A Special Day {Piccolo x Reader}

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Yay! I got another one done 😊 Hope you guys enjoy this one and remember I'm still doing request until further notice.
Holding the moon crescent necklace, you gazed at the glowing colors. It was beautiful. Your (E/c) eyes shifted to Piccolo's as you pecked his lips. The male's eyes widen and deeply blushed at the sudden contact, you loved seeing your namekian like this. Giggling, you couldn't help but stare into his eyes, you felt like the happiest girl in the world.

"S-so what do you think? Do you like it?" Piccolo said as he tried to regain his composure.

"Yes, I love it! Where did you get it?" You asked, knowing such item didn't belong to Earth.

"I was traveling with Goku to get some materials for Bulma and one of the items was on a planet. That's where I found this and thought it looked...b-beautiful making me think of you," the namekian whispered the last part, but you still heard him and gushed over his shyness.

"Awww what did I do to deserve you. You are so amazing! thank you...thank you for so much," You replied, the male then kissed you passionately.

'That's what I should be saying' The male thought, lovingly sneaking glances at you as you both continued your date.


A few years have past and not much has changed except for the fact you were getting married in a few days. And of course, just like any soon-to-be bride, you were jittery, especially, when it came to Piccolo. You fiddled with the jewelry that hung from your neck and took deep breaths to calm yourself down. 'Everything is going to be perfectly fine, the wedding is just in a few days! You can do this,' you encouraged yourself as you finished the last bit of the preparations with Bulma.

"So, (Y/n) how's Piccolo?" The scientist, smugly responded you glared at her knowing what she was getting at. Curse you for having an unclean mind!

"He's probably doing a better job at controlling his emotions than me at the moment. Haven't seen him since this morning though."

Bulma rolled her eyes. "I'm not talking about that, I'm talking about how he is in bed," Bulma said, whispering slightly.

"Yeah, have you guys done it yet? I mean come on you both been dating for years now. Plan on having any kids?" a voice popped in, making the two females jump, it was surprisingly Videl.

"V-Videl? When did you get here? How are you and Pan?" You asked, trying to change the subject from the embarrassment. To say the least, it didn't work.

Those two kept bugging you about numerous questions, Chi-Chi had to step in and stop the two from pestering you. But, eventually got curious and started asking as well. Which is why your hiding in the closet right now. You were so embarrassed about the many lewd questions the three of them asked. Hanging your head down low you saw a silhouette of a person standing by the entrance to the closet.

That was until the mysterious person opened the twin doors, it revealing the love of your life. You chuckled nervously as he helped you get out of the small space. You were going to explain why you were in the closet but Piccolo beat you to it. He asked if it was the three girls and you answered him honestly you just hoped he didn't ask for a more detailed answer.

"So, why are you hiding from them?" Yep, you were afraid he would ask that.

You looked at the ground, trying to find an excuse but you knew lying wouldn't work as Piccolo can read you like a book. You gulped, before speaking "W-well, Bulma and the others kept bugging me with i-inappropriate questions a-and I got tired of it so I hid," You didn't want to tell him the rest. Back when you both were dating you were so confident, now that your getting married the roles, basically, switched.

"What kind of inappropriate questions did they asked you?" Piccolo asked cornering you to a wall and placed a hand by the side of your head. It made you blush fifty shades of red because of how close your faces were, this was so out of character but you weren't hating it!

"Umm, questions like i-if we um had s-sex and you know elaborating from t-that," You squeaked, this man was going to be the death if you.

"Well if they want to know, why don't we do it right here and now? I don't mind taking your innocence. After all the wedding is in a few days so its bound to happen," Piccolo chuckled, he then took his free hand and lightly grabbed your chin, pulling your face upwards for a kiss.

Thoughts raced across your mind but were soon washed away as you felt his hand slither underneath your shirt. The action made you gasp and Piccolo, who took the opportunity, pushing his tongue into your mouth. During this moment you wanted to just give in and let him have his way with you but the three females were still looking for you and could walk in any minute. But, anything could steam up a cough was heard by the door, it was Bulma and she had a camera out. You and Piccolo looked at each other stopping any further actions, a blush coated your faces from embarrassment.

"B-Bulma! You better delete that photo!" You yelled as she bolted down the hallway. You looked at Piccolo and apologized then ran after your friend.


Today was the day, the day you would get married, the day you might pass out, the day you might lose your virg- anyways today was the special day. You had to calm yourself down constantly, ever since you woke up. It wasn't long until you were going to greet your future husband. You were putting on your dress, it was the usual traditional white wedding dress. You stared into the mirror and smiled remembering your childhood. You always told yourself you wouldn't get married and if you did he would probably be from a different planet.

Strange, how things just worked out, you were lost in childish and past thoughts before a knock could be heard. You stood away from the mirror and made your way to the noise. Opening the door you saw your groom covering his eyes, it made you smile at his thoughtfulness.

"Umm, I was told that seeing the bride was bad luck until the wedding began and I didn't want anyone to give you this except me so here," The namekian then handed you a white box with a silver bow, tying it together. Opening the small box you saw the necklace Piccolo gave you on one of your dates together.

"Oh my gosh! I was looking for this all day where did you find it?" You asked hugging the male tightly.

"I had the necklace with me when you 'lost' it and I wanted an excuse so I could see how my future wife is doing," Piccolo replied.

"You know I'm a little nervous but I'm excited"

"I feel that way too...I can sense Bulma's so I'll make this quick. Remember that I will always love you and don't freak out because that's what I did earlier. I'll see you later. Love you," And with that, the male kissed you and left before Bulma could yell at him.


Time seemed to slow down for you as you waited for the music to start playing. Everything was so nerve-racking until you remembered Piccolo's words, which calmed you down. The two smaller girls in front of you, Bulla and Pan, gawked over how lovely you looked in the dress. You smiled and began a short conversation, waiting for your cue to start. As if right on time the music played, making the flower girls start throwing rose petals onto the ground.

Then it was your turn to walk down the aisle, breathing slowly you automatically pushed forward. You could hear people wishing you good luck and giving compliments. Soon you made it to your destination, where the new chapter of your life began. This time it wasn't by yourself, it was with Piccolo. You smiled at the well-dressed namekian, who whispered 'I love you' and you responded with the same three words. Piccolo noticed your slight nervousness and held both your hands to comfort you. Honestly, you were so lucky to have him in your life.

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