Reflection {Vegeta x Daughter!Reader Pt.2}

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I'm sooooo sorry for now getting part 2 down I honestly totally forgot about this because I was busy working on other oneshots. 😭
You sat on the couch with your father, he had a confused look as the mood grew serious. Earlier he was talking about how he had so many plans for you when you finally become a fighter but now was the time to stop running and tell him who you really are. As time passed you kept your word to please your dad but that made the void of guilt increase. You felt so lost on what to do for your future because you were too caught up on wearing a mask. But now was time to take it off.

Recently, an important art show was being located in West city and it just so happened they contacted your school for one of best students to showcase their art. You were ecstatic when the school sent a letter to you before dread washed over you. You knew your father wouldn't take well to you giving up your fighting persona to partake in drawing.

However, you've grown to finally face that fear of being disowned. You may have had a talent for fighting by you also had one in drawing and that was something you wanted to do for years to come.

You felt your smile turn to a mild frown as tears pricked the corners of your eyes. Your father grabbed your hands. He was confused but he felt more concerned with his daughter feeling down. "(Y-Y/n) what's wrong sweetheart?" 

You bit you lip as you glanced at him, "Dad I don't want to be a fighter anymore. I don't like it, my passion is for art. I didn't want to say anything because I didn't want to disappoint you. But recently I got a letter from very important people to submit my art and if I do that I have to sacrifice one thing in order to gain what I love and grow my future."

You sniffled as you looked on the ground waiting for his words to stab you through the heart. Nothing of that came except the warm embrace of your father's arms. Vegeta took a long sigh.

"I'm sorry." Was all he said and it was your turn to be confused. Before you were to speak he interrupted you, "I'm sorry that I made you feel like I'd be disappointed in you. As a parent I let you down. You should never feel like that." For such a scary intimidating man his words were gentle.

It only made you cry even more for his sincerity. He pulled out of the embrace and look you in the eyes with his one of a kind smile. "When do you present your art?"

You wiped the remaining tears away from your face feeling a new type of hope inside. "It's going to happen in a few weeks I suppose."

Vegeta ruffled your head, "I better be the first to see it."

You chuckled, "Of course."

-4 years later-

You grinned widely as you waved from the balcony of your house as you saw your guests. It's been over a year since you've seen any of them as you traveled to a new part of the world. It took years but you've finally managed to become well known around the world for all kinds of things you've created. Of course along with your first art show. 

However, you wouldn't of done it without the help of Vegeta. When you expressed your true feelings about your passion your father made sure everything went your direction for future success. Jumping down the balcony you quickly flew towards your family with open arms and we're immediately hugged to death.

Vegeta closed the car door before laying his eyes on you. Four years and you looked like a new person. He could tell you were extremely happy and whistled as he looked at the house. It was pretty big for one person but then again he was living in a house twice it's size.

"I can tell you're living a good life." He spoke and as you somehow managed to be released from your family's death hug you pulled your father into one.

"Dad! I missed you so much! How are you?!" You said with visible excitement.

Vegeta wrapped into his arms around you and a sense of nostalgia hit. It was these same arms that gave that warmth during the time you decided to be true to yourself. The saiyan even felt that same feeling and pulled you even closer. 

"I've been good and I missed you too. It has been a little quiet without Trunks and Bulla having someone to bicker with."

"Oh come now Vegeta we know it was especially lonely for you since you couldn't help your little girl paint her pictures." Bulma boasted which made Vegeta flush.

"I don't know what you're talking about you damn woman!"

"Really now? I remember when you'd go into (Y/n)'s room just to look at all the drawings you both made together." Bulla added which made both your mother and brother laugh.

Vegeta just crossed his arms, trying to keep his strong saiyan pride facade up. Despite his face being beet red from being exposed to his sensitive side. "Come on let's stop picking on dad before he throws a fit and leaves." Trunks said.

You just watched as your family interacted with Vegeta. It made you smile seeing how close everyone became. "We should definitely head inside, I have food on the table and it might get cold." You interjected before your siblings raced inside.

Bulma chuckled, "I'll meet you two inside. Don't take too long or it might be all gone." The woman then pulled you into another hug before walking towards the house.

"If it makes you feel any better I still have some of the drawings we made. I never trashed them."

Vegeta smiled as he wrapped an arm around your shoulder. "That's know you've made me proud you came so far."

You mimicked his smile as a thought came across your mind. "I'm glad, you know it's been a while but do you wanna race to the door. Last one has to treat everyone out for ice cream."

Vegeta pulled away from you and stretched. "I may have gotten older but that doesn't mean I won't beat you in a race. You're so on."

In the end it was a tie so you both had to split your shares. 

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