Inexperience Emotions {Raditz x Saiyan!Reader}

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Requested by Supreme_God

Yawning you lazily sat up from your shared room and groggily made your way to the bathroom. There you saw your refection stare at you with bushy hair, bags under her eyes, and the need to go back to sleep. Grabbing a brush you began removing the small knots that tied the hair together. A simple task.

Upon finishing that you started doing the necessities of your morning routine. Brush your teeth, take a shower, put on your uniform, and head to the dining room. All without waking your obnoxious and annoying roommate. However, you had to wake him up sometime or later. After all he was a heavy sleeper.

Currently, you stood by the entrance of the kitchen where the aliens we're preparing food for the ship. An octopus like alien handed you semi-hot water in a cup and waved you goodbye. Since, it took forever to wake Raditz you decided to pour some hot water on him. His fault for not waking up early and only wearing underwear when he slept; which you didn't mind.

Getting back to your room you crept towards his bed and slowly removed his blanket. He was actually pretty well built. 'I wonder what it would feels like' Thinking to yourself, you mentally scowled the inappropriate thoughts.

"If ya wanted to see me half naked you could of just asked." The male sat himself up with his elbows and gave an amused smirk. His eyes half lidded from waking up. The sight made him more attractive than before.

Your cheeks redden at him and his comment before you glared and dumped the water on him. The male yelped in pain nearly jumping off the bed. "It's time to go to the dining Hall and I'm not gonna wait around for your sleepy ass."

"Was that really necessary? That really hurt."

"I was gonna pour it on you while you slept but caught up in my thoughts."

"Was it the abs you were thinking about? Not gonna brag but these babies bring all the ladies~"

"I swear to God I'm gonna ask for a room change."

"Noooo your the only person who I like and known since childhood! Don't leave me!" Raditz begged making you laugh at him before getting up and ruffling his long hair.

"You are the only tolerable person I like despite being so annoying." Smiling you started to head for the door. "Hurry up or there won't be any food left." And with that you left the room leaving your friend in a blushing state.

"I'm gonna marry that girl." The male spoke aloud before getting ready for the day.


In the dining hall Raditz quickly rushed in and began searching for you. That was when he saw the (h/l) (h/c) hair from afar. His goofy grin plastered his face and started heading your way until he saw another soldier supposedly talking to you. His grin fell as he saw you laughing with a blush covering your face.

"(Y/n)? Why's he here and in my spot?" The intruder could hear the malice in his voice but acted naive.

"I'm a friend of (Y/n). I'm Lattuce." The male greeted standing up and holding his hand out. His smile, according to Raditz held something other than friendliness. "I saw this beautiful lady sitting by herself and thought I could accommodate myself with her."

"Well now that I'm here we don't need your company especially not (Y/n). She's got me." Raditz pushed his hand aside and straighten his posture to show his dominance.

Lattuce knew exactly what he was doing and only smirked. The black haired male mimicked Raditz posture and from your field of vision they were almost the same height. You knew what they were getting at. Getting up you placed a hand on your childhood friends shoulder making him stand down. You knew he would listen to you even without words being exchanged.

"You can sit on the other side of me just for today. Not a big deal okay big guy?" You chuckled which brought Raditz weak to his knees. This was one girl he didn't want to let go of. Even to this prick. No, especially to this prick. "So Lattuce about your question. My answer is no. I'm sorry but I don't feel the same."

Waving your hand goodbye Lattuce was going to reject your answer. Luckily, Raditz stood in the way and his growl sure scared him off. "Did that guy ask you out?"

Sighing you nodded. "It's the third guy this week. I barley even know him just like the others. He just wants to get into my pants like the rest of these horny teenagers! I know the blood moon is coming but that's still no excuse to be a fucking asshole. It also doesn't help that I'm the only female in this division too!"

"Am I a horny teenager?" Raditz spoke making you snort at his expression. He looked like a puppy who did something wrong.

"Despite what you say no you're not. You are...different from these dumb dumbs. You haven't tried anything on me. Sure you've said some strange things to me before but that was more of a joke." Slowly you felt something wrap around your hand, it was your tail.

You almost forgot you had one but usually when something like this happened it showed that you were nervous. Raditz knew this aspect of you as well. Something he learned over his years of being by your side. "I-It's also what I love about you." Grumbling Raditz tilted his head.

"What did you say?"

"Ugh your hopeless! I said it's something that I love about you!" You quickly shut your mouth. Your eyes widened at what you said.

Getting up you panicked and quickly rushed out if the dining room. Taking a sharp turn you ducked behind some crates that accompanied a dead end. Your back pressed against the cold walls of the ship and slowly you slip down it. You pushed your knees upwards where you placed your head in between.

Thoughts raced through your mind. It was a small thing to panic over but you've known Raditz your whole life! What if you messed this friendship up? What if he doesn't feel the same? What would he do? Mind you that this was your first crush you've had for a very very long time. So yes inexperience was at hand.

First time asking your first and long time crush. Not how you imagine it. Hell you didn't even know you would rush out of there. You didn't even get an answer! You just stormed out of there. Maybe you should go back act like an adult, and get a response. I mean you were going to see him again. You guys shared a room for fuck sakes!

"You know you were always bad at hide and seek." A playfull voice said scaring you. "Ya know you didn't give me much of a chance to say anything back there."

You stood still taking deep and slow breaths. You opened your mouth to speak but nothing came out."If you must know I l-love you too. I've always have since we were kids!"

Your nerves calmed down from hearing this. Not what you expected but you were going to take it. Looking up you saw Raditz crouching at your height. Giving a very flustered look. When you stared at him your heart fluttered. Swallowing the lump in your throat you closed your eyes and hugged the male. Placing a kiss on his lips before you both fell.

"So we are a thing now? Right" Nodding you head Raditz basically beamed with joy.

"You hear that me and (Y/n) are a thing!" The man yelled making you cover his mouth with your hands.

"Quiet or everyone will hear!"

"That's the point. I want everyone to know your now mine." Smiling you pecked his cheek. Welp not what you expected but at least your with the person you dreamed of being with. What's not to love about that!

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