🍋Costumes {Vegeta x Reader}🍋

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Lemon requested by TheGreatSaiyanGoku
Searching through the Halloween store your mind couldn't make up on which costume to get. You wanted to be scary but cute! However, Vegeta, your boyfriend, wasn't that pleasant on the idea of you wearing anything 'adorable'. Not that it was going to stop you, anyways, cause getting on his nerves was your specialty. Chuckling you grabbed a clown costume.

Just the thing you were looking for! It showed a corset, with many bright colors splattering the outfit, a pair of shorts shorts and neon fishnets. Smiling you grabbed the bag and headed to the cash register and paid for the costume along with a blood pen. It's a blood pen! Who could say no to that!


Slipping into your costume your fixed your hair, adding the temporary hair dye and putting on your black heels for the night. It's not like you were going to do much walking when you could fly around. Yawning slightly you started to add the fake blood and make-up before walking to the living room. Where Vegeta was waiting.

"Woman! Where the hell are you!" The saiyan prince yelled. "I've been waiting forever now!"

"Shut up dumbass! I'm literally around the corner-"

"Oh no, you are not wearing that!" Vegeta interrupted as he looked up and down at you. "Your shorts are too short...Lift your arms." He demanded.

"Oh come on I'm an adult! And it's just a few inches above the knee! I also don't need to lift my shirt for you." You responded, crossing your arms. Not even a second and he already started to act like this. To be honest he sounded like your dad.

"Oh please it's not like I've seen more." The male then grabbed your arms and lifted them above your head. It showed your stomach, much to his displeasure. "Go change."

You gave him an icy glare which would shut any man up but Vegeta was no normal man. The Saiyan just took a step forward, arms crossed and eyes filled with demand. He smirked before taking his hand and lifting your chin. His thumb slowly stroked your lip and then leaned to your ear.

"If you keep walking around like that I won't be able to keep my composure and you know what I'm like when I lose my cool~" Vegeta purred.

Heat started to warm your cheeks as you pulled back from his intense stare. "Y-you horny monkey! We gotta go before we are late." Moving past Vegeta you managed to get to the door and as you placed a hand on the knob, Vegeta grabbed your wrist.

Turing around the man, with a few inches dominating, slammed his free hand against the spruce door. His eyes pierced your heart and ever so slightly you felt your knees getting weaker. The male in front of you edged his body closer, leaving no space between you and the door. Tilting your head to meet his lips he ever so slightly grazed your colored ones. It was annoying with every chance you tried to kiss him he shifted his head.

His heat was getting to you and the few seconds that went by you were getting impatient. To speed things up you moved your hand to Vegeta's harden member and started to palm him. Messaging every once in a while. Vegeta held in a moan as you continued to pleasure him through his pants. That was until he grabbed you by the shoulder, took you to the living room and threw you onto the couch.

You lightly bounced, excitement penetrated your thoughts as your saiyan prince started to undo the pesky clothing covering his lower half. Following pursuit you began to strip to your underwear. Vegeta grunted as you got to the black laced panties, he adored, before removing them.

Vegeta licked his lips and started to moved towards you, he pecked your lips, then quickly grabbed your waist, and positioned himself against your aching womanhood. "Your already this wet for me? We haven't even started~" Leaning to your face Vegeta placed soft yet hungry kisses all along your cheek, neck, and chest. 

That was a distraction for when he roughly pounded into you. A moan caught in your throat as your boyfriend continued to move. It hurt and he knew but that didn't stop him. Catching breath you dug your nails on his back leaving scratches.

Moving your hands on the back of Vegeta's head you pulled him for a needy kiss. Pushing your tongue into his mouth you aimed for dominance, which you achieved. Until Vegeta hit a certain part of your nether regions and my god did it feel like heaven. Moaning loudly, Vegeta bit the nape of your neck leaving a small bruise.

He continued over and over leaving love bites almost everywhere on your upper torso. It'll be hard to cover up those the next day. Slamming into you once more the pain started to subdue. Moans were tangled in the air. Hands intertwined with each other. Curses could be heard through the walls. Not that any of you cared if anyone heard at the moment. All that mattered was the satisfaction.

Satisfaction that was being achieved by the both of you. Sucking on your breath your gripped onto Vegeta's shoulders pulling him closer to your body. By the speed he was going at it seemed like he was nearing his limit. Looking into the Saiyan's eye you lightly gushed at the pink blush coating his cheeks. His orbs were, dare you say, filled with love and a hint of happiness. You love this side of Vegeta and, lucky you, he would only show this side of him.

Pecking his lips you moaned loudly "F-Fuck Vegeta I'm close!" The man only gave a grunted response. However, soon after Vegeta started into your half lidded eyes and gave you a response.

"Yeah, I'm close too." Pulling you close he whispered three words into your ear. It was those three words you would always cherish. It wasn't that Vegeta hasn't said 'I love you' before it was just rare of him to do so. Few moments later you ended up orgasming before you fully caught breath.

"Haaa guess we have to cancel going to the party?" You chuckled as Vegeta removed himself and released onto your bare stomach.

"Yeah guess we have to do that." Little did you know there was a note attached to the door. It was from Bulma and to summarize all she said was to clean up your mess and that she'll be spending the night at a friend's house.

Hey guys I'mma back, sorry if the chapter was a little rushed but I'll fix it sooner or later. Hope you enjoyed it either way! 👍

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