHHH don't confuse me!" You grumbled placing a pillow onto your face.

"Answer yourself this have you ever looked at him with out even thinking of it? Do you get a weird feeling in your stomach with him? Does your face get red when he talks to you!? Tell me how you feel around him woman!" Bulla grabbed your shoulders and started shaking you.

"Yes, yes, and yes! Jesus stop shaking me before I get brain damage."

"Then you like him-"

"Fine then I like him but I also kinda like this other guy and well we kinda had this weird thing together." You replied, only for Bulla to grab and shake you.

"Who is this guy?!"

"You'd be very surprised but I'm not gonna tell you." You said before getting up. "Besides we're not with each other anymore. Anyways, I'm gonna raid your fridge. Want anything?"

"You're such a meanie! But get popcorn and a bunch of snacks cause we gonna have movie night asap!" Bulla giggled as you tossed her phone back.

Getting down the steps and entering the kitchen you started to make the popcorn. As you waited you felt a presence nearby. Turning around there you saw Vegeta with his arms crossed and staring you down. "What's a little rabbit like you doing all alone." Vegeta just took a step closer to you before he was right in front of you.

"Vegeta we promised not to do this anymore." You warned as the male grabbed your sides and set you on the counter. There he grabbed your legs and wrapped them around himself, pulling you close.

"Didn't you say you liked me? And I'm not married anymore so what's the harm?"

"The harm is that I don't wanna go back to square one! Plus Trunks likes me and I don't wanna hurt-ah him." You moaned as the saiyan roughly pressed his lips against the crook of your neck, leaving a hickey.

It felt so good and you wanted to continue but you held onto your dignity and pushed him back. As if on time the popcorn stopped popping. Quickly you jumped off the island counter and rushed towards the food. "Bulla is expecting me."

As you grabbed the rest of the snacks you started to head out. Of course, Vegeta being stubborn grabbed hold your wrist and pulled you in for a quick kiss. Your face flushed a different color and you quickly sped away from him. Walking up the steps you looked behind you to make sure Vegeta didn't follow. But while you do that you didn't notice a purple haired male in front of you. Looking up you noticed it was Trunks. 'aw fuck why is he here?"

"Are you okay? You're pretty red."

"I-I'm good just-" Before you could finish your sentence Trunks grabbed your chin and tilted it to towards the side.

"How do you get that? Looks pretty new." Trunks questioned, you could feel a shift in the atmosphere.

"A-A uh mosquito?"

"Right. Better hide that from Bulla or she'll get the wrong idea and think I did it...don't you think Father." Trunks replied as he stared down the man. "Damn pests always leeching off of things they don't belong to."

"You know Trunks mosquito's are attracted to sweet things." Vegeta said as he began to walk pass the both of you.

Trunks under his breath muttered 'asshole' before looking at you and smiling. "Be careful next time okay?" With that Trunks kissed your forehead before moving in a random direction. You stood near Bullas door.

Your face was redder than before and you felt more heat pushing itself off of you. You had to calm down before Bulla sees you like this. Especially, now that you have a very noticeable hickey. All you could thing of during your weird ass moment was 'what the fuck just happened.'

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